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People say women who got raped asked for it, what is your opinion about it? In South Africa a woman gets raped every three minutes, are you one of those victims? How did it happen and did you go to the police?

2007-03-13 03:26:11 · 10 answers · asked by poepies 4 in Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

Thanks to everybody who answered my question, and thanks to everybody who's concerned about the fact that I could be a victim, but luckily I'm not. Unfortunately it happened to a very good friend of mine, and it shocked me when I heard that she didn't and couldn't go to the police because of the fact that she was raped by a Nigerian drug lord. I feel so sad for women and men who got raped and didn't have the courage to go to someone and say, "Hey, I'm raped, help", nobody should ever go through that ordeal. Bring all rapists to me, I grate his balls!!!

2007-03-13 21:14:37 · update #1

10 answers

Yes, when I was 21. It was a guy I used to date, and we had broken up. I went to his place to pick up my things, he was supposed to be at work. He was hiding in a closet, and raped me at knife point. I did not call the police...I had an Italian friend "who had friends", and they beat the crap out of him. My mom was terminally ill at the time, and I found out I was pregnant as a result of the rape. I could not handle my mom's illness plus an unwanted pregnancy, so I terminated.
To this day, and I am now 52, I regret that decision. I just let time heal me, and the closeness of good friends. You do heal, but it takes much time. I am not in South Africa, and I know the conditions are horrifying, but as a rape victim, my heart goes out to anyone who has had to endure the ignorance, brutality, inhumanity and violation of a rape. No woman asks for that kind of treatment, and no woman ever "deserves" it! EVER!!! Men who rape should be castrated, and not just their balls!

2007-03-13 03:43:05 · answer #1 · answered by porkchop 3 · 15 0


rape is one of the most despicable crimes that can happen. it not only affects the victim, but their friends and families too.

i pray this has not happened to you, but if it has, there are several steps you should take.

1)report the crime. this will take the power back from the rapist.
2)seek professional counseling.
3)be strong, but know its ok to cry.
4)allow yourself time to heal - both physically and emotionally.
5)dont allow the victim attitude. become a survivor. victims are powerless, whereas survivors have been through and have the power of survival.
6)tell everyone. the support you get will be amazing.

next, when the b@stard is caught, let the 27's gang rape him on a daily basis in prison. hopefully internal bleeding, gangarene of the anus or some other equally painful and interesting disease will get him.

may all rapists die a slow and excrutiatingly painful death whilst rotting in prison where they belong.

2007-03-13 04:01:12 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

Whoever said that is half an inbred quater breed (which must take some orgy to produce)...
What if you're just 8 years old, unaware even of sex...
and someone you were meant to trust does this to you?
The best remedy has been blocking it out... but it wont replace the guilt of feeling maybe it was your fault and if God is angry at you for it (gee!!! as a child?)...
Thats why I say rapists should be castrated... or like Proud says, left to the 27's gang...

Yes I'm a past victim - aged 8 and I can only thank God that I dont entirely remember and that the culprit is dead... end of story.

woa!...That took a lot out of me...

2007-03-13 04:03:44 · answer #3 · answered by Reb Da Rebel 6 · 6 0

Reading between the lines of your question i hope this has not happened to you.
If any Victim cant get help or advice in your own country There are quite a few organizations in the UK that can help in circumstances such as this they will listen and advise the victims a lot better than the well meaning people on this site.
Try reaching them on line.
Take Care

2007-03-13 03:54:09 · answer #4 · answered by ashymojo 3 · 5 0

Anu assult, sexually motivated or not is wrong, and the victim needs support and time to heel, and go back to normal after the helling process.

Rape statistics in South Africa are outragelously high, I guess more efforts in preventing it and fighting it should be done.

2007-03-13 07:57:46 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I cannot think of a worse crime to commit against a female than rape. It violates every part of their being and I cannot even begin to imagine how they must feel. While rapists are not confined to any one Group of people, in South Africa by far the highest numbers are Black. My guess is that this is a lack of civilisation considering that only 400 years ago these people had not even discovered the wheel and had no written language.Many of them still act and behave like cavemen e.g. animal slaughtering etc and they have a lot of catching up to do in the civilisation stakes.

2007-03-13 07:53:58 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 6 3

I'll tell you now it is very hard to cope with. I've been trying to deal with it for at least 25 years, especially when it was my own father, no, I don't have anything to do with him, in fact none of my other siblings have anthing to do with him either, he was not a good father to any of us. I was to scared to say anything to anyone at the time it happened, even my mother.He threatened me and abused me for several years. I didn't ask for it, I was a child. But I did get conseling, but I still deal with it everyday. If any one gets raped, don't wait to get help, go to someone and tell them what happened. The group conseling I went to helped alot The one thing that I do regret is that if I'd told someone, it may not have happened to another sibbling of mine. I blame myself for that, but I also remember that he was the creep that did the wrong thing. Good Luck & Please talk to someone.

2007-03-13 03:50:38 · answer #7 · answered by shortcake 1 · 12 0

I don't think "they ask for it", alot of them however could have exercised alot more caution and not put themselves in that position, regardless of the circumstances, rape is wrong and rapists should be hanged.

2007-03-13 03:42:08 · answer #8 · answered by Raging Bull II 2 · 4 1

the perfect ingredient you're able to do is be there for her, talk over together with her, safeguard her, and make her experience welcome each and all the time. that's an extremely traumatizing adventure, so it is going to take help and time to get via it.

2016-10-02 01:20:17 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The majority women that are victim of rape in South Africa are under the influence of alcohol. On the radio this morning they say that nearly 100% of crime in a certain rural town in SA is alcohol related and that includes rape. (More than 50% of victims of murder in SA are under the influence of alcohol) 89% of rape victims know the perpetrators. Yes, SA has the highest rape rate in the world, but many people think most victims are randomly raped in streets etc. That's definitely not true.

2007-03-13 04:17:23 · answer #10 · answered by Malan 3 · 3 19

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