If they are overly romatic/sentimental that's a clue. If they are calling or visiting you on a CONSTANT basis (like you get the feeling if they could they'd follow you into the bathroom when you go pee!) That's a clue. When they want to know where you've been, who you have seen and you have to account for every single moment you're not in their site...that's a clue. When they start telling you that your friends are bad or wrong for you and that you shouldn't have anything to do with them any longer...that's a sign. When they start alienating you against your family that's a sign. When they start showing their temper and fly into rages over little things (like the newspaper was 2 inches from the doorstep and he wants to beat the crap out of the paper carrier) that is a sure sign.
The ONLY way to "change" that is to get the hell out of the realitonship before you wind up in hospital or in the cemetary.
2007-03-13 07:02:24
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
These are some signs that the relationship you are currently involved with can become violent. Let me tell you one thing this is serious. No man has NO right to lay one finger on a women nor human being to another. I speak from experience. If you see these signs please step away. No matter how you feel its the best thing you can do. I was in a abusive relationship and now that I look back I think of what a fool I was. It's the worstest feeling in the world and I suggest you be careful and look for these signs.
If you have ever been hit or otherwise hurt physically when your partner was angry, or if a partner threatened to hurt you while he was angry, you have been abused. Even non-violent threats are a sign of a problem.
If your boyfriend or girlfriend has ever broken, or merely thrown, an object while he or she was angry, he or she was being abusive towards you.
If you are frequently insulted or yelled at, you are being verbally abused. Verbal abuse can be just as bad as physical abuse.
Ask yourself if you are frightened to go home because you are worried you will be hurt. If your answer is yes, you are in trouble.
Does your partner:
Embarrass or belittle you or put you down?
Say hurtful things to you?
Dislike your friends and family and discourage your relationships with others?
Make all the decisions in the relationship?
Chastise you after social functions for talking with other people?
Act jealous of people you talk to?
Blame you for his or her mistakes?
Try to make you feel worthless or helpless?
Forbid or prevent you from working or going to school?
Keep money, credit cards, and checking accounts away from you?
Control access to your medicines or medical devices?
Threaten to have you deported?
Throw dishes or other objects?
Abuse your children or pet when mad at you?
Push, slap, kick, or otherwise assault you?
Demand sex, make you perform sexual acts you are not comfortable with, or sexually assault you?
There is no way of changing. If the person wants to change it has to be their decision. Usually there is some factors that lead to their voilent behavior such as being abused themselves,anger problems and what not. Probably couseling and therapy can help them. Interventions that will lead them to a non violent behavior. There are always places they can go for help. If you feel your in danger there are shelters as well.
2007-03-13 13:23:59
answer #2
answered by Txgirl23 4
you should watch the reactions of the victim,his/her reaction to what ever the person who may be the abuser. weather they jump when looked at the wrong way by the abuser, wearing long selves all the time no matter what the weather, do they always look at the ground,if they may look as if they want to to tell you something or ask for something but need for the other party to not be around,look for bruises on there bodies, if they fear going home at night , anything out of the ordinary and thing you know the person may do that you know they would not do .
2007-03-13 13:20:22
answer #3
answered by Sonya K 4
unable to handle stress or disappointment, controls u, talks down to u, gets easily angry when they don't get their way. keeps u away from friends and family, jealous for no reason, wants u all to their self, everything must be their way. your opinions don't count, name calls and hurts u emotionally when they don't get their way. yells at u unable to control anger. and their past, we have to look at that, because a mans past is the only true predictor of what will be in the future. he does not respect your boundaries. blaming u for things not your fault, inability to communicate. doesn't want u to work, isn't happy if u secede at something because he wants to see u as less than him. controls everything u do, where u go, and who u are friends with.
2007-03-13 13:30:36
answer #4
answered by jude 7
So basically, according to sweet_one, everyone is abusive.
There is not a person on the planet who has not at least once:
"Say hurtful things to you?"
So essentially, everyone, at one time or another has been abusive.
2007-03-13 13:32:04
answer #5
answered by camys_daddy 5
Go for Dating, Fall in Love, Fix Marriage
Find your suitable life partner through www.freewebs.com/india1947
2007-03-13 13:09:50
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
posessive and controlling. At first they will be nice. After a while, they will start to be controlling. Won't let you see your friends, gets mad irrationally, etc. And you can not change it. You can not change someone unless that person wants to change. So, get out as early as possible.
2007-03-13 13:13:35
answer #7
answered by nicoleblingy2003 4
Controlling...always wanting to do everything..
cuting you off when you speak. Grabbing you or getting in your face when fighting...The only way to fix this is to get medical help like a group therapy.
2007-03-13 13:09:46
answer #8
answered by ERICKSMAMA 5