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I know that sincerity must be genuine and to play at being something you are not is seen as false, but I am truly kind and thoughtful, considerate and polite, yet I seem to generate a aurora that people dislike immediately.
I used to try too hard and I figured that put people off, but I have long since stopped being so stressed and unhappy about it. Nontheless I would still like to be the sort of person people were drawn to.
Can anyone tell me what I may being doing wrong?

2007-03-14 02:20:54 · 3 answers · asked by Honey W 4 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

3 answers

it's all about perception. Generally others can sense when people are sort of aloof....Usually facial expression is the first giveaway.....
My daughter is very charismatic....she smiles alot and is always polite. She just has a Ora about her...she's very gabby

My son is a earthy sole....doesn't attract many friends.....he usually has this sort of neutral expression all of the time, yet people feel extremely uncomfortable around him. He's very quiet....

Between the two children my son is the gentler of the two, don't get me wrong....my daughter is a gentle person too.

I think that maybe you should enter a room / meet people with the light, funny, care free attitude and go from there....just remember no one needs fly by night friends.....true friendship takes time.....

2007-03-22 02:15:12 · answer #1 · answered by Odyssey 4 · 0 0

Not a pleasant situation to be in! People in general are selfish creatures...we care only about ourselves and our problems and our small insignificant worlds.
Show people that you are interested in them. Listen to their stories...but really listen, ask questions...and show a genuine interest. Thats probably the first step. Make them want to come back for more. Do not be 'too much' but yes, more importantly BE YOURSELF.
You might also be hanging around the wrong people. Try meeting new people from different walks of life and see what happens....
Beleive it or not, you probably are liked by alot of people, they might just think you don't like them.....think about it!
Keep smiling!

2007-03-14 02:30:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't think of what you are doing wrong, focus on what is important in this life.

I would say follow the simple rules, be generous with your laughter and above all be honest with those around you.

I always like to think that love and happiness are a measure of balance between compromise and compassion.

So be yourself, be good to others don't indulge in the typical teenage like behaviors of the common groups of friends.

Good luck and god bless.

2007-03-14 02:26:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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