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Are there any magazines that deal with technologies for extending life (ranging from robotics, medical, and cryogenics)? Immortality through human means is an interest of mine. Thank you.

2007-03-14 03:11:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Alternative Other - Alternative

5 answers

If in the future machines have the ability to reason, be self-aware and have feelings, then what makes a human being a human being, and a robot a robot?
check these links,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research - JAIR
"journal for scientific papers covering all areas of artificial intelligence."
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS)
contains articles looking at the potential of computer simulation for addressing issues in the social sciences.
International Journal of Neural Systems (IJNS)
"information processing in natural and artificial neural systems." contains "contributions on all aspects of this broad subject involving Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Knowledge Discovery, Information Systems, Probabilistic Modeling, Cognitive Science, Physics and Engineering."
"interdisciplinary exploration of the nature of consciousness and its relation to the brain. material relevant to that exploration from the perspectives afforded by the disciplines of cognitive science, philosophy, psychology, physics, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence.
Electronic Transactions on Artifical Intelligence
Biological Procedures Online
"technical tips and reviews of new and established research techniques as well as papers extending the understanding of existing methods or their applications."
"It informs about recent trends and technologies used in electrical industry and tries to explain their principles. ----
CNI News
"reflections on the cultural and political implications of contact with other intelligent life."
Physiological Genomics

2007-03-14 21:28:59 · answer #1 · answered by Byzantino 7 · 3 0

An interesting field I studied once was dealing with mind transfer. The human consciousness is uploaded via cables onto the memory banks of a computational device. Here we reside in what is known as a virtual reality or "Matrix".This would be a programmed environment in which we could interact within until we are downloaded into the brain of a new human or remain in the virtual reality. Doing this could possibly serve a potential path to immortality by just transferring our "inner-self" and leaving all physical trouble we experience behind. Of course no technology exists to do this right now, but who knows what the future will hold!

2007-03-14 18:55:38 · answer #2 · answered by Jarrad 2 · 0 0

If the consiousness can be moved from brain to computer, I'd want mind moved to some MMORPG game, so I could get the title "Ganking N00bs Forever" lol Only problem with slowly moving brain cells to digital chips is what would happen if something shorts out. Chips have a limited life, and their failures can cause data corruptions. The tin wiskers that form in the electronics of satellites have damaged or totally deemed the satelites dead. ESD and EMF as well as radiation is a problem. Living cells can cope and repair somewhat to radiation, electronic chips cant repair themselves. So lets say you die and you are transfered to an AI environment, and a short or EMF blast messed up 2 of your chips, and suddenly you have no idea of who your family was, where you came from or what your name was. Unles the data could be encoded into your biological DNA as a backup copy to load on a failure, also the machine keeping you"alive" would need electricity and function in a enviornment that 4 billion years from now, once the sun goes Red Giant, the earth is going to be hotter than Venus, not a nice place to have any sort of sensative computers running maintining peoples lives. Geneticly, Gene 19 I think it was contains information on how cells survive on after splitting into new cells, as time goes on, cells dont live as long and divide slower, and its something within Gene 19. The human genome is so huge and complex though, dont expect any genetic life extensions anytime soon. Some people against genetics claim that messing with DNA is interfering with morals, each person has their time on earth, and messing with the life clock thus has some people worried much like with cloning, that we are getting into stuff we should not be messing with.

2007-03-14 20:16:46 · answer #3 · answered by eternaldarkstar 2 · 0 0

I don't know of anything, but if you find out let me know. I keep telling people that I'm gonna live forever, I figure by the time I start getting 'old' they'll have nanotech and rejuvenation therapy!

"If you believe they put a man on the moon". Science Fiction is an incredible force...

2007-03-14 04:49:35 · answer #4 · answered by Nadine - Unity CEO 3 · 0 0

Need more info??? All you have to do is watch another episode of {THEGREATVANILLACREAM} rotating the ever changing sky {L.I.N.E.} in other words, listen to these immortal words: In the beginning was the word, and the word was with "G.O.D" and the word became flesh and dewlt among us.

2007-03-14 08:39:14 · answer #5 · answered by romaniascott 4 · 0 1

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