They won't doing anything out of the normal to you. Eleven years old isn't that young to start your period. I was eleven and didn't even go to the gyno till I was 14
2007-03-13 17:30:42
answer #1
answered by luckee 2
probably nothing, worst case scenario, they give you a pap smear, but I didn't get my first pap until I was 18, and I started having my period around 11.
If the period is extremely long (5 days or longer) and heavy then you might talk to a doctor about what you can do to lessen it, birth control also serves to reduce your period, lessen its effects (cramps, flow, etc.) and regulates it.
2007-03-14 00:23:32
answer #2
answered by Fae Noisiv 3
They won't do anything "to" you, aside from the standard physical exam. Once a female begins menstruating, it is recommended that she see a gynocologist either when she begins to have sex, or turns 18, whichever comes first. Hopefully your doctor will make sure you are educated about your menstrual cycle, and answer any questions you may have.
2007-03-14 00:22:00
answer #3
answered by Veruca Salt 6
hello there.....i saw your question......but i dont get it. you say u had ur period at 11.....okay.....then why u want to see a doctor? are you sick or having illness from ur period...? but if u want to see a doc....they will ask ask ur previous period date so that the doc will know that ur period comes regularly and normal.....if they found out that ur period doesnt comes regularly, they will chek u and give u some medicine to make ur period comes regularly.......dont be afraid.....sometimes they do take scan of ur uterus to check if theres any growth inside.....i have been to the age 12 or 13, cause my period doesnt come i'm okay......dont worry!
2007-03-14 00:39:01
answer #4
answered by laven 1
You need to be more specific. What kind of doctor and why are you going?
2007-03-14 00:20:51
answer #5
answered by RadTech - BAS RT(R)(ARRT) 7
i started my period when i was 11
and they didnt do anything
all they did was ask and charted it down
they didnt do anything else
2007-03-14 00:22:01
answer #6
answered by ~Shannon~ 2
the doctor can't do anything all girls get there period. it is normal
2007-03-14 00:24:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
they wont do any check ups, but like when ur older like i think 16 u will get a pelvix exam .. i didnt get one yet
2007-03-14 00:21:52
answer #8
answered by angel_93 2
It depends.
2007-03-14 01:11:37
answer #9
answered by US Cutie 3
nothing that seems normal to me
2007-03-14 00:21:14
answer #10
answered by Samantha 6