You should get down on your KNEES and pray to the Almighty God that women start flocking to the political arena in DROVES, little man.
We are the only hope for the salvation of the very existence of mankind itself.
"Not good to be politicians?" Puh-leeze. We're the best at anything and everything in every category. Well.....except perhaps passing gas.
Oh, and to the poster droning on about "hormonal issues?"
HELLO? TESTOSTERONE? What the hell do you think nukes and WAR is all about?
"My gun is bigger than YOUR gun."
But seriously, folks.
Women make the BEST politicians since we actually -- as a general rule -- have a deep and abiding respect for LIFE. I don't think men do. The power and money go right to their head. The only reason they're in it is to get elected again. And again.
To boil it down to its simplest terms: women want the world to be a better place for their kids. (Most) men hardly acknowledge that they even HAVE kids, much less how every decision we make every day has repercussions.
Sorry, guys.
2007-03-13 07:39:00
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There are reasons why men would be better and reasons why women would be better. For the sake of debate I urge you to collect data on why women would be better so that you will be able to effectively counter debate. Here are a few points and sources that are pro-male:
1. Men are generally more aggressive, physically and verbally, and enjoy taking risks (1). Politics is a competitive arena in which aggression is a must in order achieve accomplishments against opposing views.
2. Women express their emotions more readily and feel a greater intensity of emotion. (1) Politicians need to remain as unemotional as possible. Can you imagine Bush crying over being called a chimp? Oh yeah, it'd be kinda like Edwards crying over being called a ******. LOL
3. Simon Baron-Cohen (2) claims that, in general, men are better at systemizing (the desire to analyze and explore systems and rules)
4. Men tend to talk more than women in public situations. (3)
5. Women are inclined to express agreement and support, while men are more inclined to debate. (3)
Hope this helps!
Edit: I have no idea why you received so much crap for this!! I'm a woman, I don't think women should be excluded from politics, and I'm still not offended. Debate is debate. And as far as you doing your own research, well isn't that what Yahoo Answers is for???
2007-03-13 14:46:26
answer #2
answered by Nationalist 4
I have no sources or material...other than personal experience. I am a woman...and frankly, I am not inclined to believe that a woman would necessarily make a good President.
Lets start with pregnancy. What if the president becomes pregnant? How much time would be allowable for maternity leave? What would be best for the baby and mother? And what happens to the country while that is all taking place? I realize that we have VPs as a back up, but truthfully, they are there for emergencies...not pregnancy!
Like it or not, females have hormonal issues that have the ability to cloud judgement and create irrational behaviour at times. And any woman who is being honest with herself will admit to knowing at least one woman who has suffered from severe PMS monthly, or a hormonally induced emotional/psychological imbalance in their lifetime.
Women who suffer from post partem depression have killed their own children. Some women going through menopause experience severe and uncontrollable mood swings. I, for one, am not inclined to vote for someone who could, potentially, suffer from these maladies. The job is a tough one...perhaps the toughest out there. And mother nature has created women in such a way that her body and mind could betray her...not a risk I'm willing to take with my vote or country.
I realize my answer is not politically correct, and will be summarily judged by both men and women alike. But please...think about the potential this something we should voluntarily risk with the highest position in the land?
2007-03-13 14:40:15
answer #3
answered by Super Ruper 6
Women act just like the men when they get power. It's no different. They lie, cheat and tell you exactly what they think you want to hear! Whats worse is women are supposed to be th emore compasionate, and caring; but they are as bad or worse in many cases than the men. Clinton. Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer, Walters are as nasty, but being they are women, are worse then the men. And most are LEFT WING LIBERALS! they think social programs, govt freebee's and health care makes them compasionate. IT DOESN'T! its a form of keeping you under their thumb and getting your vote. FDR said it right....Give a man something for free, and you break his spirit.
2007-03-13 15:34:54
answer #4
answered by MRJERK715 2
Nothing I can prove, but the reason that there aren't more women in politics is that it takes too long to put make up on 2 faces.
If you are serious, get help.
2007-03-13 14:35:39
answer #5
answered by yupchagee 7
I certainly hope the topic was assigned to you, and not one that you chose. If you want to see arguments against women's rights & abilities in politics, look up the history of women's suffrage in the US. You're fighting an uphill battle - any argument you can come up with won't hold water.
2007-03-13 14:40:44
answer #6
answered by steddy voter 6
Though i believe that women can be very good politicains......but we don't have a good experience of having a women leader, who was elected twice and brought our country to the edge of destruction..........she was actualy dominated by her husband who was actualy a corrupt person...and thus led that lady to a place where now she is out of country for many cases of corruption ! woman naturaly are not corrupt...but they are emotional and emotions do not work in politics....for a woman to be a politicain she needs to be very very very strong emotionwise........and i could not see any such woman till now in my life .........LOL ..oh Btw i m also a woman !! so please ladies don't come after me....i m just telling what i have seen !
2007-03-13 15:34:12
answer #7
answered by ★Roshni★ 6
Maybe you could ask the people at the 'Keep Em Barefoot and Pregnant Institute of Retarted Studies' (KEBaPIoRS)
2007-03-13 15:34:05
answer #8
answered by joemammysbigguns 4
The first person who answered you phrased it best. Not only do you make a ridiculous suggestion, but then you're too lazy to do your own research to defend it.
2007-03-13 14:49:28
answer #9
answered by David 7
Margaret thatcher was a terrible political leader, she lead the charge against the Soviets that lead to their demise! now we have to look to China for a world leader in socialism!
2007-03-13 14:33:44
answer #10
answered by kapute2 5