The Sims
This the way of playing at The Sims without using cheat:
Submitted by: CimPin
First make family to become your friend later, make 1 family by 8 its member,
min you make 2 family, so that totalize your friend later there is 16 people,
place them at empty place, to be easier enough make wall and place telephone
to each every family, so that is easy to contacted later.
Second make your family, you better only just 1 person of your family member.
place him/her at the cheapest house, then buy just important furniture, wich
is phone, paint appliance, mirror, bookcase, and chess.
Third engage in, a moment u come home from worktake your time to learn to to
cook, make ripe Iesson full, so that way you can buy stove of wich later good
for fulfilling hunger. don't forget spare time moment to get acquainted with
late neighbour or wich stop by to your house, enough acquaintanceship first.
when cooking have full, you cam fulfill the other exp for example logical.
Fourth if all job have full (Cooking, Logical, etc), its time to you to make
friends, now use your time after job activity to make family friends, because
one of the condition get promotion is friends. if fufilled hence you'd quickly
get promotion and quickly get money many, you can reach highest rank, for
example General or of Mad Scientis.
Improving skill levels of newbies quickly:
note: Sims + all add ons cheat
Submitted by: by
one of the most tiring this is getting the skills level up for the sims,
which latter helps in the daily lives of the sim characters.
if you restart the tutorial (which you can do from the option manue)
you start with the newbie home with bob in it. now if you follow the toturial
instructions till the female character is introduced and then stop followng
the tutorial it would not go any further.
now press Alt+Ctrl+shift+c thing to bring the prompt for rosebud or money
cheat add some thousands go back to buy mode and buy stuff like
book shelf
chess board,
excercise machine
mirror etc to enhance the skills
you would notice that both the characters would carry on improving their
skills and would not get tired and their needs would not turn red. speed
up the clock so that both reach their max in chrisma, body, logic, cooking
etc. skills. after that finsih the tutorial now you have a family with full
skills and ready to climb the career ladder quickly, only hinderence would
be the requirement of making friends.
you have many options like throwing parties and all that to do it.
Everlasting food:
Submitted by: Jordan & Jess Brislen
How you get everlasting food; Go to "Move_objects on" then Make your
sim eat food & while he is eating move your sim anywhere. Your sim is
full & you get a new plate to prepare! Do this as much as you want.
Outside stuff inside:
Submitted by: Rhin0
Here's a way to have outside objects (like a basketball court) inside.
Create a room and remove a wall facing outside. This will make the game
consider the room outside. Place the desired objects and then rebuild
the wall.
How To Build a Sims SkyWalk:
Submitted by: Christopher Chandler
Start or add a home with a finished 1st floor.
Start a second floor by adding support posts through the yard away
from the house in a pattern very close together.
Try building floor starting at the edge of the upstairs and in to the
yard on the posts. If done right the floor will lay in succession as the
path progresses.(posts must be so that each step is covered)
Build a path to your liking that could be used as an open walkway.
When done with the path, go back to the first floor and remove the posts
from the yard to leave the Skywalk Freestanding. Unless you plan to add
Restaurant or other to skywalk the posts can go until you need to add
more room, then just put some posts up under the floor space and remove
again after addition is added.
(wall support needed while building, not afterward.)
Good idea to add stairs booth prior to Skywalk for access if not planning
a full upstairs. This can be done outside the house in the open for skywalk,
and serves as an end support.
Submitted by: Emy D
Put a sim in the bath go on buy mode bring up the cheat
box by pressing shift control and c all at the same time.
type in move_objects on and then press enter click on the
person in the bath and take them to a swimming pool if
you own one . Next put the sim above the diving board
and take a photo if a woman it loks like when they jumped
in there bikini fell off !!!!
Submitted by: L Z.
If you getting robbed and you don't have a secrurity system,
put a wall outside your house the way the robber is going and
when he runs out of your house he will stop because he can't
go anywere. make sure to call the police.
For a realy long balcony with no pillars:
Submitted by: tim
just go to downstairs veiw, put the pillars where you
want the floor to be, goto upstairs veiw and click undo
last move until all the pillars are gone. if you have
done this propely you should still be able put floor
where the pillars where to put floor.
Submitted by: Patrick
To make People Swim in Their Clothes you will need
the move objects cheat on. You will also need a pool
or something simalar. Then you pause the game and move
any person on to water. This also work well with sleeping
people because the will wake up and fall in to the water.
