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This has been driving me mad for about a year.

I've been to the doctor's and sexual health clinics many times, but they never find anything serious, thank God, they just diagnose the same thing and send me away with Canesten everytime, but it always comes back.

I'm careful not to wear tight-fitting jeans or use perfumed soaps and follow all that advice but it always comes back.

I'm at my wit's end!

2007-03-14 02:46:58 · 13 answers · asked by heyjude 2 in Health Women's Health

13 answers

Try wearing skirts for a while and see if that makes any difference. Also I would advise you to wear only cotton panties as some synthetic fabrics can habour and encourage the germs that cause thrush. Cotton can be washed at a hot temperature which is better at destroying harmful bacteria.

I would recommend that you occaisonally bath with a handful of sea salt in your bath. Also try a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda when washing..really it is as good as anything.

Lay off the dairy products such milk yogurts etc., and eat more fresh leafy green vegetables such as cabbage and Kurly Kale.

Maybe trying dumping th duvet for a while and try cellular blankets instead. It could be something as simple as your body over heating that is causing the thrush.

I think if you follow this simple advice it will clear up before too long. Heres to a thrush free life.

Sorry to mention it... obviously you practice safe sex and it could be that you have a sensitivity to condoms.

2007-03-14 03:03:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Its possible you are allergic to canesten cream, my friend had this. Try the daktarin pessaries i use, i get them on prescription from my G.P. It doesnt sound like they are being very helpful with you so you might need to push. You can buy Daktarin cream but you need to get the treatment way up your vagina to get rid of it. I discovered that eating soft cheese set mine off so it could be something you eat too. Tea tre oil is a good natural remedy. Put a few drops on a tampon and insert for a couple of hours, do this for 2 or 3 days. Its perfectly safe as Tea tree can be used undiluted and i use this method, it does sting a little at first but this is normal. I got this advice from the woman in the health food shop. Thrush is very uncomfortable and i sympathise but try these things, dont use soap on your genitals AT ALL just plain water. If none of this works your G.P needs to be more forthcoming as there could be an underlying cause such as diabetes. Good luck, i hope this helps x
Sorry just re read your Q and i dont think its the canesten. Perhaps your not treating it long enough? You should use the pessaries for 5 days even when symptoms have eased to properly get rid. I think the pessaries would be helpful to you.

2007-03-14 03:05:46 · answer #2 · answered by British*Bird 5 · 1 0

Some women get thrush at every period due to the vaginal pH changes. If this is the case try using a pessary just at the onset of the period each month.

A more natural alternative is LIVE natural yogurt. As you period arrives by a pot, it must be live. Pop it in the fridge, make sure everyone knows it is yours! Twice a day during your period, dip a fresh tampon in the yogurt and insert in the usual way.

Live yogurt contains lactobacilli, the same bug that should live in your vagina. This but should fill 'all the space' and prevent colonisation with other organisms. If your body is failing to hang on to its lactobacilli this technique may keep them thriving.

2007-03-15 07:07:26 · answer #3 · answered by Dr Frank 7 · 0 0

natural yogurt on a tampax and inserted for a while will help lots. Are you not only treating yourself but also partner thrush can be carried to partner and if you treat yourself and then not him you will get it back. Men do not get same symptoms as we do if any at all.
Do you eat a lot of sugar or chocolate as this can cause thrush with a build up of yeast. Cut down on all sugar things will help a lot.
Cream is not enough you may also need the pesary that you insert as well.
You can buy a one off tablet from chemist that is also good.
It sounds to me as if it is to do with either sexual partner not been treated or sugar intake.

2007-03-14 08:13:04 · answer #4 · answered by momof3 7 · 0 0

Try using natural yoghurt. There are pills you can take to get rid of thrush aswell. If you dont like using the creams or pessaries then these are ideal. Ive used them a few times and my friend who is diabetic gets thrush quite a lot, and she says they work wonders for her too.

2007-03-14 06:49:50 · answer #5 · answered by fallenangel 4 · 0 0

I used to get it when I was given antibiotics for my jaw problem so whenever i was given them I'd get something for thrush it didn't work that well, I used to joke saying getting something for one end causes problems with the other I started to have baths with bicarbonate of soda in and one time even made a paste it stung only it did get rid of it. So every time I had to get antibiotics I would bathe with bicarb and have not had it for years. Even my doctor thought it was good.

2007-03-14 12:15:09 · answer #6 · answered by Bernie c 6 · 0 0

Visit the chemist and ask for a Diflucan oral tablet. Wonderful for thrush - and it works, although its a bit expensive. Good luck - it's a miserable thing.

2007-03-15 09:23:15 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

dont wear tights or tight trousers, use canesten duo its an oral tablet and a cream it works really quickly, dont have your baths too hot as it just irritates it! i suffer from it at the same time in my cycle every month, you must just be one of the unfortunate ones that suffers from it, its usually a hormone in balacement, well so my doc says!!

2007-03-17 09:55:57 · answer #8 · answered by kel lou 3 · 0 0

I was like you. I stopped thrush with a change on diet. Avoid food with yeast in it. eg bread, cakes & cut down on sugar. Don't feed the thrush with things it likes things like yeast & sugar.

2007-03-14 11:47:45 · answer #9 · answered by meko76 4 · 0 0

apparently natural yogurt works very well for thrush, although I dont know who discovered that or what they thought they were doing at the time!

2007-03-14 07:39:59 · answer #10 · answered by pepe..1 2 · 0 0

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