Pretty sad isn't it? However we have all been twisted by 50+ years of sick brainwashing. I was a feminist most of my life and still believe in job equity etc. However in other ways, I am totally disgusted.
Let me educate you on feminism my dear. Personally, I think the sexes need more opportunities to get on and discuss things rationally. How else can we bring about change?
No name calling, nothing like that. Just the voice of experience and understanding what we fell for. It is such an insidious and immense subject that I barely know where to start. The roots of this sin go deep and we were and continue to be duped by it. Our society is so entrenched by this one evil philosophy that we may no longer be able to see it for what it is. This wicked philosophy is “feminism”.
Warning! Do not read unless you have an open mind! LOL. This will go against almost all you have been taught to believe about men and women for the past pathetic 60 years. But, having lived through this, I see just how true it is and how it was done
Feminism is a grotesque fraud perpetrated on society by the governing elite. It is designed to weaken the American social and cultural fabric in order to introduce a "friendly" fascist New World Order. Its advocates are sanctimonious charlatans who have grown rich and powerful from it. They include a whole class of liars and moral cripples who work for the elite in various capacities: government, education and the media. These imposters ought to be exposed and ridiculed. Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem were NOT what they were presented to be. They were CIA hired Communist agents.
We were taught to abandon our femininity and challenge men for the masculine role. We were told heterosexuality and family by nature is oppressive to women. Domestic violence was publicized to trample woman's tender tendrils of trust. As a result, the divorce rate doubled and the birth rate was cut in half. One third of all births are now out-of-wedlock. The ability to commit to a relationship is almost unheard of among the young. Today they “hook up” and move on. Men are reduced to no more than dogs urinating on women as if they were hydrants. How often have I heard a single mother refer to her ex as a "sperm donor"? But no one is at fault here, we are ALL VICTIMS. Men, women, children all.
Not all women need to marry and have children but the vast majority do. We are a bonding species. Children represent our organic growth. As recently as fifty years ago, the role of wife and mother was honored. After 1960, society was subjected to the vicious campaign of social engineering designed to disparage these roles and make women seek fulfillment in career instead. We got caught up in the fun of burning our bras and being led by the evil ones.
Led by the Rockefeller Foundation, this media campaign was made to look spontaneous and "modern." In fact, the goal was to decrease the birth rate and destabilize society by pitting men against women. Divide and conquer. The other reason for the feminist action was so that the bankers could CHARGE DOUBLE THE INCOME TAX on a family. With two working members there was more to steal by their dishonest tax laws. (These people, NOT our governments, own the Federal Reserve). Aaron Russo discusses this in this short flick:
Feminism has done untold damage to civilization. There is no more fundamental yet delicate relationship in society than male and female. On it depends the family, the red blood cell of society. Nobody with the interests of society at heart would try to divide men and women. Yet the lie that men have exploited women has become the official orthodoxy. The lie that they cheat is part of the propaganda machine. Man loves woman. His first instinct is to nurture ("husband") and see her thrive. When a woman is happy, she is beautiful. Sure, some men are abusive, but the vast majority are good decent men who have supported and guided their families for millennium. This is why men were so much stronger in character in days gone by. Feminism has robbed them of their rightful position in society. They are not given many opportunities to develop these traits. Abuse is up because these men are frustrated by the termination of their natural tendencies to nurture. No excuses but this is a contributing factor.
The Rockefeller's cruel regime has tricked women into forgetting that they are part of a natural cycle, and the ages of 18-25 are critical to starting a family. In the same way as the apple tree blossoms in the spring, young women need to marry and have children when nature intended. The Rockefellers want women and men to miss the opportunity to start strong families that will protect them from enslavement by the state.
All of this is calculated to create personal confusion and sow chaos among heterosexuals. As a result, millions of American males are emasculated and divorced from their relationship to family (the world and the future.) The American woman has been hoodwinked into investing herself in a meaningless mundane career instead of the timeless love of her husband and children. Many women have become temperamentally unfit to be wives and mothers.
People who are isolated and alone, stunted and love-starved, are easy to fool and manipulate. Without the healthy influence of two loving parents, so are their children. When both parents work, the children are exposed to government propaganda and manipulation from even younger ages.
Women's oppression is a lie. Sex roles were never as rigid as feminists would have us believe. My mother had a successful business in the 1940’s as a private nurse. When my father's income increased, she was content to quit and concentrate on the children. Women were free to pursue careers if they wanted to. The difference was that their role as wife and mother was understood, and socially validated, as it should be. Yet Stay at home mothers, both Christian and Muslim, are jeered and considered patsies by their more militant sisters.
