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no one in my neighborhood listens to it. we all hate it. they think you can dance to it. well, maybe they can, but we can't. it's just horrible! how come all thier music sux so much. they should learn to like metal, alt, rock...regular music, not tom-tom war cries with shooting in the background. I've never even met one. they don't have them around my town. just a few. but they don't live where we live. I go to a catholic high school, and there isn't a single one there.

2007-03-13 09:46:58 · 64 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Music

64 answers

i'm not too fond of rap/hip hop music in general. it doesn't take too much effort to TALK over some cheesy beats. think about how much effort it takes to sit there and press buttons, when REAL musicians take the time to try and figure out a G Major scale appregio flawlessly and in perfect time, and they also play songs in crazy timings such as 6/7 or 9/11. thats true talent.

it's a shame when musicians who worked so hard for their music, are just carelessly ripped off by rap artists, and theres NOTHING they can do, and it seems that the rap artists are the ones who make all the money, now-a-days.

for example, eddie van halen almost ran his car into a tree when he heard his song being ripped off by another artist.

also, andy summers from THE POLICE got ripped off when wanna-be gangster P.DIDDY stole the riffs for Every Breath You Take

it's amazing how these rap "artists" supposedly come from the street and have nothing, but then you see them with $50,000 dollar cars, gold teeth, and freakin' mansions. and all they do is sit there and TALK over some lame beats that have been played 500 times before.

also. the meaning of rap music is degrading to the gift of life. here they are rapping about their hoe's, prostitues, and murder. when other artists are singing other influential songs that have personal meaning, and are actually touching to the listener.

you see, bob dylan actually had a pretty rough life, and basically, he turned his life around and used music to express his feelings and the reality of life, and people can relate to that.
also, jimi hendrix's castle made of sand is a very influential and touching song - he does something better with his time than creating music about what no one cares about.

life really isnt all about cheesy beats, prostitutes, muder and guns. it's about doing somethign with your life other than sitting there hitting buttons.

peace & love
t-par & ally

2007-03-14 12:26:26 · answer #1 · answered by T 4 · 2 1

father considers to be the worst thing to ever happen to music, With that being said, i asked him his opinion on rap/hip-hop. His answer was, It's no different than a high-school cheer, it's not considered music. I don't know though all i know is i can feel melody very deeply. And if i can't feel it, then it doesn't appeal to me. To each their own though. Most Hip-hop songs I've heard carry the same continuous message. Money, sex etc. you can't blame them for being smart and figuring out what sells to the simple minded. I've been in arguments how they have led tough lives, and growing up was ruff. I have no sympathy for them or anyone else. Life has never been easy for anyone. I guess my point is,

2014-09-25 10:33:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Eh, i'm likely pay interest to the lyrics. And with hip-hop, its now no longer so handy. yet I do like quite. i'm admittedly greater into rock/metallic/ska-punk. and could be its since i'm no longer able to talk/sing as rapid as they are able to. It possibly a deep ridden envy that i've got certainly no longer admitted to myself... or i could merely be an historic character at midsection. All of those theories shield possibilities.

2016-12-14 18:13:54 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

You sound a like your very young. I am a rapper but I dont take offence to what you say because that's your oppinion. You dont like it because you cant relate to that music. All rap songs are not like that. If you actually took the time to listen to just about any rap CD you would see that. But I not a big fan of the other typed of music that you mentioned but I do listen to it when I want something different. Apperently a lot of people like Rap because if they didnt, it wouldnt keep growing as big as it has. Learn to pick the good out of things and not the bad. I could say that all they do in metal is scream but that's not true. I'm mature enough to find the good qualities out of everything.

2007-03-13 09:53:27 · answer #4 · answered by I'm 1 up on you!! 4 · 3 0

For the most part, yes, it's not my taste, although there are always exceptions. My problem is not with the music itself but the content. I am not easily offended at all so most of it does not offend me. I can't stand it because most is based on gangsta ideals. Bragging about how much money they make or living a life others die trying to get out of. Idealizing all the wrong things in life. Don't get me wrong, I'm mostly a metal head myself, and there's a lot of anger, but that's what music is, an outlet for how you feel, not just something to make money.

2007-03-13 10:03:03 · answer #5 · answered by Trish 5 · 2 0

what do you mean when you say "they" and "them" and "single one"? are you talking about blacks/african americans?? if you are, i suggest you open your eyes and ears to the world you live in sweetie. hip hop is everywhere. you cannot go through a single day and not have it influence your life. it's on tv, the radio, the internet, movies, sports events...EVERYWHERE!!! and you know something else, it's not going anywhere. so, before you decide you don't like it because it's something you're not used to, how about honestly giving it a chance. and why can't you dance to it??? is it becasue you don't have rythm and can't find the beat and follow it??? that's not hip hop's fault. and it's not your fault. you just don't have rythm...and that's okay, but there's no need to demean a whole genre of music because you feel that "you" can't dance to it and "we" can.

what you're insinuating would be like me saying all music that's not hip hop sucks. and that's not true. i was fortunate to grow up with two parents that have a love for all kinds of music, mainly classic rock and roll. and thank God for that, because i probably would've never branched off and gained such a love for music. i would've never known bands such as emerson lake and palmer, pink floyd, van halen, areosmith, led zepplin, rush, jimi hendrix, fall out boy, my chemical romance, afi, korn, nirvana, pearl jam...i can keep going if you like.

and just for your information...i am an african american woman that went through twevle years of Catholic schooling, the last for being at an all girls blue ribbon school of excellence. so "I" really take offense to what you are insinuating here.

