yes, i am pro-choice.
choose to use a condom, the pill, spermicide, or abstinance.
if the woman doesn't want to have a baby, choose not to have sex or choose to use a preventative. unless it's a rape case of course, but that's a different topic.
2007-03-13 09:04:02
answer #1
answered by DeceptiConservative 4
Abstinence is a viable choice. But how many people choose abstinence? I don't know any nor do I think most people here waited for marriage. Birth control is a good option and it helps but sometimes it fails and there are choice to be made.
2007-03-13 16:09:25
answer #2
answered by cynical 6
Who is saying that abstinence is not a viable choice?
As for abortion, it has to be up to the woman. She has to look at the totality of her circumstances and beliefs and decide if she wants to or is able to continue a pregnancy. It's an incredibly personal decision. You haven't explained why you should have any say in it.
2007-03-13 16:12:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
look around you, what do you see? people!! there are how many millions and billions of people here? how did they get here, not by magic. abstinence is not a realistic choice for the masses, it may be a choice for a few religious believers, and really not even for them, they preach abstinence but then it comes out they are having sex, but just not with women, seems alter boys are more up their alley. or how about all the politicians that are against gays, and then it comes out their gay! what a bunch of hypocrites, if your god wanted us to practice abstinence then why did he give me a penis? and a women a vagina? and why do they fit so good together, and why did he make sex feel good, if he did not want us to have sex, he would not have given us the tools to do so, and if you were only to have sex to reproduce then wouldn't he have made it so every time you had sex you would reproduce, and if you believe sex is only for reproducing then you must believe that every marriage that does not result in children, should be annulled? why would you want to live in a country where the people have no choices on what to do with there own bodies, stop making laws based on religious believes.
2007-03-13 16:21:37
answer #4
answered by Sir Hard & Thick 3
No. I look at my 8 year old twin grand daughters who's father left their mother when he found out she was expecting. I took her in and shared in the joy of her pregnancy and the birth of those little girls. I thank God for them every day. I think the indoctrination from a system that has broken down on morals and values holds a lot of responsibility for it The Liberal who the majority favors abortion, want to tell us what we can put in our stomachs and pass laws to that affect, but when we tell them that the baby in theirs is a live human being just like they were they tell us its choice. There is no Constitutional guarantee to an abortion, but there is to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. When a woman gets pregnant it is no longer her body, It is their body yet the child has no note. There have been over 40 million abortions since Roe. I wonder how many of them may have been the Doctors that would have cured cancer or invented something that would have benefited mankind. Perhaps would have been the child that would have cared for the mother when she is old. This is America's genocide. The silent scream should be deafening
2007-03-13 16:14:08
answer #5
answered by ohbrother 7
The blogbaba will surprise a lot of people with his stance on abortion, few if any on either side of the debate will side with the blogbaba's chosen position, but here it is anyway:
The blogbaba is pro choice, so long as a parent has the option to abort their "fetus" up to the age of say....60 years of age. If an 80 year old parent chooses to abort their 60 year old child for any reason, say forced residency in a facility for the aged or such, then the blogbaba would support that decision. Marvin Gaye's father's murder conviction would be overturned and legally be considered an "abortion".
If this definition of "abortion" is unacceptable, then call all abortion what it is....."murder" and consider the blogbaba pro-life.
2007-03-13 16:07:57
answer #6
answered by blogbaba 6
I believe that you have the choice of whether or not to have sex. And you also have the choice to use some type of birth control. Of course, there are instances when abortion is necessary, such as when the child poses a threat to the mother's life, but that's not the reason for most abortions.
2007-03-13 16:04:02
answer #7
answered by DOOM 7
I say abstinence, birth control and abortion are all viable choices. However, I would like abortions to be very very rare but always safe.
If we would give abstinence and birth control education to our young people, I believe we could accomplish the serious reduction of abortions that we all desire.
2007-03-13 16:10:14
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Let's ignore the fact that every major study done in the last 30 years have shown that teaching abstinence only doesn't work.
Pro-choice has nothing to do with abstinence. For that matter, it has nothing to do with abortion.
Pro-choice is only concerned with who gets to make those kinds of medical decisions -- the individual or the government.
You are completely entitled to believe that abortion is not a valid choice. In fact, everyone I know who is pro-choice also personally opposes abortion.
The only issue is whether you have the right to make that decision for someone else. Whether you can force someone else to do what you think is best for them, regardless of what they want. That's the issue.
Pro-choice is about WHO gets to choose. Not what the choice is.
2007-03-13 16:03:42
answer #9
answered by coragryph 7
why would being pro choice equate to saying "abstinence is not a viable choice"? I don't think you really understand what pro choice means, it is not advocating a particular viewpoint, only that individuals should make their own decisions on this matter
2007-03-13 16:08:47
answer #10
answered by Nick F 6
Abstinence is a choice but not THE choice. I don't think that no abstinence= heresy. Persuading is better than imposing.
2007-03-13 16:21:37
answer #11
answered by Mysterio 6