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I got my cartliage (helix) and nose peirced in same day....ouch!!! very brainless of me..lol... n e way
seriously speaking i got it done two days ago my ear is swollen and it hurts...there isn't any kind of pus or anything nasty it just hurts sometimes its ok but usually hurts...is it infected? how long is this supposed to go on ? what should i do? by the way i do clean it with alcohol 3 times a day but now i learned i should be diluting it or using something else....anyway is it true that sea salt with warm water works?

2007-03-13 12:26:48 · 3 answers · asked by Heer 2 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

it is swollen ( the cartilage) and red but no pus or anything. i also found out that buterfly backings are bad for earings..i have them so is it ok to change the backs? now i wish i went somewhere else to get it done.

2007-03-13 12:37:32 · update #1

3 answers

If you have a butterfly back, that means you got your piercing at a mall shop with a gun--bad news! Guns are incredibly bad for piercings in general and with a cartilidge piercing it almost always spells disaster. Guns cannot be properly sanitized and you can get infections and diseases (think Hepatitis) from them. Guns are also really high impact and can shatter the cartilidge since it is a semi-bone. Guns can also get jammed. Doesn't look like that it happened to you this time, but keep that in mind for your next piercing.

Stop with the alcohol treatments. They just dry it out too much and actually irritate the piercing. Had you gone to a professional, they would've told you that. Go to the store and buy some liquid Dial and wash your ear once a day. Make sure you change your pillow cases often.

Yes, the sea salts work. The shot glass idea is the best, but if your ear doesn't fit, you can get a shallow martini glass and do it that way. You should only be doing that for about 10 minutes and about every other day.

If you want more info about guns, check it out here: http://www.namaii.com/suck/

2007-03-14 02:57:33 · answer #1 · answered by hotdoggiegirl 5 · 0 0

Sea salt dissolved in warm water will help your piercing heal faster. Dissolve it in a cup and then hold the cup over the piercing for 10 minutes. (You might want to try shot glasses or a small tube depending on which piercing you are treating.) It is normal for a pierced area to swell and be tender for several days. Watch for signs of infection like puss and redness.
Good luck!

2007-03-13 12:32:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I did mine myself with an earing, besides the actuality that it hasn't have been given contaminated i would not recommend it in case you would be able to desire to regardless of the indisputable fact that sparkling it previously and after and proceed to bathe it, you would be perfect off going to a specialist, ear piercings are no longer that costly and can be hassle loose if achieved wisely, wish this facilitates

2016-10-02 01:55:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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