I think Edge is going to leave in the middle of the match like the pu$$y he is in every match they have together as tag team partners or being at ringside. Leave Orton to fend for himself and maybe come back and beat up Orton while he's down. You can never trust Edge, I would have more trust in HBK than him.
2007-03-13 15:16:10
answer #1
answered by hawkhead91 3
I think bobby lashley might spear randy orton and pick up a win. After that Edge will come in and give another spear to Orton. He then talks about how Edge got Orton's back, but orton told him off and then tries to spear him one last time and succeeds. Next week on raw, edge has a match but loses because randy orton rko'ed him.
2007-03-13 16:37:50
answer #2
answered by beijingrocks! 5
no....Edge and Orton will be rivals but i don't know who's gonna be the Face and who's gonna be the Heel....i think edge will deliver a Spear but it will not connect!!! Orton will Counter his traitor move to an RKO for Edge....after that Orton will leave Edge Defenceless!!! and Edge will challenge Orton to a match maybe at Raw...then it's Edge's time to humiliate Orton after the match....that's what i think about it...
2007-03-13 16:41:25
answer #3
answered by Cult Of Personality 5
I think he is gonna screw orton over because of how edge is acting and is not wrestling because he is waiting 4 the MITB match and orton and edge r both in it so edge wants to get orton thrown out any chance he gets.
2007-03-13 15:16:00
answer #4
answered by cheetahgurl_94 2
i think edge will try to help his help being a spear will miss its target and hit orton then lashley hits the powerslam
edge tries to help orton up next thing u know he strikes with the rko
2007-03-13 15:09:39
answer #5
answered by random at its finest 6
edge is going to spear orton for sure. orton has no chance. edge is kissing mcmahons butt like orton said. good luck.
2007-03-13 15:07:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No, he is going to screw orton and walk off with that annoying smile.
2007-03-13 15:08:08
answer #7
answered by RETIRED 6
Yeah I think that Edge is going to pin Orton .... I SOOOOOO HOPE HE DOES ORTON IS GAY !!!!!!!!!!
2007-03-13 15:09:55
answer #8
answered by C 2
i dont think he has his back at all but randy knows what he is doing i hope.
2007-03-13 15:08:45
answer #9
answered by WILD 4 RKO 5
How come you guys predict who is gonna win when its all just acting.... So stupid
2007-03-13 15:08:32
answer #10
answered by pville_panthers 2