You sound like an anarchist. I understand that you feel that no one should rule over another. That is a beautiful concept in theory. Unfortunately in practice anarchy always leads to despotism. For if there is no law and order the strong will always subjugate the weak. All types of government eventually become corrupt and will eventually fall. Under the worst circumstances Anarchy ensues always followed by despotism, followed by revolution with reform. Then they become institutionalized, then corrupt then in turn despotic. Thus is the cycle of human attempts at government. Perhaps if there will be a time when humanity looses its barbaric nature, and as a whole becomes truly enlightened, or maybe if Christ is real and returns.
2007-03-13 16:20:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
?peacedevi may have sumthin there dstrPlzUzeMhi eml We gotta make it to '08/'09 changing of the guard.. what I fear that NWO/Bshe/zionistNaziElitists might pull another 911 had 2 rule out suitcaseMiniNuke in say Chi/St.L/ maybe Seattle, thats far from D.C. Slimebags.. but wouldnt Radio actve dust? get into Jet Stream, Swell lets pizzOff700 Zillion Chinese.. Please Do TAKE Notice !!.. dont know much of Antrax scare(traced back to U.S.Army/or Those pesky terusts.. My Highly Educated Diagnosis ?? These Self-Elected Fasciasts could a Squat Less about people of This(Or ANYOTHER) Nation or its Constitution < Does NOT apply/is of NO USE to their Agenda... Rumblings of this Bird Flu crap Wonder if "THEY" are Cookin up a Big Batch. I have little knowledge(Just Added to my TO Do LIST) of effects of B-F Signs,remedies.. I Know ONE DAMN Thing FOR SURE !! DO NOT GET ANY INJECTIONS from COUNTY, Fed, STATE , GOVT. as a watta ya call it ? a defence, antidote/ You KNOW ! like to Ward-Off Bird-flu. REFUSE Shots/Injections... DO NOT for ANY Reason Give UP Your WEAPONS. . PROTECT YOU FAMILY KEEP All Firearms, Tanks, F-15,s etc.. Close by.. Help Defend and Protect The U.S. Constitution. AT ALL COSTS !!
2007-03-14 00:07:52
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Right about the time the world ends.
2007-03-13 23:20:44
answer #3
answered by The Man from Nowhere 3
They won't fall, exactly, just be quietly done away with, or will have morphed into something that works.
It will take 2 or 3 centuries, I'm afraid.
2007-03-14 00:41:17
answer #4
answered by tehabwa 7
When Jesus comes back.
Governments, of whatever nature, are an inextricable part of society and civilization. Even as modern as we are, in the end, we do all need each other to survive, except for rare birds who are able to survive in the wild, hunt their own food, make their own clothes, etc...
2007-03-13 23:09:30
answer #5
answered by peacedevi 5
When little fairies fly away . The cow jumps over the moon. and now it's bed time for you. Good night
2007-03-13 23:12:19
answer #6
answered by 1st Buzie 6
Anarchy fails on so many levels.
Do you want to on the business end of my shotgun?
2007-03-13 23:08:21
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
right after the nuclear winter
2007-03-13 23:07:45
answer #8
answered by dstr 6
You best hope and pray it never happens.
2007-03-13 23:09:05
answer #9
answered by producer_vortex 6