Sex is an act of possession. You cannot be possessed by many men and ever belong to one. The ability to love/trust dies. The sex act is sacred. It is the ritual enactment of the Act of Creation. The man selects and prepares the special ground and plants his seed. The woman receives and nurtures it. Ultimately, a child is the fruit of love. Sex is an uplifting experience in this loving context. Today women and men settle for so much less. Careless sharing of our flesh has almost killed this concept today. Our children and grandchildren suffer.
We were told to be "smarter, better, faster" than the men we met. This is now echoed in “girl power” as boys are being marginalized in society. No longer does a woman seek a man she can naturally look up to, respect and trust. They waste time on the emotionally immature boys that men have been molded into. Men want power; women want love. Heterosexual union involves the exchange of the two: female power (in the worldly sense) for male love (his power expressed as love.)Two people don't become one by fighting over the same territory.
It is almost impossible to find a man with a powerful positive vision of life with a central place for a wife in these days. Homosexuality has seriously affected the balance between men in women in numbers. Men have to know what they want, provide leadership and earn trust. The man "makes the house, the woman makes the home. This complementary division of labor is natural. Women need to remember how to be a homemaker and mother. Why do you think fast foods and easy bake junk was promoted until most women have forgotten the basics?
Once the power-for-love arrangement is established, sex roles don't have to be rigid. The key is that a wife is willing to be First Mate to her Captain because he loves her, looks after her interests and is totally loyal. After that, who does what can be dictated by respective preferences, abilities and practical considerations.
While this was done to women, men were dumbed down and taught rebellion was coooool More separation from healthy mainstream attitudes. They were drugged and mind altered through the hippy days. They were taught a man has no responsibility to a woman because she is willing to give it away. "Free love" was NOT free. And so here we are.
Personally I feel RIPPED OFF. I believed this crap that was fed to us so insidiously. In doing so I lived a life I would not have chosen had I known better!
I hope I have expressed myself well. Feminism brought a few positive changes. But when you weight the good against the bad you will find, it was all a big sham created by the CIA, the Rockefellers and the Communist women who led us straight to hell.
2007-03-14 17:27:43
answer #1
answered by Noor al Haqiqa 6
Feminists are about equality, they really don't care about your misguided ideals. Your passive aggressive nature makes it quite clear that you have ongoing issues and with regards to feminism and your comments only emphasize this. Please show proof that any feminist has ever said anything this silly. Your arguments are groundless and have no viable proof to back them up. This makes you just another crank. I don't hate men or women because of the difference in beliefs however it seems that you look for opportunities to upset others with your trolling.
Instead of posting inflammatory questions and answers maybe you should take the time to read some of the educated answers and learn something. Your constant pandering is rather tiresome and the only thing I can do is pray to Goddess that someday you will become teachable.
2007-03-14 10:10:40
answer #2
answered by Deirdre O 7
Feminism had its hey-day. It was needed, but not any more. We now have equal opportunities. You can be a feminist and not act out in a masculine way. You don't have to be butch, just to get an equal pay packet.
We're all real women. There's nothing fake about me.
2007-03-15 04:50:18
answer #3
answered by True Blue Brit 7
Your attitudes are biased...maybe you don't know a lot of feminists, and so you buy into the stereotypes. I don't think "anti-feminists" aren't "real" women...and I happen to be VERY feminine, and I NEVER try to act like "one of the guys, (that's just not me) and anybody that knows me would agree. Most of my friends (who are feminists) are also very feminine...I just wonder where you got your information?
2007-03-13 09:58:48
answer #4
answered by wendy g 7
Feminism is entirely about women, organised solely for women by women, for the rights of women. Men are only ever mentioned as a problem.
Therefore, most feminists equate feminism with being a woman.
Luckily, some women realise that the world does not revolve around women, and that others have rights too. I think this is why anti-feminists come under such criticism, especially female anti-feminists.
Just to add: If anyone tells me feminism is about equality again, I will scream. Feminism is an idealogy supported almost solely by women, named after women, focusing only on the rights/problems of women, and often demonising the other half of the population. I have yet to find a single feminist organisation that actively fights for the rights of men, none. And yet most feminists peg the male 'patriarchy' as the source of every problem facing women today. Equality?
To mark: No, liberalism (European liberalism, not the american meaning) is the political idealogy that focuses mainly on freedom. Feminism focuses on women, and women ONLY.
2007-03-13 05:46:02
answer #5
answered by callum828 2
Well, for me it's all about how the Anti-Feminist women act like TROLLS.
Good luck.
2007-03-13 16:50:57
answer #6
answered by Croa 6
I think the question should be reversed. I hear many more put-downs of feminists than non-feminists by people like Ann Coulter.