Submitted by: Ross tipping
to see ghosts of people you have killed send them to
dive in a pool and then delete the steps once they
are dead move the tomb stone over to the side do this
alot and at night some ghosts might come back but you
may have to wait a few nights
note: it will be at night they come back not day time
Eric Mintzer, Submitted the following Information:
Go to buy or build mode. hold press (shift-ctrl-alt-c)
a box will come up at the upper left hand corner.type
in (move_objects on).
click on the outside garbage can. then move it into the
kitchen. your sims will still throw away in the normal
garbagecan but whaen they empty itthey will only have
to take a few steps.
cheater, Submitted the following Information:
Some people you have to enter that long code klpacus
or somthing like that, well just type rosebud easy to
remember,rose bud gives you 1000 simolens,and you can
still use the repeat code after you have typed in the
rosebud code.
Submitted by: Fiona
If you want to kill your sims put them in the pool and
then go to Buy mode and take out the steps into the pool.
Then go to live mode again and fast forward the time and
soon the sims will die of exhaustion!!!!!
Dont Pay Bills!!!:
Submitted by: SwooshJNT
When your sim sets the bills on the table, simply
type control+shift+C and a grey box will appear.
Then, type move_objects on into the grey box and
go to buy mode. Click on the bills, and then you
can just delete them!!!
Build Anywhere!!!:
Submitted by: SwooshJNT
Make the cheat box appear, then type in map_edit on,
and all the squares on your map will have dots on them.
All the squares with white dots you can put your objects
on, but the squares with red dots you can't. So if you
click on the squares with red dots, the dots will turn
white and you can build on them. If you do this to your
road out front, you can make it carpet or anything else
you want. If you have a job, the carpool will drive on
the carpet, too!
Hear Your Own Toons!!!:
Submitted by: SwooshJNT
First, go to MY COMPUTER on your desktop. Whether you
install your Sims game in the D drive or the C drive
doesn't matter, but whatever one it is, click on that
drive. Then go to PROGRAM FILES, then MAXIS, and then
the Sims. Now click on the MUSIC file, and then click
on the STATIONS folder. Now, put your own music (MP3s)
in the files, LATIN, ROCK, CLASSIC, or COUNTRY. Then when
you go into your Sims game and turn on the radio, change
to the station you put your music in and you can see your
Sims dancing to your favorite songs! !!!WARNING!!! You can
try to change the music for the buy modes, build modes,
neighborhood modes, and loading, but I wouldn't because it
doesn't mess up your game, but your game either wont load,
or takes a long time to until you change the music back.
Submitted by: angela
in the sims, go to one of the neighbourhoods,
then type ctrl,alt,z and then type moveobjects on,
then you can create your house anywhere.And you can
also wait until a car comes, and then build a road
on your property, then place the car on your road,
then the car will just keep on driving.HAVE FUN!
Want Sex in Sims:
Submitted by: NickyBoom
build a tub or a shower etc. then press ctrl+alt+shift+c
then type "move_objects on" (without ""). tell your sim
to get bath when they are inside the tub;shower etc. goto
buy mode and select the hand tool. now select the tub in
which sim is and move it apart. do not delete the tub
otherwise yor sim will dissappear. Now you have naked
sim....especially naked Sim WOmen
Submitted by: Gazza Jones
hold in shift,control,alt and c and a cheat box will apear
in the corner of your screen in that box type Klapaucius
then !; !; !; !; !; for a while then keep taping enter
and if you tap it for a while your money will of rose to
a realy high amount you can only go upto 9,000,000
james finnerty, Submitted the following Information:
How to make a child stay off school: you type in the
cheat \'move_objects on\' then you use the hand,and
you grab the school bus when its parked outside and
before the child gets on the bus and you press delete.
Submitted by: Bart Libert aka L@p!no
Buy a telescope and put it outside. Now look through the
telescope for a long time (so you gain at least 3 or 4
Now, with a little luck, you'll get abducted by Aliens.
Don't worry, after a few days, you will return (I hope).
If you don't return, have another sim look through the
telescope, now the sim should return.
Getting your Sims Mood Bars FULL
WITHOUT losing your job
Drikus Jansen Van Vuuren, Submitted the following Information:
Press Control + Shift + C then type:
Move_Objects on and press enter Then save your game go to
build mode,choose the sim you want to be full mood,then press
delete go to live mode then click on your sim\'s face the one
you deleted and he will be somewhere in his house with all mood
bars full without losing jobs,points etc
Cheat mode:
Submitted by: Silvia, Remo en Rita
Enter [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[C] during the Life-mode.
Cheat Result
KLAPAUCIUS - 1000 extra Simdollars
INTERESTS - Find out about your Sims interests
MOVE_OBJECTS ON - You can move all the objects you want,
also Sims ( in PAUSE-mode)
MOVE_OBJECTS OFF - Disactivate this option
!;!;!;!;!; - Repeat previous cheat ( up to 60 times)
Instant good mood:
Submitted by: flash
You need to add "But,when doing so you will lose your
job and any score points.For example,if you have 5
cooking points...and 3 body will lose
them all...and you will have to earn then again.
to the end.
