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Superstitions are like the soul's comfort food, especially for performers.

Do you know any Performer's Superstition?
Let's make this something that revolves around performers, public speakers etc.
Perhaps one's personal regime? If you're a performer - athlete/actor/dancer/musician/public speaker/ singer/something else do you have any practices?

One of the fun parts here would also be trying to grope for our rational excuses.
It would be lovely if we could hear how your rituals/traditions began.

And this is just for the fun of it, our irrationalities and all.
Cheers, all.

(Perhaps I'll post a different question for taking tests and other things...)

2007-03-14 01:11:50 · 1 answers · asked by ficklefeather 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

1 answers

that big baritone Pavarotti likes to find a loose nail on the stage before he gets on to sing.... weird. "hey fred.. don't forget to put a nail where that big blowhorn can find it" haha

2007-03-14 01:17:49 · answer #1 · answered by ♥lois c♥ ☺♥♥♥☺ 6 · 0 0

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