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O.k. so i was raised christian and one of my best friends is a really strict christian but she is o.k. with me being bisexual (well i think i am) but she said that me being bisexual means that i cant be a christian! alot of poeple have been saying that i am a bad christian or a devil worshiper (sp) and it makes me feel like i am doing something bad when i go 2 church i feel like some of the other kids are angry at me or are starring at me! and sometimes they are glareing at me....but mostly my church is supportive...Help I need to know if i am a "bad christian"

2007-03-13 09:44:30 · 29 answers · asked by blair 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

29 answers

dont worry there is no such thing as a "good or bad" christian. for all have come short of the glory of God. Thats why Jesus died for us. Because of our faults. I'm a married Christian and I find myself wondering what it would be like to get with a guy.

2007-03-13 09:49:41 · answer #1 · answered by Adam B 2 · 2 1

I used to be in your situation, but I left the Catholic church because of the hypocracies of it. If you want to remain in the church, do so. God does not care about who you love, and if anyone gives you any grief tell them that the bible doesn't say "hate those who are different."

You're not turning your back on God or Jesus or whatever religious figure you believe in by being out about your sexuality. God made you the way you are for a reason, and don't be afraid/ashamed to show it.

In response to "callmeurnaughtygirl" ?
1- There's a brilliant invention called spell check. You should try it.
2- Christianity isn't about who you sleep with, it's about how you live your life with morals and ground rules. I thought "good Christians" didn't judge, and I also heard somewhere that they believed in something called, "chastity." Just because someone's a bi/lesbian/gay doesn't mean that they go around having sex all the time!

2007-03-13 17:32:25 · answer #2 · answered by Renee 2 · 2 0

Tell your friends to take a long hard look at what the bible says about judging others. God and God alone knows the condition of your heart. It is made clear in scripture that no one sin is any greater that any other sin so let he/she without sin cast the first stone. I was also raised Christian went to Bible college, became a youth pastor lived single for 7 years not knowing why I couldn't connect with anyone, and then suffered with severe feelings of depression for a year while I dealt with the fact that I was in love with my, then same sex roommate, now wife. I lost a year I could have been happy because she was raised the same way we were in ministry together in the church and I was afraid to tell her. We have since then found that there are christian churches who really share God's love and will love you for who you are. Look for one and worship God there. Any friend who is really okay with your sexual orientation will not judge you they will just love you. Good Luck and God Bless

2007-03-13 18:02:49 · answer #3 · answered by teresacmt 5 · 0 0

Being a lesbian, gay or bi does not make you a bad Christian. I wouldn't worry about what others who "claim" to be Christians say... because if they eat shellfish, or work on Saturday (the Sabbath) or wear glasses (or contacts) they are as much of an abomination to god as if two men sleep together (there is nothing specific to lesbians in the bible - so that is OK).

Also, those Christians who say this about you or judge you for who you are, should remember this piece:

Romans 2:1 - Therefore you have no excuse, whoever you are, when you judge others; for in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, are doing the very same things.

If you love God and love "your neighbor as yourself" you are a good Christian.

2007-03-13 17:00:15 · answer #4 · answered by rtistathrt 3 · 3 0

Dear Blair, I would like to say that everyone else gave some good insight to your question, but like I said it is just insight. As Christians, its not what we think or believe about something, Its what the bible says. In Romans 1:25-27 It says "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen....... For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet."
Here we see truth from the Bible that calls homosexuality and Bisexual acts ultimately Sin. Jesus died for our sins and every time we sin as a Christian we spit in the face of God. If we are truly Christians we will try our hardest to live for him and to please him. Many have talked about not judging others, but If you study the bible it is talking about something completely different, though I am not judging you the Bible also says in Matthew 7:20 "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." meaning that by your sins people will know if your a Christian or not. Most people know that Christians arn't sopose to be Bi or homosexual, so you could hurt Christs name and lose your testimony as a Christian. Another verse to look at is Leviticus 18:22 "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." This is another verse that clearly talks about this sin.