2007-03-13 10:03:45 · answer #6 · answered by desireme112 2 · 1 1

being a musician i go for melody, words to me for the most part are meaningless. As far as hip-hop or rap goes....Well...the repetition bores me quick. and to here someone talking for minutes on end is boring. Yes metal in itself isn't very melodic, for the most part the guitar players are talented yet once again the only thing i care about is melody. I listen to industrial...Which my father considers to be the worst thing to ever happen to music, With that being said, i asked him his opinion on rap/hip-hop. His answer was, It's no different than a high-school cheer, it's not considered music. I don't know though all i know is i can feel melody very deeply. And if i can't feel it, then it doesn't appeal to me. To each their own though. Most Hip-hop songs I've heard carry the same continuous message. Money, sex etc. you can't blame them for being smart and figuring out what sells to the simple minded. I've been in arguments how they have led tough lives, and growing up was ruff. I have no sympathy for them or anyone else. Life has never been easy for anyone. I guess my point is, it doesn't matter if we like it or not, Since there are people that Will buy anything they hear or see on T.V. because they don't have a mind of their own Hip/hop just like country, or metal is always going to be around. I live in California, i here hip-hop and rap all day. it's no big deal. will this answer suffice? there was no mention of race in here either i think she was meaning PEOPLE that listen to hip/hop. that's another thing about hip-hop and metal i don't like. No positive messages, from the fans or the musicians if there are they are few and far between. God i could go on days about this. I can't beleive hip hop fans don't find it insulting when they watch a video and the artist is braging about th 500,000$ necklace he got from money HIS FANS gave him. that is one of the biggest slaps in the face i have ever seen and i watch the fans take it, like it's nothing. wow i don't know where that came from but that always has bothered me. oh my god, Race is insignificant to this question and any other question asked on here, and if your complaning about "racist comments" you are just as insignificant as the comments. You people make me sick. Get the F*** over it. Wow this is senseless, and funny. I don't care for hip/hop But i sure can't stand the damn fans. Ignorant fools. yup i think i just made me some enemys. and child ignorance will get you no where looks like you need new parents. new town. get some exposure and see how the world really is. And kandy you couldn't be more wrong, do you not know the history of music, hip-hop was established to send a positive message to those who were less fortunate *Not any specfic single race* it's been around for maybe 30 years. It didn't inspire anything it evolved into a Darker and more aggresive form which is called Rap. There isn't enough positive in hop-hop or Rap to make up for the negative. and yeah i read this little girls other questions & answers she is just an ignorant child and nothing more. Her parents are more at fault than she is. Think about the exploitation of women, and violence through out the years of Rap's existence.

2007-03-13 10:03:53 · answer #7 · answered by aphotic nostrum 4 · 2 0

Its not the beat or the sound I dislike,it's what they say in some songs that bothers me.F*** her and shes a B****,this is my H**.And then there are songs that just talk about crazy iggnorant things.They say music doent have effects on people,but when its young kids listening to it they think its "cool" and okay to disrespect others.Alot needs to be taken off the air.All that said,it sounds like you need to move to a more diverse area.When you say "one" I think I know what your getting at.There are all kinds of people out there,meet some that arn't just like you.There is a movie that helped me understand rap better,(Hustle and Flow) is is an amazing movie.Not all rap stars start off like they did in the movie tho.But truly I have respect for people that overcome larger than life hurttles and make somthing of theirselves.If rap and hip-hop is their out so be it!

2007-03-13 09:51:53 · answer #8 · answered by jill@doodle 5 · 3 0

Well, aren't you just a little judgemental. Haven't you heard, "Different Strokes for Different Folks." Just because you do not like a particular type of music, doesn't mean that it has no artistic merit and therefore "sux" (Shows your illiteracy).
I don't really care for Hip-Hop either, but at lease I understand that a lot of hard work goes into it to make sure that it is successful. Hip-Hop plays to a certain market and demographic, and obviously, it ain't you!

Hate to break it to you, but Metal, alt, and rock have their detractors as well. (Seeing as how it is Devil Worshiping, Suicide Music and all).

OK, so that was a cheapshot and I apologize. But don't rip an entire genre of music just because you don't like it.

May Snoop Dogg arrive at your door and blow chronic smoke in your face. j/k

2007-03-13 09:56:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Don't be ragging on hip hop. Like any genre of music there's gonna be good and bad. Just choose the ones that are good. Some of it disgusts me yes, but hey, I don't have to listen to those.

It's wonderful! To each his own.

2007-03-13 09:50:42 · answer #10 · answered by Slim Shady 5 · 3 0

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