I think the best thing to do would be to come clean and tell this girls aprents. Only they will tell you what they think and what they plan to do. Why were you having unprotected sex at such an age anyway? There are bigger things to worry about than going to jail... what about the fact that you are ging to be a parent when you are a child yourself? You are going to need support of your parents and the girls parents. I would tell them as soon as possible and then you can all sit down and figure out where to go now.
2007-03-13 19:54:37
answer #1
answered by Kris 2
Maybe you used the wrong phrase when you said that 'they can buy an apartment' but you meant they could rent an apartment. Apartment rent needs to be paid every month and you don't own anything but the right to stay in the apartment that month. It can seem very crowded with an infant but mostly, the cost of housing is expensive.
Having money and working doesn't say much: there are a tremendous amount of expenses with a family and if the girl decides to work also, she is going to be exhausted from taking care of the baby and working and most if not all of her money is going to go to the cost of child care. The best friends to have in this situation are the girls and the boyfriend's parents. The legal questions are going to be answered differently from state to state and again, the parents will know what is legal and what is not.
2007-03-17 19:25:09
answer #2
answered by kathyw 7
A couple of things here.
First, the boyfriend can be in trouble just for having sex even if the girl does not get pregnant. It's called 'statutory rape' and is based on the concept that a person under a certain age does not have the capacity to give consent to something like having sex. The age differs in each state.
Second, the parents wouldn't take him to court, so to speak. They would file a complaint with the police, the police would investigate and if enough evidence was found, turn it over to the prosecuting attorney who would then decide whether or not to press charges for statutory rape (depends a lot on the morals and values of the community in which you live in to be honest).
Third, you are not going to get an apartment being underage, again on the concept that someone under a certain age does not have the capacity to consent to a legal arrangement such as a lease. Landlords who are willing to rent to you will be taking a big risk (as you could say the lease is NOT VALID and not pay) and you are taking a risk in that the only folks who are going to rent to you are probably slum lords who play loose and fast with the law.
Finally, there is one thing that *may* forestall a police action--marriage. If you can get your parent's consent to a marriage, in some states this negates the statutory rape claims.
2007-03-14 03:29:02
answer #3
answered by apleyden 5
Yes. It's called Statutory Rape and the young man could end up as a registered sex offender for life. Even if it was consentual sex, it was not between 2 consenting adults (key word being adults). In the eyes of the law, she is not old enough to give consent. It is not an easy thing to go through but, that is why the two should have waited until both were of legal age.
A few years ago, in my state, a young man inpregnated his girlfriend and both were tried and convicted on charges and were fined and spent time in jail. This was because the girl's parents pushed the issue based upon laws that were written many years ago.
I am not trying to scare you but, to give you the facts so that hopefully these two young people can make an educated choice. If the deed has not yet been done, it would be wise to wait.
As for buying an apartment, (yes to the first answerer who showed his own stupidity, apartments can be bought in many cities across the country) this would only serve to compound the matter. The parents can also charge the young man with kidnapping in this situation. The only alternative would be if the girl was an emancipated minor and generally to become one, she would have to sue her parents. My advice would be to wait. It may seem like forever but, it is slightly over 2 years away and she may be glad she did.
2007-03-14 01:04:07
answer #4
answered by dadof7n2001 4
Im only 19, so i can say this, since being young an close to age. The boy is not of age just yet. So no prblems there. But being 15 going on 16 wanting to have a kid. Wow... It sounds just like me when i was that age, but now im glad i havnt had a child yet. Its so much to learn before having a child. Me being on my own for almost a year now is hard. An i have a great Job making 9.50/hr w/ 40+hrs a wk. An that still doesnt pay the bills, an i dont live the high life at all, not even close to it. So i could only imagine of a child. Please re-think this topic. You might want to also speak to your parents about it. He cant get into trouble just yet until he turns 18, then thats another story in its self....
Good Luck!!
2007-03-14 01:50:43
answer #5
answered by courtney m 2
First of all what or who is pregNATE? As for the rest of it...the girl's parents MIGHT be able to put the boy into juvinile detention...But I doubt it. And getting an apartment...well then that would emancipate them both and they BOTH will be responsible for paying the rent and all the other bills that come with living on their own including the expenses of doctor bills BEFORE the birth and the hospital bills and doctor bills that will come AFTER the birth. I'm SURE the boyfriend doesn't have that kind of money because it a few thousand dollars just to give birth let alone the 10 months prior to birth and the at least 18 years after. Sounds to me like neither one of these kids are very mature and in no way were they ready to have sex to begin with...Ah well...they'll just have to grow up and become accountable now.
2007-03-13 20:33:03
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The boy can be charged with statutory rape by the local prosecutor, regardless of what the girl or her parents want. Hopefully, the court will then make an intelligent decision about whether the interests of the girl and society are best served by sending him to jail for 10 or 20 years or by his working and supporting his baby (which does NOT mean simply moving in together and continuing to have sex and make babies).
2007-03-14 04:32:10
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Neither one is of legal age. So I would say no on the going to jail. Most real estate managers will not rent out to underage children. They will need an adult on the paper work or wait until he turns 18. The father to be is working as soon as he hits legal age of 18 he can be liable for child support. Until then his parents may be responsible for it. The girlfriends involvement of keeping him out of jail no, there is little to nothing that she could do, I really doubt that he would be facing jail being underage him self. Just keep in mind lawsuits almost anything goes these days expect the unexpected.
2007-03-13 20:02:29
answer #8
answered by Kari K 3
both kids are minor children...if she conceived when he was under 18 and so was she, then they are both immune from prosecution unless that was another problem like rape. If they were both willing...the other matter that may come up is that the girls parents may sue the boys parents for money to take care of the baby, and after he turns 18, he would then be liable for child support unless they get married or something...
no one will let you rent unless you are over 18 and can sign a contract legally....
good luck
2007-03-14 02:35:27
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
"The girl" (you) can get an abortion. Period. Then stop having sex until you're 30. Seriously. The last thing this world needs is another idiot. And having 2 parents who are clearly retarded only sets this poor kid up for being retarded himself. Get a clue. Get on birth control and have your boyfriend wear a rubber if you MUST have sex. What can you POSSIBLY give this baby? And dont say love. You dont know what love is. And you dont know what it means to take care of a baby. What kind of money can a 17 year old BOY have, anyway? You are the reason my taxes are so freakin' much.
2007-03-13 20:51:49
answer #10
answered by Starry 4