Dont pay the bills:
Submitted by: Screwyz
turn on the "Move_objects on" cheat. When ever the mailman
delivers the mail, have a sim retrieve it.
Then go into build mode, and use the hand, grab the bills,
and press delete, or drag to the bottom of the screen.
Dont pay the maid:
Turn on the "Move_objects on" cheat. After the maid finishes
her job, go into build mode, select the hand, grab the maid,
and press delete, or drag to the bottom of the screen.
You will have to have a sim call the maid service again
you will keep your simonians.
Instant good mood:
Turn on the "move_objects on" cheat. Get the hand tool in
build mode, and select the sim you want to put in a good mood.
Grab him, and drag to the bottom of the screen, he will
reappear somewhere in the house will all his "mood bars" full.
Submitted by: fmail: Horacio Sormani
You will be a serius murderer!:
Construct a swimming pool with only springboards.(The people
can enter the swimming pool but can´t leave it).
You can put to jump members of your family (but don't cry
if they dead) or you can put yor neighbors with the trick of
move objects into the swimming pool. In a few hours into
there they will be dead, and a tomb will appear next to the
swimming pool.(you can sell it for 5 simoleons)
Don't pay the pizza:
When you call for a pizza (if you already type the cheat
for move objects -move_objects on-) you can click on the
pizza (in construction mode hand) and put it on a table.
Hot,smoky,and crunchy to eat!
Don't keep my baby!!
When the social assistant comes to keep out your baby, press
control+shift+c and type move_objects on.Put the construction
mode (hand) and press on the social assistant.Then press Supr.
The baby will born again.
Open Cheat Screen:
Submitted by: EGe
Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C during game play to display a
prompt in the upper left corner of the screen.
Note:, enter [Exclamation point] at the prompt to
repeat the last cheat entered.
Enter a [Semi-colon] between codes to enter multiple
codes at the same time.
Result Code
1000 Simoleons - klapaucius
Add new family history stat to the current
family - hist_add
Appends the route destination list to AllRoutes.txt
every time a route is found - write_destlist
Architecture tools automatically set the level as
needed - auto_level
Automatically import and load indicated FAM file - import
Automatically load indicated house, no questions
asked - house
Check and fix required lot objects - prepare_lot
Completely flush app to VM file when running Windows NT - flush
Crash game - crash
Create moat or streams - water_tool
Create shrunk_text_#.bmp files - shrink_text
Create-a-character mode - edit_char
Display personality and interests - interests
Draw all animation frames disabled - draw_all_frames off
Draw all animation frames enabled - draw_all_frames on
Draw colored dots at each person's origin - draw_origins
Dump entire memory to core_dump_[date:time].txt - core_dump
Dump selected person's most recent list of scored
interactions to a file - dump_happy
Dump selected person's motive contribution curve to a
file - dump_mc
Enable debug flag to show outcome choice dialogs for
social interactions - debug_social
End sim logging - sim_log end
Execute "file.cht" file as a list of cheats - cht
Floorable grid disabled - draw_floorable off
Floorable grid enabled - draw_floorable on
Force an assert for testing - assert
Log animations in the event log window - log_animations
Map editor disabled - map_edit off
Map editor enabled - map_edit on
Move any object - move_objects
No tutorial object generation when tutorial house is
loaded - tutorial off
Prevent web browser crashes - browser_failsafe
Preview animations disabled - preview_anims off
Preview animations enabled - preview_anims on
Programmer stats - tile_info
Quit game - quit
Read in behavior tuning constants from Tuning.txt - #import
Rebuilds entire control panel/UCP from scratch - rebuild_cp
Refresh the BMP_ resources for all people whose
IFF files are writable - refresh_faces
Rematch dependent textures and regenerate
bitmaps for all user characters - refresh_textures
Restore tutorial - restore_tut
Rotate camera - rotation
Routing debug balloons disabled - route_balloons off
Routing debug balloons enabled - route_balloons on
Run series of random operations on unhoused
families - fam_test
Save currently loaded house - save
Save family history file - history
Say "plugh" - plugh
Say "porntipsguzzardo" - porntipsguzzardo
Say "xyzzy" - xyzzy
Selected person's path displayed - draw_routes on
Selected person's path hidden - draw_routes off
Set event logging mask - log_mask
Set free thinking level - autonomy
Set game speed - sim_speed
Set grass change value - edit_grass :
Set grass growth - grow_grass
Set lot size - lot_size
Set maximum milliseconds to allow simulator - sim_limit
Set sim speed - sim_speed
Set time of day - set_hour
Set z offset for thought - bubbles bubble_tweak
Sets the neighborhood directory to the path -
Sets up the borders of the lot with non-editable flag.