I am not at all trying to be rude or bash you, I hope that you study the bible and live it out as Jesus would have us to. I am praying for you and that you will stay true to God.

2007-03-19 12:01:51 · answer #5 · answered by no_idea_86 1 · 0 0

You can be whatever you want. Your sexuality as it relates to your spirituality is between you and God. If people really start giving you a hard time, consider switching churches. Even those Christians giving you dirty looks go home after church and indulge in their own favorite sins. All sin is equal and those who have a problem with your lifestyle throw stones to feel better about their own.

2007-03-13 17:15:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

personally, i think religion is bull****. U should only believe and do what u want. im catholic and i never go to church. Why would i do that when i can pray at home.- I dont believe in a devil nor a hell. Why would i want to live thinking im going to suffer if i dont live in misery.- I dont trust the bible or a priest. The bible is manmade and priests are silly. God is my maker. Thats how i see it. Do u have to follow that? No. All i ask of u is to be whoever u want to be. its a free country. i have nothing against people of other beliefs. We are who we are.

2007-03-13 19:15:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, Dear One, you're not the bad Christian. The people who are staring at you and calling you names are being the bad Christians. They should be taking advice from Jesus and not from Paul and loving their neighbor as they love themselves. Jesus never said *anything* about a bi-sexual or a homosexual. Paul did (but Paul really never liked anyone when it came down to it). Jesus wanted people to love their neighbors and to treat people as you'd treat yourself, that sort of behavior. My advice to you is be the type of Christian you'd like to be rather than what you see around you; but if you feel uncomfortable or if you feel a threat then if you feel like not going to that particular church, don't go anymore. Bless you for trying though and Bless you again.

2007-03-13 16:52:21 · answer #8 · answered by Mama Otter 7 · 4 0

I am sorry that some of your coreligionists (you don't really mean Christian by the way, you specifically mean Fundamentalist or Evangelical -- many Christian groups [believers in Christ] have no problem whatsoever with gay and bisexual people.)

Now I know thatI know that you may believe that your own feelings of homosexuality are evil. You may hate y ourself when you feel them because you think god hates you. You may have fought and struggled, and sometimes, even after you make your "decisions" you feel so lonely and afraid.

You don't have to. Many faiths, including many Christian communities do NOT agree that there is anything wrong with homosexuality. Religion is MUCH more complex than you have been led to believe. Many Christians do not believe the Bible is the Word of God at all -- my personal faith includes Jesus Christ, but certainly does not include a bronze age book of myths with literally thousands of errors in it (factual, historical, prophetic, mathematic and scientific) I do not believe Lord Christ expects us to blind our ability to think and wrap ourselves into intellectual pretzels - - nor do I think that he expects us to take what we are given and destroy ourselves because of it.

I am sorry that you are not happy -- you can be. Not by going into the closet, which is all the ex-gay movement is about -- using shame and guilt based on false premises in order to force people to hide who they are, to try to become straight -- a never ending process of self-recrimination and hate -- or to even marry -- marriages that in every case I have seen end up loveless parodies of what I remember my parents having and of what Jonathan and I have. They push false choices, false theories, false stereotypes and lies. No, the choice is not returning to the closet, but becoming who you are; believing in yourself and knowing that God or whatever religious figure you prefer, still loves you. Do not hesitate to write me, at any time, if you need a listening ear, or someone to talk to.

Kind wishes,

Reynolds Jones
Schenectady, NY

2007-03-13 17:24:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I think that you are a true and good Christian if you believed that Jesus died for you and that you truly love God and Jesus with all your heart. Everyone is open to this thing in many ways. This is a wonderful question though cause I was curious about this myself. GREAT QUESTION & GOD BLESS YOU!

2007-03-20 19:33:07 · answer #10 · answered by stacey j 1 · 0 0

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