Well the problem with using household products is that many of them were processed or created in a way that added chemicals or other toxins, which can leach out of the product into the water.
Anyway, typically "pure" items are safest, like glass for example. Metals are unsafe because it can rust, but stainless steel is fine.
Ceramic is fine, but avoid clay.
Crystals like quartz, amethyst, as well as fossils and petrified wood are fine (if you have those at home ;))
Rubber is also safe, provided it hasn't been treated with anything toxic.
Most plastics I would avoid, although some types are safe, like the type used in piping (pvc).
2007-03-13 03:27:22
answer #1
answered by Zoe 6
Zoe has a lot of good idea w/regards to glass and ceramic's that have been glazed and are not "Dry footed" these can also leach lead.
I will warn you however depending on your tank temps, stay away from cold water PVC. Use the PVC intended for hot/warm water These won't leach. Also I would stay away from Teracotta pots. These are clay based and some do leach metals into the tank.
I have seen some oddball tank decorations using crystal and glass beads suspended with heavy guage fishing line at the rear of the tank. All safe. You can also use fishing lures (hooks removed). Instead of buying a backer create your own unique drawing for the back of the tank.
Any plastic food container will also work. (gladware, pop/soda bottles, Peroxide bottles, water bottles) Since these are food safe they will not leach. 14K gold is also another option and safe. CD cases (Clear ones) are made of poly carbide and will also not leach. (Remove the paper of course)
The sky is the limit here.
2007-03-13 04:04:53
answer #2
answered by danielle Z 7
There is a book called Aquarium Style: Imaginative Ideas for Creating Dream Homes for Fish. They have such great pictures complete with supplies to create the tank scenes. The set-ups range from natural biospheres to plastic and household items set-ups. You should really check it out from the library and at least take a look at it. I checked it out from the library and loved the ideas so much, I bought it on ebay for $7 the very next day.
Just a thought.
2007-03-13 04:03:14
answer #3
answered by Becca 5
I am doing this with my tank as we speak. I took a lamp shade from an oil lamp with is clear and open at each end. I laid it on its side. The fish love it!! I also went to a second hand store and bought several different sized, and colored bottles. The fish can migrate in and out of. Any glass nic -nac with holes it it works great. Make sure everything you add to your tank is very clean. :)
2007-03-18 10:18:04
answer #4
answered by JT 1
I'm not absolutely clear on your question but I'm going ot assume you are looking for a more industrialized look in your aquarium. One of the best things in the world for that is plastic PVC pipping. it can be gotten at most any hardware store for pretty cheap and in tons of sizes. It's great for many fish that like to hide out and or breed in closed spaces.
Another great thing to add to the tank are clay flowerpots. They also come in every size, if you get any colors try to make sure that only vegetable dyes or some other non-toxic dye were used and I wouldn't use any of the painted or glazed ones either. Remember at some point all that stuff breaks down and gets into the water. It's best to use just he plain old Terra-cotta. They can be placed upside-down or on their sides. Many people file the drainage hole at the bottom so that it's bigger for larger fish to pass through.
2007-03-13 03:40:19
answer #5
answered by midraj 3
Flower Pots
2007-03-17 04:50:12
answer #6
answered by Chris 5
One fun way is to cut a piece of wrapping paper to fit the back of the tank and scotch tape it to the tank. If your artistically inclined, you can draw your own landscape on a white paper and use that for a background.
2007-03-13 03:36:48
answer #7
answered by pete_mishler 1
I have a large green see through glass bottle that adds a nice touch to mine. You could also try bogwood or normal wood, sea glass, sea shells and things like that. Make sure to boil or well-wash and rinse the items before putting them in.
2007-03-20 09:26:35
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
there are many things you can use from home as long as they are cleaned very well before use i had my whole dining room done in dolphins so i set up dolphin figurines and gravel pick a theme and go for it but clean them first
2007-03-13 06:19:57
answer #9
answered by acstevey1 2
China/plastic/metal things
2007-03-13 06:10:00
answer #10
answered by Gracie 3