most guinea pigs do fine on there own. They are pregnant for 60 days roughly give or take, they will give birth to fully furred, and eye open babies. The babies will be able to run and eat shortly after birth.
Most guinea pigs dont need help giving birth, but some can have complications depending how old she is, how many babies, and how big the babies are. Have a vet on standby, she may need them c-section or die having them. Some could be born dead if you dont take action immediately.
Keep her seperated from the male, and any other females, Only to give her privacy, they are not like other rodents, the father wont kill the babies and she wont eat them, BUT BUT BUT the father will re-breed the female 8 hours after birth and any daughter that comes into heat early which can be 4 weeks after birth. DONT DO THIS its hard on mom and will cause weak and dead babies in the next litter. Also They do not drown as someone about suggested and best not to mess with her during birth. Keep her in a quiet corner, low traffic and give her a hide out to hide in. Increase her Alphalfa hay intake, fruits and veggie treats, and be sure she has food and fresh water available at ALL times. Keep her cage very clean and sit back and wait.
Babies will come with little notice, you may wake up and find her huddled in her box, over the top of the new pups. Pups like to burrow and hide for warmth under her loose belly skin. You may have to actually pick her up to see the babies. You can hold and touch babies right away, just dont mess with them alot. Pick them up examine them. Be sure tehy arent hurt or cords hanging off. Then right away put back under mom. Dont pass them around dont fuss over them and leave mom alone with them for a day or two just observe them. After 2 days then you can play with them all you want, just dont take them ALL away from her at once, this distresses mom and babies and she will search and squeak and cry for them. Just take one at a time. Guinea pigs average litter is 2 to 4 pups. They must be with mom 5 to 6 weeks. Dont seperate earlier than that please. I've raised show Guinea Pigs and run a rescue for abandoned, and un wanted Pigs for 17+ years.
I recommend you spay her or nueter your male. There are huge numbers of unwanted guinea pigs out there just like cats and dogs, sometimes you cant give them away. most pet stores wont take them cause they have contracts with Wholesalers. Please dont breed your guinea pigs again. I currently have 4 fosters that i cant find a home for for the last year.
2007-03-13 05:03:07
answer #1
answered by I luv Pets 7
keep a close eye on her if this is the first litter she has had, some will attack or eat there babies. My bunny had babies 4 days ago and she eat all but one, than she died and i am now trying to keep this baby bunny alive. Give her lots of food and water, if you have an old shirt cut it up and put that in her cage(will soak up blood and fluids). Also when she is giving birth make sure either she or you get the baby out of the sak ASAP or they will drown. Good Luck!!
2007-03-13 11:50:05
answer #2
answered by BaBy KiSsEs!! 3
Learn to spell is my first bit of advice. Step two: go to and type in "pregnant Guinea Pigs" and see what comes up. Here's an example:
Pregnancy and Guinea Pigs
The gestation period for Guinea Pigs is 62 to 70 days. The greater the number of babies the mother is carrying, the shorter the pregnancy. Most pregnancy are non problematic.
Guinea Pigs are more prone to heat related death in the
latter stages of pregnancy. They have been known to abort the fetus's if an alarming incident occurs. If you must pick up a GP who is pregnant, be sure and securely support her hind quarters.
No changes are visible in appearance or behavior during the first four weeks. The last two to three weeks, the mother to be will become quite "plump." This is expected as the babies will comprise more than half of her body weight. You can see the movement of and feel the babies during the last two weeks.
If you are positive that the Guinea Pig you are caring for is pregnant, you will want to feed her alfalfa hay instead of Timothy to give her a bit more protein and calcium. It has also been observed that fiber may contribute to preventing hair thinning, a common occurrence in late pregnancy, so the hay becomes very important. In addition, she will twice as much vitamin C to prevent toxemia.
The Birth
Mothers rarely need any help unless they are older and this is their first pregnancy. The hip bones grow closer together with age, unless she gives birth. Any Guinea Pig over six months of age is at great risk if she becomes pregnant. If you have a GP whom you suspect to be pregnant, taking her to a Vet to determine the expected birth date and arranging for a cesarian will save her life.
One clue as to the date of the up coming birth is that the babies will be seen moving three weeks prior to their emergence.
The birth process under normal circumstances usually takes place in the daytime and lasts for a maximum of 20 minutes. The first baby should appear after 5 minutes of labor. The time between the birth of each of the babies is between 3 and 5 minutes. Guinea Pigs will usually give birth to 2 to 3 babies. Sometimes only 1 will be born and on the rare occasion a Guinea Pig may have up to 8. If the labor extends longer, be prepared to rush her to the Vet.
She could die of exhaustion. She will remain sitting while the babies emerge underneath, head first. She will pull the ambiotic sac with her teeth by reaching between her legs. As the babies appear she will clean them off as they appear. When all have been born, a bit of blood and the placenta will appear. She will eat the latter.
The Mother will not build a nest prior to the birth. You will want to separate her from any other GP's to avert any mishap and make sure she has a clean place to take care of her young. Give her some extra soft bedding, certainly not alfalfa hay which is quite scratchy. Care Fresh is very good bedding for young GP's.
2007-03-13 11:48:34
answer #3
answered by EmLa 5
i`d say take it to the vet and have them look at it...and they`ll tell you what to do. other than that...i`d say try to make her as comfy as possible, give her a lot of water, fresh everyday, fresh food, and put some veggies in her cage. and as much quality time with her as possible. make her feel loved.
2007-03-13 11:46:41
answer #4
answered by Erica M 1
I would repost this in the Pets section. They will have more advice then we will. But good luck!
2007-03-13 11:48:07
answer #5
answered by michaellandonsmommy 6
Ask the question in pets. People aren't guinea pigs.
2007-03-13 11:45:46
answer #6
answered by chelebeee 5
repost this question in the animal section because this is the human pregnancy section.
2007-03-13 11:45:28
answer #7
answered by Miki 6
separate them
2007-03-13 11:44:12
answer #8
answered by flowersgardenia 1