Yes I am. Liberalism to me means a lot of things that people gladly accept--Black people can vote, they can buy houses where they want if they have the money, it means Social Security and Medicare, it means you respect the Constitution's protections for individual rights, it means you invest in the society--yes, you spend money on things like education and health care and health research and basic science and yes you even pay taxes to support it all because it pays off BIG TIME!!! I could go on and on. Conservatives listen to drug addled fools like Limbaugh and believe his drug induced delusions when he says liberals believe in supporting terrorists for example. Really, even tho I am a liberal and believe in free speech it has been so abused by professional liars like Faux News and the radio industry that shutting them all down is a necessity if this country is ever going to amount to anything again.
2007-03-13 17:01:23
answer #1
answered by jxt299 7
peacedev, it obviously must be taken into consideration as to motive. The term follow the money always has meaning.
Do not discount the fact that many of the 'scientists' who are proponents of the evils of anthropogenic pollutants, get paid by someone too. So you must take that into consideration as well if you really want to be objective.
Now when someone says hey, that scientist that said Greenland ice shelfs were melting at such and such a rate was only measuring data from one area of Greenland where its melting the most and ignored that in the rest of that country its not nearly as bad as where he measured....
does it matter if an oil company funded a guy who was researching the data that the other scientist is pushing?... a fact ( that the proponents of global warming are cherry picking their data to show what they want to show ) is a fact.
Does it matter to you that the IPCC said a few years ago that the sea level would rise approx 36 inches due to ice melting, then in re-analyzing their data decided that maybe 17 inches was more accurate?
Does being off on your data by that drastic of an amount not concern you enough to say .. hey before we make any hasty decisions we should take a thorough comprehensive look at this.
Does the data that perpetuated the allegation that anthropogenic Co2 emissions were 150 times greater than volcanic Co2 emissions being found as being off by almost as great of a degree not concern you as well?
Yes I am tired of people telling me what to believe. How about you?
2007-03-13 17:18:41
answer #2
answered by sociald 7
Not really, I just ignore them, because they don't know what they are talking about. Sometimes it does annoy me, if I am in a certain mood, but most of the time I just laugh to myself, and say things like you're an idiot or other more colorful words to that effect. Of course, they can't hear me laughing at them, and calling them names, because I am here in the privacy of my home, basically talking to my computer screen. I might occasionally write something along those same lines, but most of the time I just talk to the computer screen.
I have to add that I do agree with Romare, that the divisions in our country is making things much worse. We need to unite, and stand together against a common enemy. The Problem is that we don't all agree about who the real enemy is, and so there is dissension, which makes it easier for the real enemy....the Globalists... to further their agenda!
2007-03-13 17:24:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
And they are so sure. They just look stupid. But think of it this way. The more they do that stuff the stupider they look and that can't help but benefit the Democrats next year. 2008 the year of the Democratic landslide. This may work out like1964 when landslide Lyndon Johnson defeated Barry Goldwater by a landslide and not only did the Democrats win the Whitehouse but scored big in Congress too.
2007-03-13 17:01:21
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Yes! The polarization of our citizens is so bad that if you have one opinion that disagrees with someone else's, they immediately hurl epithets at you. It's kind of pitiful, really, because most of us have a variety of opinions: we may be rather conservative on one issue and rather liberal on another. Very few people fit into tiny, rigid stereotypes--at least, not if you're a thinking person.
And I feel that until we start to become more united and find our common ground--which we have a lot of--we won't be able to start solving our country's problems.
2007-03-13 17:16:58
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I became a liberal because I got tired of being told that Jesus is a Republican, and that if you vote Democrat, you will go to hell. Perhaps this explains why the Republicans lost the last election so badly. A lot of people got tired of being dictated to by a minority of cowardly neocons, that want every body else to fight in Iraq, but they won't. But then again, at least the current President kept his promise and did not have sex in the White House.
OIF II Vet, March 2004 to March 2005.
2007-03-13 17:08:48
answer #6
answered by ProLife Liberal 5
Yesterday's statement on torture suggested a new determination on the part of the evangelical churches to detach themselves from the Republican party and stake their independence - even if it is from a position more traditionally associated with the left
The left is told here in this statement that they were the first against torture. I guess they got me pegged.
2007-03-13 16:58:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Tired of being told I believe no one should ever have to work for a living, and that I'm a Satan-worshipping terrorist who hates America?
Why, whatever do you mean?
2007-03-13 18:41:15
answer #8
answered by tehabwa 7
Yea it's sad that so many people here, are so full of themselves that they think that they are never wrong.
A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.
John F. Kennedy
2007-03-13 17:10:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
A better question is aren't the liberals tired of TELLING everyone what they should or should not believe?
2007-03-13 20:04:52
answer #10
answered by saq428 6