People would have no problem telling a mom who feeds her four-year-old that a Twinkie and a Flintstone's vitamin is not a suitable breakfast. While this has enough calories and the right nutrients, it isn't food. Formula is the same, numerically perfect, but not food. If it was enough, they wouldn't have to change the recipe every year to make it better. To say that it is no one else's business is to say that we should accept this poor substitute and allow these women to harm their children. I say, speak up, respectfully.
2007-03-13 07:34:55
answer #1
answered by Huggles-the-wise 5
Breast feeding is considered best, but that does not mean that formula feeding is considered bad. The nutrient content in both breast milk and formula is adequate to nourish an infant and babies thrive on both. Studies do not show that ALL children who are breast fed grow up free of obesity, don't suffer any allergies, and mothers who breast fed NEVER have breast cancer. All the studies show are that formula fed babies do have a higher incidence of some things when compared to breast fed babies as a whole and mothers who breast feed have a lower incidence of breast cancer. A mother who chooses to formula feed is NOT doing anything wrong. I think formula feeding babies is not bad for society, but society is wrong putting undue pressure on new moms. There are many opinions, many studies, many choices, and many conflicting recommendations facing families every day. Whether a mother breast feeds or formula feeds is a decision personal to the mother, the father, and the baby's doctor. No one without intimate knowledge of their life circumstances, medical history, and personal preferences has any business becoming involved, let alone the right to pass judgment.
2007-03-13 08:03:25
answer #2
answered by sevenofus 7
I don't think this will be solved through confrontations. I think the answer is public education. I lived and worked in a place where formula is still considered to be healthier than breastmilk. Women say "Don't breastfeed, you'll ruin you breasts!" These are the women we need to reach, and we need to stop worrying about making middle class educated bottlefeeding mothers feel guilty. The formula companies invented that argument, by the way. Why don't you become a public health educator or breastfeeding peer consultant and get this message out?
2007-03-13 15:42:37
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I'ts true that breastfeeding is the best for baby and many moms are poorly misinformed or don't have someone supporting them, BUT I don't feel it's right to make a woman feel like she's a bad mother because she doesn't bf. Even though some women just don't bf because of personal pref (& that's ok) some have med reasons they can't. What the heck are they supposed to do then, let their baby starve? DUH!! I bf all 4 of mine for the first couple of months, but when I went back to work, it was hard trying to pump all the time. Not working wasn't an option for me. Now I am a stay at home mom and I have 4month old twins. I bf for awhile, but I was too stressed trying to feed two to keep my milk flow up. Even at the beginning, they were'nt gaining enough weight, so I HAD to suppliment. Formula is NOT a bad thing. I'ts been around for yrs & doctors wouldn't have allowed it if it was bad for babies. You say women tried to shove formula at you, well, shame on them for not being more supportive, but shame on YOU for shoving your boobies in other peoples' faces! We all have a right to choose. Many children were raised just on formula and turned out very smart & healthy. So to everyone that reads this, please be informed about benefits of breastfeeding, but also know that it's ok to choose formula, you are not a bad parent. JUST FEED YOUR BABIES SOMEHOW, FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!!
2007-03-13 08:19:05
answer #4
answered by mom-of-4 3
From a mother who nursed her son:
I think breastfeeding is best for the child, but if the mother can't bring herself to do it - for whatever reason - it doesn't do either the mother or the baby any good to make nursing a battle and and a stressful part of the day. It's more important that the baby feed well and be happy and content.
When you stopped nursing your child at two months, you put that baby on formula. Should you be chastized for the rest of your life for that decision? Is your child less healthy than a child who was breastfed? Most likely not in the grand scheme of things.
Education and discussion is the best defense and argument for everyone. Reading about the positives and negatives of any choice when it comes to our children only serves to help us make the best choices for our lives and our kids. You have a right to express your opinion, but I wouldn't go as far as to say that you have the moral obligation to force women to feel badly about their nursing decision.
