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i need to know how the biological distinction of an organism is affected by its environment? ASAP

2007-03-13 18:07:02 · 3 answers · asked by scyther g 1 in Science & Mathematics Biology

3 answers

An organism's environment can affect it in many different ways depending largely on the type of organism. A houseplant, for example, will grow towards the sunlight from a window it is near. If the plant's environment is changed by rotating it, it will respond by changing the direction it is growing towards.
What you may be asking, however, is how a species' environment affects its nature. Species change, or evolve, over time through the mechanism of natural selection. Over time, species adapt to their environments to be more likely to survive and pass on genetic code to their offspring. Peppered moths, for example, adapted to a darkening in the color of trees in England (caused by pollution) by becoming darker themselves, thereby being more camouflaged from predators.

2007-03-13 18:38:19 · answer #1 · answered by Brent 2 · 0 0

I'm not too sure about the wording of the question, but if you are asking about environmental influences upon the phenotype of the individual:

The genes may say that the organism may turn out one way, but the environment may influece the organism to turn out very differently.

For example: the genes may specify a certain height and leaf size that are possible for a tree, but the tree experiences environmental influences that cause it to turn out differently:
overcrowding, poor soil, no rain, herbicide, physical damage,....

The genes may specify that a person has a certain intelligence, but the environmental influences cause it to turn out differently: no intellectual stimulation, disease, accident, malnutrition, ....

2007-03-13 18:13:55 · answer #2 · answered by ecolink 7 · 0 0

I believe we should try and balance the world not deplete it. Should we just keep acting like its not a problem until we start dieing from starvation and disease because there is no place left to plant our crops or enough space to live. It is hard to ignore the worlds population growth our race has the biggest impact on earth should we balance the earth or destroy it and ourselves because of our ignorance I'm 15 and that may not mean alot but that's how i see it

2016-03-28 22:34:39 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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