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How many agree that maybe Angelina is taking this a little far in that she called her own baby Shiloh a blob and basically admitted she was born into luxury so she felf more campassion for her adopted children than her own> Bradd Pitt blew up at these and his mother was less than thrilled
regarding the comment of her granddaughter.

Check out the link below for one of many, many articles on this


2007-03-14 02:36:37 · 29 answers · asked by TheatreFan 6 in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

29 answers

I think Angelina made that stupid comment about her own baby just to be on news again. Her comment of how unfortunate her adopted children were shows how brainless she is. Those children were adopted when they were less than 1 year old, so they never had a hard life. She could have said that if they had been adopted by the time they had been 7-8 years old and lived in their poor countries for some time. They were practically rich Americans since the time they were using diapers.

2007-03-14 02:43:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

Weather you agree or not the little one was born into luxury compared to the other two where they were born among civil wars famine and drought and Angelina is doing what millions of people around the world are doing just because she is "famous" dose not mean she is any different from anyone else and doesn't go through the same channels as everyone else. She also showed the children where they were born gives them a understanding of there culture and sets up Charity's in there name to raise awareness for that country and has houses in each of the countries so the family can go back when they want , i take my hat of to Angelia and Brad for what they are doing

2007-03-14 11:20:30 · answer #2 · answered by Angel 3 · 1 2

Does she really NEED any more publicity? C'mon, the moment the woman sneezes it's front page news. Look, whatever the reasons for her adopting, surely it's far better for any child to have a family, (famous or not) rather than living their years out in an orphanage or something, isn't it? Pffft, if she wants to adopt 200 kids, so what? Thats 200 fewer kids on the streets. Everyone is soooooo het up on why celebs adopt kids, surely if they have the money to provide a home, and the desire to do so, then who cares? No one complains when "nobodies" adopt foreign disadvantaged kids (in fact "nobodies" usually get praise) I think all these complaints are a bit petty, sorry.

Oh, and as for the "blob" comments, I used to call my daughter "chicken arms" when she was an infant, surprisingly, she's turned out ok, no mental scars from that. My nickname as an infant was "Maggot"....and I'm ok with it.

2007-03-14 02:46:00 · answer #3 · answered by lululaluau 5 · 2 2

Adopting one or 2 infants does no longer something to handle the genuine issues going on in impoverished international places. that's merely the celebs amassing infants and feeling like saviors while they are commonly sidestepping the regulations to acquire those infants. in my view, i might particularly stay in my very very own united states of america and way of existence and language than stay my existence as somebody's puppy. And wasn't Madonna investment the orphanage that Mercy replaced into residing in? If it replaced into such an horrific place and he or she replaced into investment it, what does that say approximately Madonna?

2016-10-02 02:36:12 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I would hope it wasn't publicity but it probably is or maybe she wants one or every race and colour to full fill the celeb status of having what you want just because you want it.
Have just read the link I don't think she should have kids of her own ever if thats how she feels, Thats quite an awful statement and comment she has made there, imagine how you would feel if you read that your mum had said that about you and had trouble with her feelings for you.
Very odd but then Jolie is a bit strange

2007-03-14 03:07:03 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I think it is just another case of celebs trying to make them selfs feel better, about going back to their multi million pound lives and preach to ordinary people like us who cannot have such an impact and do not have the bank account to match, take bob geldof and bono for instance?

2007-03-14 05:11:21 · answer #6 · answered by ? 6 · 1 0

ya know, ppl should really get over the statement "shiloh's a blob" -i called my daughter "baby beluga" and she turned out just fine, doesnt even hold it against me... she's not had an infant b4, they dont do much at first, ya know, and who cares, really, anyway? she's being real, her daughter was born into luxury, not poverty like the others. so, even if it's for publicity, again-who cares? at least these babes will be cared for much better than if not.

2007-03-14 02:45:59 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I think its for the love of children because she basicly lives in those poor countries trying to help out. And honestly i really doubt she would go on to baby number 4 for publicity. Babies need a lot of attention and love and I doubt anyone would do that for attention, shes already angelina jolie and got brad pitt. she doesnt need any more publicity.

2007-03-14 02:42:00 · answer #8 · answered by curious789 2 · 4 3

yes she said she felt more compassion for her adopted children , who doesn't feel for these kids born underprivileged ?

She said her daughter hadn't developed a personality yet and she had to be careful not to ignore her needs knowing she was born privileged ....
U have really misquoted whats being said ...
But if she wants to addopt more kids hell then let her , she can give them a much better life than they would have had ! More power to her for giving these kids a home and a better life !

2007-03-14 03:19:35 · answer #9 · answered by jizzumonkey 6 · 1 1

I'd like to think she's doing it for the love of the children, but you can't help but wonder if there is a hidden agenda with these celebrities.

2007-03-15 00:20:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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