I think you should be ashamed of yourself for posing your question in such a harsh, judgemental tone. No wonder people think that some nursing mothers are aggressive, one sided and inflexible. You are giving them just that kind of ammunition.
2007-03-13 07:45:26
answer #5
answered by Barbara B 4
I don't think anyone should be "pressured" to do anything they do not want to do.Yes we should all be informed how important breast milk is even if we pump and feed or breast feed.I see some people ask a simple question about formula and all these "pro breast feeders" give them s**t about formula feeding,if you cant answer the question simply then do not post!!I do not think this effects society as a whole,to each their own.
2007-03-13 08:27:33
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I am 100% behing breastfeeding, but I really think it's out of order for people to down cry somebody for not breastfeeding. If they are not gonna be happy breastfeeding and get stressed when they try then the baby won't want to and neither mum nor baby will be happy. Women can be informed about the benefits of breastfeeding, but by raming it down their throats and telling them they are wrong you are no better than a preacher on the streets shouting at everybody to follow their religion, so you can tell them of how good your breatsfeeding experience has been and advise them as long as you do not make them feel bad about choosing to bottle feed as much as you have a right to inform them of the benefits of breastfeeding you also have the responsability to not make them feel like a bad person.
2007-03-13 07:54:41
answer #7
answered by Angie B 3
Well, I tried to breastfeed and it was the most painful experience I've ever lived through! I felt guilted into breastfeeding my 1st child and it was the most horrible experience! I cried every time my baby was hungry b/c I knew that it was going to cause me a great deal of pain. Yes, it's the best choice for your child, but it's not for every woman. B/c of my feeling guilted into breastfeeding even tho' I didn't really want to, it sent me into a deep post-partum depression and it hurt my relationship w/ myself AND my baby. There was a lot of resentment towards so many people and I feel that if you don't feel comfortable nursing your child, then don't. There's no right or wrong, it's all a matter of preference. It's like telling someone that b/c they believe in Allah or God, they're wrong. My children have both grown to be healthy and happy even tho' I chose to breastfeed for a short time. My sisters gave me a lot of respect just for trying it. I have 10 neices and nephews and not 1 of them was breastfed and they're all perfectly healthy. So, all in all, it's not a matter of right or wrong, but a matter of what you feel is best for you and your child as a whole. I don't feel that I missed out at all. Gee, no bleeding nipples? No leaking thru my shirt? Hmm, I think I made the right choice for me!
2007-03-13 07:40:18
answer #8
answered by sweet libra 4
no tahts ridiculous, i nursed all mine for a few months and then stopped but those taht choose not to at all should not be made to feel like a bad mom. thats silly. the formula they make now a days even has a lot of the same things that are found in breast milk. many a baby are formula fed and there still alive and kicking and very healthy. besides each parent chooses whats best for them so why is that anyone else's business??? do whats right for you and dont worry about what others do. all those studies that claim it does this and that are such crap, there only surveys and theres no real proof it causes problems. i stopped nurseing after 2 months and my son is now 5 months and has never once been sick, my neighbor still only nurses and her baby has been sick since birth so there ya go.
2007-03-13 07:36:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Careful that you don't fall off that big soap box you are standing on. I breast fed exclusively for 7 months. I made my choice. I made the choice for my baby. Its not your right to make a choice for another mother or to make her feel inferior about not breastfeeding...breastfeeding has no links to obesity or breast cancer or allergies. Its not for all women. Maybe you should just mind your own business and take care of your children and life before you start preaching to other mothers.
2007-03-13 07:51:05
answer #10
answered by mommy_2_liam 7
There is absolutely nothing wrong with formula feeding, and it is the mother's choice to do so.
People are so quick to be judgmental these days. What would benefit society the most would be a little tolerance and respect for others' decisions. It's one thing if someone asks for opinions and recommendations, but to be ready to stone someone because they don't think the same way you do is ridiculous.
Consideration, tolerance, and respect. THAT'S the right thing we should be pressuring on others. Not petty issues like whether someone's baby is formula fed.
2007-03-13 07:37:02
answer #11
answered by LadyJag 5