Global warming is a joke.
Why Is Al Gore Spreading Lies?;_ylt=AphSJLAui7H6OKqH6NgIblwjzKIX?qid=20070301095528AAIsY27
1) 6,000 years ago, the earth was hotter than it is today. 6,000 years is less than a second when compared with the age of the earth.
2) Temperatures dropped in the 1950's and 1990's when CO2 levels were increasing.
3) 140,000 years ago the earth had record CO2 levels and there were no gasoline powered cars.
4) 20,000 years ago, Canada was one big ice cube and half of the U.S. was covered with Ice. The grand canyon was formed by melting ice ages over 20 million years.
5) The temperature of the Earth has only increased by 0.65 of a degree in the last 110 years. There were faster increases in temperatures around 10,000 years ago and there were no gasoline powered cars during that time
7) NASA has said that great temperature changes are normal. Just 10,000 years ago, the earth warmed up extremely in less than 20 years. There were not many people around at that time.
"Rapid changes between ice ages and warm periods (called interglacials) are recorded in the Greenland ice sheet. Occurring over ONE OR TWO DECADES, the warming of the Earth at the end of the last ice age "
8) NASA scientific data has shown most of the changes of temperature are due to changes in the Sun. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all have global warming right now
9) Also, strong hurricanes are normal. Hundreds of years ago, they used to sink ships off of the coast of Florida.
10) THIS GLACIER DIDN'T EXIST 7,000 YEARS ago. And that was after the Ice Age.
"A few thousand years ago, there were no glaciers here at all"..."Back then we would have been standing in the middle of a forest",1518,357366,00.html
Russian Expert Predicts Global Cooling from 2012
2007-03-13 16:42:14
answer #1
answered by a bush family member 7
Considering that the global temperature has only risen by about .06% over the past hundred years, I will have to go with President Bush on this one.
I remember in the early 80's that the whine of the time was global cooling.
But, you can always do what the whack job Gore does. Own an over sized house, fly in private jets, be chauffeured around in armored SUV's and limos, all while condemning others that do those things because you buy your conscience clean with "green points".
2007-03-13 16:50:59
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I believe Sen Byrd was instrumental in killing the Kyoto accords before Bush came to power .
While W wasn't about to sign the Kyoto accord, the accords never even made it to his desk .
It was killed by the special interest and the coal lobby ( BTW ) Sen Byrd of West Virginia is the pushing the idea of clean coal .
That might be a good place to start with why Kyoto protocol wasn't passed oh and Canada wants out of this accord .
Oh and for those who think carbon credits are the answer .
What about SO2 Emmisions ( You remember Sulfure Dioxide emmisons are causing acid rain )
Why isnt any takng about this .
2007-03-13 16:52:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I guess you should have included the stupid, the illiterate, and the brainwashed as there seems to be a good many of them that answered your question..... Of course I can fully understand why they don't believe in it. I was listening to the Sean Hannity show one day and he had a guy on that wrote a book about why there was NO global warming issue. The man was an "economist". That made a lot of sense. An economist writing a book about global warming. That brings up the old "fish out of water" analogy. Or just a observation about how stupid and gullible these people are.
2007-03-13 16:57:10
answer #4
answered by truth seeker 7
Global warming and cooling is a way of life for our good earth. Man's arrogance never fails to amaze me. By the way, how many ice ages (and warming cycles) have we had in the last million years?
2007-03-13 16:56:12
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Let me see, I am on this planet and I know Gore is a pathological liar! This Earth takes care of itself and doesn't need our help.
As mighty as we think we are, the Sun controls the climate on this Earth not us.
Mount St Helen spewed out more pollutants in one eruption than man has in all the time we have been here combined.
Idea, let's start capping volcanoes shall we?
An Inconvenient Truth is actually a very convenient lie, told by the master of lies himself.
By the way, a consensus is an opinion, neither based on fact nor science. It is a group agreeing to see things one way, right or wrong
2007-03-13 16:50:00
answer #6
answered by Kye H 4
""Almost all European nations have signed a pact to do what they can (research, pass laws, etc.) to reduce global warming. ""
36 nations signed on to Kyoto. Only Two ( count em.. TWO ) nations are actually reducing their Co2 emissions as to the Kyoto goal. ( UK and Sweden btw ).
Some of the countries who have 'signed a pact' as you put it have INcreased their emissions as much as 25% ...
while the USA, who didnt sign on to this nonsense .. has reduced its Co2 emissions in spite of not participating in this pact ( which is just really another attempt at redistribution of wealth via pollution credits via the Kyoto protocol )
Get your facts straight... then come play.
2007-03-13 16:46:38
answer #7
answered by sociald 7
That is because the internet is saturated with the so-called fake opinions of so-called scientists funded by moneyed oil, energy, and conservative think-tank agencies.
For every website and name that you encounter, try source watch.
You will find most of your information in books. Try renting a copy of "Trust us We're Experts" paying particular attention to the chapter entitled "Global Warming is Good for You"
Here are some sponsored sites, but a type in of "global warming" on google will give you plenty of sites on both sides. Be careful of the anti-global warming sites, most of them are funded by those sources I mentioned above, but do much of your research in that book I suggested. It is by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton.
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2007-03-13 16:50:58
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Why 30 years ago were we heading into a global ice age? Why can't my local weatherperson be correct when (S)He said the weather will be foul tomorrow? Yet you say they KNOW what the weather will be 30+ years down the line.
Clinton choose not to sign also! & Gore was His VP.
2007-03-13 16:49:37
answer #9
answered by viablerenewables 7
He truly is fearless to proceed with this government's policy in the face of its insanity.
It is surely insane to base an economy (and plan to keep doing so) on the creation of a filthy planet, bombing innocents, and threatening to bomb more innocents.
2007-03-14 09:45:23
answer #10
answered by Anonymous