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25 answers

I don't. The Yankees are winning it all this year. The Blue Jays will likely finish second or third. The Blue Jays will not take the Yankees in the division.

2007-03-13 13:32:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I think you don't know what you are talking about and should worry about your Angels and the AL West. I do not agree with you.

I'll explain, it's real easy, OK? Look at the rosters of all three teams. There is one everyday player who would DEFINITELY start on the Yankees and Red Sox, Vernon Wells. Overbay, maybe, but he isn't great. There is one GREAT pitcher on the Blue Jays, Roy Halladay who would be on the starting staffs of the Red Sox and Yankees. The only other decent pitcher is A.J. Burnett who is inconsistent. Toronto does have an advantage over Boston right now with B.J. Ryan, but that's it.

The Blue Jays have some talent, but they are not even in the same league, so to speak, as the Yankees and Red Sox when it comes to overall talent. Look at the rosters of all three teams and compare them.

Oh BTW, the Blue Jays only snuck into second last year when Boston was missing half its lineup at the end of the year, and still, they BARELY snuck in there. The A.L. East will be won by an AMERICAN team, the way it should be!!!

2007-03-13 16:04:12 · answer #2 · answered by Jeffrey S 6 · 0 0

First person who has common sense about the AL east.the Yankees will win it but the Blue Jays will be better then people say.They will finish second.The Red Sox are aging and Matsusaka isn't going to be as good as everyone says.It wouldn't surprise me if the Blue Jays win the AL East or wild card,I think they will fall short but who knows?I say the Jays win 86 games this year ahead of the Sox but just short of the wild card and 8 games behined the Yanks.(I advise you to ignore the people above me,they just don't understand that the Yanks and Soxs aren't as good anymore and don't remember when the Jays were good.They also must not know that they finised 2nd in the division last year)

2007-03-13 13:38:37 · answer #3 · answered by red4tribe 6 · 0 0

I'll agree that your wrong, Boston has over spent this past off season due to finishing 3rd last year and while they'll be close to Yankees at the end they'll still fail by 3 games. But 2.5 ahead of the Jays.

2007-03-14 06:37:16 · answer #4 · answered by singledad 7 · 0 0

No. Sorry. yet, no. you're speaking about the fantastic contention in the historic previous of activities (that still exists, now that the vast apple Giants vs. Brooklyn Dodgers replaced into killed, then lessened, with the help of their strikes West). starting up almost one hundred years in the past (and more beneficial, because of geo. contention and commerce/competition between 2 major shipping ports to/from Europe).. It truly began with they way New England felt about the British and vice versa. that's about immigrants in both places, and how they were universal (or no longer), and then, the activities took carry of that competitiveness... continuining by the domination by ability of the pink Sox, until eventually their proprietor sells Babe Ruth and ameliorations the historic previous of both franchises. i have been in and in the time of New England for 20 years now.. i have talked to old & youthful and seen a era of followers evolved & cemented in New England vs. some thing vast apple: the Jets, the Mets, the Knicks, and Yankees. there is an unusual youthful BROTHER psychosis up there, yet yet, at the same time.. that's a twisted, strange SUPERIORITY complicated (that basically isn't spoken of, until eventually they're at the same time with none outsider interior earshot!). that's depending in race & wealth vs. what they regard as NYC's city refelctions.. that's the strangest issue, once you get down into it.. and that's a lot, a lot more beneficial than baseball or activities.. that's sociology and deep-seeded 'benign hatred'... that shows itself in undemanding words in living rooms & bars below severe stress & launch, ought to their team conquer. on the Yankees area, in this era.. there's a call for for the finest in the team -- and that is adequate. the finest attempt from the finest gamers, the finest that the GM can do.. to carry those gamers, and a manager that would not choke -- that's why Joe Torre replaced into recognized more beneficial for his dropping, than his prevailing -- once his strategic bumblings were seen, year after year with no Don Zimmer round to training guide/steer from the bench. in undemanding words a Yankees fan may know and note of this.. which i'm.

2016-12-01 23:15:07 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Maybe "proud" should say wake up "you're" (or you are) crazy or you're dreaming, but it's not out of the question. The Jays are a much better team this year, if Halladay and Burnett stay healthy, and hopefully Thomson or Zambrano regains their ability anything can happen. It should be a interesting year. I hope the Jays win just so neither the Yanks or the Sox win!!

2007-03-13 13:40:58 · answer #6 · answered by JJ 4 · 1 1

sorry , that wont happen any time soon
sing along ;
o canada , you will not win the east
why dont you say ?
the yankees are the beast
oh the red sox try and they always cry
why cant we beat the yanks ?

2007-03-14 02:08:34 · answer #7 · answered by doghouse 3 · 0 0

Youre crazy and probably someone who hates both teams. I think the jays definitely have a shot over the sox, but the Yankees are going to grab the division, easily.

2007-03-13 15:05:01 · answer #8 · answered by LightningAv 3 · 0 1

no way the yankees will win the east but the blue jays might hav a pretty good shot at the wildcard

2007-03-15 03:29:53 · answer #9 · answered by nflfan679 2 · 0 0

Why do you think that the jays will win? What info were you given to lead you to that conclusion? I'm not being sarcastic, I was just wondering if this was based on something you read or saw on a bus in Toronto?

2007-03-13 13:36:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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