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I know and i admit that i was and am a nerd in year 10. I do not have a girlfriend and have never had one. I come home from school and study and do homework and then dinner and ten bed. I rarely go out with friends, only in my free time, and I am not in the best shape, due to the lack of exercise. I think to myself why is life so unfair. I see boys in my school who don't care about school, they life life to the fullest. They have a social life, they go to parties, they have billions of friends, they go out all the time. They are fit and have 6 packs. I feel jealous sometimes. They don't have to work hard, study and do so much work all the time, they spend all their time socializing, having girlfriends, and having fun. But what about people like me, we work hard every day of the week, but we don't have so much of a social life, because we don't get time. Why is it so unfair.They don't do anything, and have a life which is fun at the fullest but we have a boring life. SO what do we get?

2007-03-14 01:29:45 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

1 answers

Trust me, hard work pays off. Todays nerds are tomorrow's millionaires. If you look at the biggest successes in business, they were all nerds. These guys that are popular and don't have to work hard go into later life with a handicap- they don't know what hard work is, so they eventually fall behind.

There is balance, though. You should (at least) learn to take care of yourself so you'll live longer and stay healthier. You'll need time later in life to enjoy your financial successes.

2007-03-14 01:34:40 · answer #1 · answered by wizbangs 5 · 2 0

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