Basically feminism is just about women having the same opportunities for self-determination as men do. If that means that you stay home and have kids, because it's what you want to do, most feminists would support you in that decision and not criticize you for it.
2007-03-13 05:36:27
answer #7
answered by Mark S 2
I haven't seen any evidence on this list, or elsewhere, that feminists think that anti-feminists aren't real women.
I am a feminist, Alexandra, and I DO disagree with you. If you choose to be a stay-at-home mom, and to embrace "feminine" ideals, then that is your choice. No one here has said otherwise. However, it seems that you want ALL women to behave the same way. This is where I have a problem. Are you so insecure in who you are that you must have everyone else follow your own path?
2007-03-13 07:57:53
answer #8
answered by stormsinger1 5
all these idiots can't distinguish between truth and advertising. feminism is advertised as "equality"; while the truth is feminism terrorist psyop - it's a weapon, like agent orange, used to slowly rot whatever society it is used against. there is no "that brand of feminism /that used to be good/ that was needed for its time", it's always been complete fcking bullshit, women have never been oppressed by their own men, there are no mounds of female corpses of women who died defending their men.
men report being 'made to penetrate' as often as women report being raped.
more than twice as many men are raped in prison than all female rapes.
one billion men have been rape-torture-mutilated as children.
and ask slavic people, armenians, white south africans, irish, etc, about white privilege.
wage gap:
what feminists call a wage gap is an earning gap, and the result of choice.
the real wage gap is in reverse. "never-married, college-educated, full time working men who have never had children, earn 85% of what women in the same category do."
Domestic violence is 36% perpetrated by WOMEN, 15% perpetrated by men, 50% reciprocal. (CDC 2001)
If abortion is not murder, then why is it double homicide to kill a pregnant woman. women hold the power of life and death over children, the power of what men will pass on their genes, the power to indoctrinate children...
women look up at the glass ceiling and cry, while in the concrete basement below her feet men die.
Madame Kusnezowa
David Reimer
Thomas James Ball
Esther Vilar
Valerie Solanas
Eugene Kanin
Warren Farrell
Erin Pizzey
Earl Silverman
Suicides (2008) Men 28,450 81%
Unsheltered Homeless (2009) Men 240,000 96%
Deaths by Homicide (2004) Men 14,717 80%
Deaths from Cancer (2004) Men 51.8%
Federal Funds for Sex Specific Cancer Research
Women Breast Cancer $631,000,000 40,000 Deaths
Men Prostate Cancer $300,000,000 33,000 Deaths
Deaths from HIV/AIDS (2004) Men 72.3%
Deaths on the Job (2010) Men 4,192 93%
Injuries on the Job (2007) Men 64%
College Enrollment (2009) Women 58%
Affirmative Action Education Programs (Gender Specific)
Women Yes
Men No
Unemployment (2010) Men 58.2%
Hours Worked Per Week (2010)
Women 36.1
Men 40.2
High School Graduation Rates (2005)
Women 72%
Men 65%
Incarceration Rates (2009) Men 1,502,490 93%
Child Custody
Women 11,268,000
Men 2,907,000
US Military Deaths From (1950-2010) Men 99.99%
Federally Funded Battered Shelters
Women 2,000+ $300,000,000 per year
Men None $0
Federally Funded Health Offices and Research 1970 Present (not including cancer research)
Women Only Office, Projects and Programs 70+ Funds $100,000,000,000
Men Only None $0
Forced Selective Service
Women No
Men Yes
Drug and Alcohol Addiction and Abuse Rates (2010) Men 68%
Doctor Degrees (2010) Women 51.6%
Master's Degrees (2010) Women 60.3%
Alimony Women 97% (temporary for men. permanent for Women)
men die 7 years earlier than women
twice as likely to be victims of violent crimes
punished 3 times more severely than women for committing the same crime
raped 3x as often as women
88% of the victims of bladerape mutilation-torture (aka circumcision) (worldwide)
95-100% of the employees in the worst 10% of jobs
77% of single homeless adults are men.
2016-03-27 17:36:25
answer #9
answered by para 5
I don't know where you get the idea to make such a blanket generalization here.
Feminism is about choices, and the freedom to make them. Sometimes it calls into question the underlying assumptions that have been made in the past to deny women equal opportunities, and in so doing this riles up other women who don't question those assumptions. This is not the same as thinking that "anti-feminists" (whoever those are) aren't real women (whatever that means).
2007-03-13 05:36:10
answer #10
answered by yoericd 3
feminists are all for not having a different treatment between men and women they don't like girlie girls because they don't care that they are treated differently
2007-03-13 05:30:30
answer #11
answered by Anonymous