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with the atrocities on fellow country men. He is as bad as was the late Saddam Hussein, so why have we in the West turned a blind eye to his way of governing his country?

Is it economics...Oil again by any chance?

2007-03-13 03:04:36 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Okay faux pas.....

2007-03-13 03:09:27 · update #1

So we don't have to give a monkeys for our fellow human beings.is that it?.

How shallow are we in the Western world

2007-03-13 08:32:33 · update #2

18 answers

The West is fairly indifferent to African nations. They're of little strategic value, and have no oil. We only intervene when Islamic extremists raise they're ugly head (Somalia).
Its beginning to look like Mr Mugabe's regime will collapse on its own anyway due to inflation. When he can no longer pay the civil servants that keep him in power (police,army etc), the end is near.

2007-03-13 03:07:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

The sad thing is this could have been predicted years ago. When Ian Smith was forced out and 'democratic elections' were held, it was obvious to anyone but the mentally challenged that Mugabe would win, he came from the biggest tribe. It was also known he was a Marxist when it suited him but at heart he was just plain power hungry. Almost immediately, he had Cuban troops supporting his own forces in ethnic cleansing against the Matabele early in his domination of the country. Nothing was done then and his despotism has grown worse with age. The best thing for the Zimbabwe now would be for him to die.

But he was the first black to run Zimbabwe and in the political climate of that day, no one could say anything bad against him however many people he murdered.

2007-03-13 03:26:54 · answer #2 · answered by Elizabeth Howard 6 · 2 0

I like wolfgangs answer, its a subtle attack at the Politically Correct brigade.

I visited Zimbabwe about 5 years ago and while their spoke to many people. Not one of them had a good word to say about Mugabe and that was before things really got bad.

I believe it has something to do with divide and concur.
Imagine how strong a non corrupt UNITED STATES OF AFRICA would be. The continent has wild life and history and pyramids for tourism, oil in some states, oceans to control for fishing rights around it, a great deal of land even fertile land. could easily build great sporting venues and a grand prix track. It also has diamonds, minerals, and other mining reserves and a labour force which is cheap.

Let them carry on with their tribal mentality and be controlled by corrupt leaders we can bribe while we in the west continue to steal their assets from under their noses.

2007-03-13 06:52:12 · answer #3 · answered by Moneyloser 2 · 3 0

Yes bang on. There is nothing of any value to us and the Americans. A lot of Zimbabwe is owned by Libya, as they gave them oil. As Libya is now on speaking terms with the US, they may assist with diplomatic sanctions. The fact is Robert Mugabe is destroying his Country, but no one cares.

2007-03-13 09:31:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Because Zamboobway ain't got no oil, or anything else tha Robber Barons want, and now that the monkeys have run all the white people out of the country, none of the Barons care what the monkeys do to each other!
Let 'em find diamonds, platinum, or gold in Boobland, and SEE how long Mugoobee lasts in power! ! !

2007-03-13 03:32:02 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Your question will be particularly painful to western / European governments.
What justification can there be in allowing mob rule to destroy a beautiful land?
Why is Mugabe still there?
South Africa doesn't seem to care what is happening on its doorstep.
Is it not remarkable that the British left wing will protest about nuclear, but will remain silent on this issue?
Is it not remarkable that both parties will go on about global warming but will ignore this issue?

2007-03-13 03:16:58 · answer #6 · answered by BRIAN S 3 · 4 0

You seem racist thinking the reality which you seem to agree that each physique black political leaders are damaging. does no longer Nelson Mandela be an party of a great black chief? For some reason you chosen to no longer use him as your party. you additionally would have long previous with Paul Kagame who has tripled the economic enhance of the country of Rwanda. i might opt to help the theory that each physique white leaders are damaging via way of utilising Hitler as my party. that's deceptive. i might opt to then declare that I even have not got to any extent further something against whites hence of actuality Hitler enhance into certainly a bad chief. See what I completed there? EDIT: Quoting the expenses of a brutal apartheid regime that automatically abducted, tortured and killed blacks to regulate via way of terror. To you, this proves that Nelson Mandela enhance spectacular right into a criminal... Noooo, you on the instantaneous are no longer racist, I had you all incorrect. *sarcasm* EDIT: Congrats, you hate the IRA, and curiously all black leaders all over the area to boot. EDIT: Your unique question paints you as a racist. i might opt to be incorrect, yet your statements can easily supply that effect. in accordance to danger you're President Obama on the a number of end of that laptop, yet you're doing a great pastime at looking like a bigot sitting in his basement.

2016-11-25 00:21:21 · answer #7 · answered by Erika 4 · 0 0

Because there's nothing of value in Zimbabwe that Bush or Blair wants a peice of! and the rest of the world is too scared to do anything!

2007-03-13 03:14:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Spread a rumour that Osama is hiding there and watch the Cruise missiles take out Mugabe!.

2007-03-13 20:02:25 · answer #9 · answered by Rob Roy 6 · 0 0

it can't b the Oil.
Zimbabwe's oil ran dry about 5 years or so ago.
it's economics.
on the backs of poor countries, the west makes a profit.

c link below.
some companies just have no ethics!

2007-03-13 03:11:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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