An attack on Iran will cause unrest, instability, more war on American soil...and econical unrest world wide and don't think we will have it so good. We are a nation that is in much debt by the likes of China out of all countries. We owe much and what will happen if China decides to pull the plug and or if China and Russia team up and attack this nation at our most vulnerable hour. We are not as strong and mighty as we think. Who will come and help then since we have created so many enemies. Who will care when we are not as rich, no one.
If we go to war with Iran, you can best believe that the draft will be right around the corner!!! So those that support George Bush, get ready to lick your combat boots clean and serve, even if you are a person in your late 30's and maybe even 40. If you think you will sit home comfortably while someone else's kid if fighting these wars you are blindly mistaken.
Our respect as a nation is at an all time low. Hear what others are saying about this nation and her policies. People, normally friendly to America all around the world now hate the U.S.A . We have lost our respect and integrity (i.e. raping Iraqi girls, raping men in prison, abusing children in prison in front of their parents , of yes these things are happening) . And for those Bible thumpers who think you will be ruptured in , well you will be ruptured into hell for electing George Bush for the wrong reasons and knowing about the child molesters in his camp and saying nothing, and doing nothing .
We will surely not win favor by God by attacking and plundering each nation we step foot into in the name of Democracy, which is a total lie. Israel wants us to attack Iran, because they feel Iran is a threat to them, just as Iraq was deemed a threat of Israel not America- who is dying in the end?
This is all the makings of a New World Order, where power and tyranny is at the helm of evil leaders and groups like the CFR, PNAC and Neo Cons.
God Save us from this evil-Amen
2007-03-13 15:58:49
answer #1
answered by Introspective Girl 4
It would take a bad guy out.
Now Iran attacking could start it.
2007-03-13 15:39:20
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It will cause the Armageddon, but only on Iran, the rest of the world will remain the same..☺
2007-03-13 16:25:55
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Or will the lack of an attack allow Armageddon to happen? I don't know the answer but perhaps it is just fate either way. The one thing that is clear is that the cause will be hate
2007-03-13 15:06:56
answer #4
answered by gatzap 5
If Iran is attacked, it would not be Armageddon but if they had just one nuke and landed it on Israel, then you can bet ALL HECK would break loose in the entire middle east.
2007-03-13 15:09:55
answer #5
answered by Wayne 3
The actual Armageddon no but the beginning of one is just around the corner thanks to the idiots in charge!
2007-03-13 14:55:01
answer #6
answered by Williamstown 5
there will be no attack
but if there was yeah
thats the neo con messianic plan man
rev-elation , the mass hysteria , they are feeling it so close yet so far
but satan the deciever planted the deceit in thier hearts
planted a faulse god
a veil [evil/vile veil ] that hates love ;
gods is love /life
light reason truth life
ie god realised in every living moment
the living god living live now [in this live realmtime moment]
satan is death /war darkness , evil /vile veil ing the true god behind his own evil ,his hassty judgments
the highest betrayal of man would be in the slaughter of armygeddon [satans ultimate highest glory [gore-y]
satan from the beginning twisted gods words
didst god say indeed
god didnt say to eve [her brother /husband did]
who could have given the fathers grace to his wife under the laws of mosus both as a brother and a husband /father
eve first born of man is holy [as are the first born of beasts is holy]
satan decieved eve /noah/job/mosus even tried to con-found the son of man
satan is the least who yet is greater than the baptiser
but deciever
satan is hate
god must thus be love
satan lord of the darkness
thus god of course is the light giving even dust to live in and of the light yet sustain all life to live [to love]
the light that make a seed grow
that allow man to see
that of the darkness is but childish fear
satan would bring to its gross harvest of armogeddon
guess what
death cant win
get it ?
satan hates life
god makes all live to live
serving even the least[satan] to life
giving life even to death.
and beyond
2007-03-13 14:47:18
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
nope, we still got a few 100 years left on earth.
2007-03-13 14:45:04
answer #8
answered by ♥ღαмαиdα♥ღ 7