2007-03-13 06:29:11
answer #1
answered by michael b 5
Thank goodness that so many people are now seeing through the propaganda and are refusing to be hoodwinked by one of the greatest hoaxes in history.
Of course its a political tactic. Just ask yourself why those promoting the whole idea of human responsibilty for climate change never mention a single benefit of climate change? If they were purely objective they would acknowledge that there are some benefits, just as there may be some disadvantages. It is obvious that it is a case of swings and roundabouts, climate change will undoubtedly involve some winners and some losers. Which will be the greater is a question no one can definitely answer. The only reason it is portrayed as all doom and gloom is because of vested interests. So many of these see climate change as a golden goose which will provide an unprecendented vehicle for financial gain, new taxes and political control.
Anyone who saw the 'Great Global Warming Swindle' on Channel 4 last Thursday, would now know that it is all a con.
Co2 is not even the cause of climate change, it is due to activity on the Sun. And the greatest greenhouse gas is actually water vapour which accounts for around 95% of the greenhouse effect. This effect is essential to prevent the Earth becoming so cold it would be uninhabitable, so we need this greenhouse effect.
As for Co2, it is not a pollutant, but a good gas which encourages plant growth and increased crop yields. So the more we produce the better. In any case most Co2 comes from the oceans and volcanos, and the amount they produce every year renders the human production of Co2 entirely insignificant.
Politicians are now intent on scaring us witless in order to make new taxes more acceptable. We are already taxed to a level which is extortionate by any standards of the past. So in order to tax us more, without unleashing a (justifiable) taxpayers revolt, they have to convince us that it is all being done for our own benefit, and that we are to blame for damaging the future of the Earth through our selfish actions. We must be made to feel like criminals, so that we take our punishment without complaint. This also enables them to institute more and more rules and regulations effecting every aspect of our everyday life.
This prospect is an absolute delight to bureaucrats and especially to politicians, who are the world's greatest egotistical control freaks.
We can't change global warming, as we are not causing it.
The eco-fanatics should just get over it, and sit back and enjoy our recently improving weather. If springlike weather in London over the last few days is an example of climate change, then I say, 'bring it on'.
2007-03-13 10:05:05
answer #2
answered by A.M.D.G 6
Political Tactic - It's a way to force an issue down our throats.
My key phrase these days is: Stop pollution and protect our environment, because it's the right thing to do. Not because you are afraid to die do to a falsity about Global Warming.
Also I heard this morning that an expedition to the North Pole to check the Polar Ice Cap was canceled do to it being too cold and a couple people getting frost bite.
2007-03-13 08:02:27
answer #3
answered by Mikira 5
I'm sure there is climate change, and global warming. I'm not sure if it's a natural cycle or caused by man or a combination.
If Global warming is caused by green house gases, I'm sure humans contribution does not help.
I think taxes is the wrong way to deal with it if it's genuine, because it makes people suspicious. Incentives are the way to deal with it.
We only know what we're told and most of that is bullshit.
There has always been some scare. In the 50's it was Aliens, in the 60's, 70's & 80's nucleur threat, in the 90's an ice age and asteroids hitting earth. Now it's we're getting too hot.
2007-03-13 06:31:43
answer #4
answered by Barbara Doll to you 7
Of course it's a political tactic, people are asking who would benefit by lying about the cause of global warming well the fact that it gives governments another excuse to tax us even more might be a clue to who'd want to lie.
"If back in the mid-nineties, we knew what we know today about climate, Kyoto would not exist because we would have concluded it was not necessary" Dr. Tim Patterson - Professor of Geology, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Carleton University
"No matter if the science is all phony, there are collateral environmental benefits...climate change provides the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world" Christine Stewart, former Canadian Environment Minister
"Unless we announce disasters, no one will listen" Sir John Houghton, first chairman of IPCC
2007-03-13 09:03:15
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
six of one half a dozen of the other you can`t take too much out without putting something back but people will exploit the situation to attain their own aims and that aim is always money. carbon emissions are one they keep banging on about and there is cash involved what about gas emissions from cattle i.e methane i bet this is a major polluter lets tax the beefburger + there has to be mega bucks in that also . Then lets put all this cash back in to help solve the problems I don`t think they would somehow hence the ripoff and mistrust.
2007-03-13 06:54:31
answer #6
answered by oobedoo 1
There is a problem and a big one, the thing is that politicians do not care to solve it. If you see all the measures, except for some stupid taxes that won't help at all but for collecting more money, everything is "air", general things just to show to the people they care. Especially some measures that the EU decided to take according the industries can never be forced, they have to pass through so many voting processes that they would be able to be forced in approximately 10000 years or never.
2007-03-13 21:27:14
answer #7
answered by be good 2
Not a problem for me, i will be long gone once any real effects start to show.
I do not have any children either, but if global warming is a real threat then it always amazes me how little many of those who do have children care about what they are doing to the environment in which their children and potential grand children are going to inherit.
After all i walk to work as it only takes 30 minutes, and used to walk to school when i was younger, and yes i can drive and we do have a car available to use but i choose to live and work locally. Although i pay more for my house i save on the ever increasing fuel, car, road tax.
2007-03-13 06:38:41
answer #8
answered by Moneyloser 2
Global Warming is pure science - science fiction that is and the politicians know it.
But the beauty of using unproven science as a fact enables politicians and enviromental fanatics to play 'the right is on our side card, to gain more power over us and an excuse to demonise anyone who questions global warming science.
The truth is that it is cooler on earth today than is was just a few hundred years ago, and CO2 has no part to play in climate change.
The tactic is to gain power and money by using scare tactics
2007-03-13 07:05:53
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Minor problem being used as the latest in a long line of pretexts to justify limits on otherwise free, productive activity. And THAT is a political tactic as old as the ages.
2007-03-13 07:05:25
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Major problem. One only needs to look at the evidence and how fast the polar ice cap has been melting to know that what is happening is not a natural progression of a warming trend. Who would gain over a "political tactic" of global warming? No one. Who would gain to try to debunk global warming as a real problem? The oil and gas industry, the auto industry and any industry related to it. They are the one making billions off the fossil fuel dependency that the Americans and now the world has on oil and gas. They are also making billions off the huge government subsidies that the Bush administration is giving them. Which means our tax money is going to make the oil industry and the Saudi's even richer. This means we are paying for the same gallon of gasoline we pump into our cars twice. If we switch to renewable fuels that don't deplete the ozone or create greenhouse gasses, they lose profits. It's that simple. Follow the money.
2007-03-13 06:34:30
answer #11
answered by Anonymous