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Ok well my friend is 16 and she has barely lost her virginity to her boyfriend and since then they have done it for a couple of times now (In like the bigining of this month). And her period usually comes around like in the middle of the month or towards the end (like in the 20th). But she is worried that maybe in a way she might be pregnant or she wonders if she is going to get her period around the usual time or would it change to where she might miss it and make her think she is pregnant. Also her and herboyfriend havent been using a condom but she says that he has taken it out before he even cums inside her. So can anyone help?

2007-03-13 17:35:22 · 5 answers · asked by any 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

Oh and she says that lately she has been getting headaches evryday but only once a day...and because of that it kind off makes her think she is pregnant but i dont think so.

2007-03-13 17:37:40 · update #1

5 answers

Ok, yea, you do need some help.

Couple of things:

1) 'Pulling Out Doesn't Work!' There is a thing called precum that comes out before any orgasm and it is capable of causing a pregnancy. It looks like it works in porn movies, but those women are all on the pill so just scratch that option from the list.

2) Her period could be moved around by recently having sex for the first time, but she will need to still give herself a pregnancy test if she is 2 weeks late. If that is negative, she can wait another week and take another test, and also consult a doctor or a health care professional for some advice.

3) 16. Having sex with a 16-year-old is a crime in many states. Yea, it's called Statutory Rape. You will need to check but this guy, especially if he is over 18, can get in a load of trouble.

4) Sex-ed, Sex-ed, Sex-ed. If you are too embarassed to research it, you are not old enough to be having sex. Plain and simple. In fact, the first test for this woman should be to walk into a store and buy a box of condoms. Look the clerk straight in the eye when she does so. It is clear that she needs a great deal more information about the physical and medical parts of having sex (and I would also think the emotional aspects as well).




2007-03-14 04:32:33 · answer #1 · answered by apleyden 5 · 1 1

Hes hung like a baby......what does he take out before he comes inside her? poor English abounds all over anyways.
tell her to MAKE HIM WEAR A CONDOM or no sex if he's a real man (cough cough boy cough) he'll wear one out of respect for her wishes and if not it really isn't worth it to him. as for the pregnancy thing wait until your late go to wal-mart and get a test (after your late not before) and find out if she's messed up. Did i mention MAKE HIM WEAR A CONDOM there are to many std's out there that you or him wont even know about until its to late. 1 sperm just 1 in a drop of pre C*m can get her pregnant so tell here to not practice the withdrawal or "pull out" method it will just be a matter of time before shes prego using that method. and since shes active now birth control would help (not a substitute for a condom, more like backup)

2007-03-13 23:35:29 · answer #2 · answered by donaldjasonblair 4 · 0 0

Go buy a test, Stress can cause periods to be late, or very very late, if this is basicly here first time, it could be stress related, best to get a test

2007-03-14 11:50:26 · answer #3 · answered by Brendan 1 · 0 1

merely my 2 youngsters...till they're 18. I provide them a definite quantity of freedom, yet no longer too plenty. they're nonetheless little. I enable them to be themselves, yet i do no longer enable them to be disrespectful or unfavorable. and that i pay the charges and purchase the clothing so as that they placed on wth I tell them to.

2016-12-14 18:39:28 · answer #4 · answered by claypoole 4 · 0 0

How do you "Barely lose your virginity?"

2007-03-13 21:40:06 · answer #5 · answered by kerrisonr 4 · 0 1

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