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He is 13 days old, and for the last 3 days he is spitting up everything he just ate at least twice a day. I try to burp him better, but it seems like he gags and then it all comes up. It even shoots out his nose! He only eats for about 10 minutes at the breast before this happens. What can I do? I am getting really worried.

2007-03-13 06:26:57 · 12 answers · asked by Diane A 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

12 answers

If he is wetting enough diapers/gaining appropriately and not in pain then you have a laundry problem not a medical problem.

It is normal-ish for milk to come out of a babies nose, particularly in the early weeks when they may over eat or mom may have forceful letdown which causes them to over eat. Then you move them and the milk is forced out by the movement. The nose is connected to the mouth in all humans and in babies it is a very small difference and they have no desire to prevent it from coming out, like adults do.

Consulting a lactation consultant may help as a perfect latch allows better control of overactive supply. As does certain nursing positions.

Also a breastfed baby can drain a breast in less than 5 min. Mine always did and he was 20lbs at 4 months (8lbs at birth). He also spit up constantly and milk would pour out of his nose as he drank sometimes. I thought he would drown.

Seriously drop an oz of cow milk on the floor from waist height and see how much it looks like.


Lifestyle changes can also help. Position the baby on an angle during feeds, feed more often, burp more often during feeds, etc. All these things can help.

Breastmilk is the BEST treatment for GERD.

More info:

2007-03-13 06:52:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't lay him flat after feeding for at least 15 to 20 minutes. One of my twins did this for awhile. A lot of times it's because their little digesive systems are still getting used to eating.(after all, they didn't have milk for the 9 mnths in the womb) If it continues to persist and it's more than just a little spit up, see your pediatrician. It could be GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease, which is very common and can be treated.

2007-03-13 06:50:05 · answer #2 · answered by mom-of-4 3 · 0 0

Although it can look scary, babies rarely spit up "everything" that they've just eaten. That said, try burping him more throughout the feeding, or not burping him at all, just keep him upright after his feeding.

If you had said that you were formula feeding, then the suggestion would be to try alternate formulas, but since you're breast feeding try that. Also try to limit the amount of dairy in your diet if your have a lot, it could be upsetting his stomach,

2007-03-13 06:35:16 · answer #3 · answered by Heather Y 7 · 1 0

Burp him after five minutes instead of after ten minutes. Also, prop him up when he's done eating for half an hour. This should help keep it down. He might be allergic to your milk or have developed an intolerance to it. If you try burping him more and prop him up and it still happens, talk with your doctor and see if the baby should be on a formula instead--like neutramagen or soy. Maybe your diet is affecting the baby. I'd cut out nuts, dairy, and other foods known to cause allergies in babies. Check with your doctor first, though!

2007-03-13 06:56:41 · answer #4 · answered by Sit'nTeach'nNanny 7 · 0 1

Try feeding him a shorter period of time between burps. They cannot take very much in the stomach and if they have too much then they tend to spit it all up. Every 3-5 minutes try burping him then let him continue eating. You will eventually learn how much time he can eat between burps so that he will not spit up.

2007-03-13 06:33:20 · answer #5 · answered by V H B 3 · 1 0

If you're burping him after every couple of minutes, and he's spitting up, you should take him for an evaluation at his pediatrician - he might have reflux. Reflux is common, and a prescription for infant Zantac usually clears it up until they outgrow it when they're between 1-2 years old.

2007-03-13 06:43:06 · answer #6 · answered by zippythejessi 7 · 1 1

i went through the exact same thing with my daughter and it was acid reflux. Talk to baby's doctor about it. The only problem i had was that sometimes she would throw up the medicine too. she liked the axid they gave me but not the peppermint flavored one. It will help a ton, and eventually you wont need it anymore. The other thing i used was also gas drops like little tummies, but i bought the generic, it has the exact same ingredients and cost 3$ as apposed to 10$. good luck.

2007-03-13 06:47:23 · answer #7 · answered by meme142 2 · 1 0

It could be a reaction to something in your diet.

Dairy is the most common culprit, you may try eliminating that and see if it helps. It can take up to 3 weeks to see complete improvment, but i saw an improvment in my son after 3 days.

If you need some help with finding what to eat and what not to eat, feel free to email me.

2007-03-13 06:54:40 · answer #8 · answered by Mommy to David 4 · 0 1

my baby does that. He has acid reflux and is on prilosec. Talk to your Dr. about doing a test for it.

2007-03-13 07:47:10 · answer #9 · answered by Erica J 3 · 0 1

take him to the doctor he'll give you something for it

2007-03-13 06:43:17 · answer #10 · answered by cyberbeauty 2 · 0 1

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