Requires rotation - lot_border
Sets whether menu items appear for in use objects - allow_inuse
Show memory view window in debug builds of the game - memview
Start sim logging - sim_log begin
Swap the two house files and updates families - swap_houses
Ticks disabled - sweep off
Ticks enabled - sweep on
Tile information displayed - tile_info on
Tile information hidden - tile_info off
Toggle allowing visitors to be controlled using the
keyboard - visitor_control
Toggle assets report - report_assets
Toggle automatic object reset feature - auto_reset
Toggle calls to PeekMessage within sim loop - sim_peek
Toggle camera mode - cam_mode
Toggle display of unavailable interactions in person
control menus - all_menus
Toggle music - music
Toggle object compression in save file - obj_comp
Toggle quaternion transformations - quats
Toggle sound log window - sound_log
Toggle sounds - sound
Toggle web page creation - html
Total reload of people skeletons, animations, suits
and skins - reload_people
Trigger sound event - soundevent
Write out an RTE file every time a route is found - write_routes
Write out behavior tuning constants to Tuning.txt - #export
Quick money:
Enable cheat mode and enter the klapaucius code. Display the cheat
prompt again and type
(up to sixty total commands may be entered).
Magic garbage bag:
The following trick saves the time needed to take the garbage to
the street. Buy the 30 simolian trash can. Order your Sim to empty
it, then cancel the order just as they remove the bag from the can.
Then, order them to pick up the mess that they just created.
Your Sim will return the full bag to an empty can. Repeat this
each time it fills and trash will never have be brought outside again.
Less bills:
Keep an unpaid bill until the mailman delivers the next set of
bills. Pay the original bill when your mailbox is filled with
the next set of bills. This should cause the bills inside the
mailbox to disappear.
7000 Simoleons:
Enter the "1000 Simoleons" cheat, then type "!;!;!;!;!;!;!" at
the command prompt.
Submitted by: Justin Spier
this is a cheat to get out of paying bills, it is
different to what other people say of how to get ot
of paying bills here it is got to cheat screen
(shift+ctrl+alt+c) then type move_objects on then
pick up the mail box in buy mode and delete the mail
box simple as that
Before jumping into the action, take the time to create
a neighborhood filled with Sims. This will make it easier
for your Sims to make friends later in the game.
In the early going, fight the temptation to buy a lot of
big-ticket items. Instead, save your money and buy only
the bare necessities.
Before getting a job, make a couple of friends and try to
increase some of your work attributes. This way, once you
get a job, you'll move up the ladder a bit faster.
Submitted by: Lizzie Hingley
get the cheat box up by holding down shift, ctrl and C together and
in the cheat bow type in "move_objects on". This will enable you to
pick up the sims in the buy mode and move them around.
ee people swimming on land!:
Submitted by: Ra
This cheat will work on somebody who is currently leaving your house.
(eg. Maid, Guests, the Repo Man etc.) Turn on the move_objects on cheat.
Now make a swimming pool and put the guy (or gal) inside. The person will
get out of the water and start swimming his way out, on ground!
Get extra cash:
Submitted by: Jade
get your sims down town and get them to buy magazines e.g: Victors
Digest get them to get several copies of each. when you get home the
sims will put the magazines on the table. Turn on the move_objects on
cheat delete the magazines and you will sell them for $460 each.
If you dont like Babies Gender:
Submitted by: Bubbles
If you don't like your babies gender then just neglects the baby
until the social services girl comes and the do the cheat:
move_objects on and delete the social sevices lady.As soon
as you go back to live mode the baby will be reborn again.
It can be reborn the same gender(then you would have to keep
doing this cheat)Or a different Gender!
Big House!!!:
Submitted by: Kat
Press [CTRL] + [ALT] + [C] and wait for the grey box to appear.
When it does, type into the box 'move_objects on' (without the 's).
When you've done that, go to the 'Build' section.
Click on the 'flooring' tool. Press and hold [CTRL] down so that
you get the 'Delete Flooring' tool. Now you can delete all paths
and roads OUTSIDE the grid area!
Submitted by: Vibhav
What you are reading is very long but the method takes hardly 15 sec.
No need to type 'klapaucius' with !; or rosebud again and again.Open a
wordpad or similiar, then type klapaucius.Then type the sign !;.
Now, select the !; sign with the space, ie.( !;)
and copy it. now press ctrl+v. the sign will be copied till you leave
the buttons. Now save the file. Your easy money cheat is ready.Before
you start your game open the file and copy the whole thing wriiten. in
the game press ctrl+shift+c and then ctrl+v and enter. you get loads of
money in a 5 sec.
Also there is a site called WWW.the sims resource. whare you find loads of
things for down loads for sims. down load at your own risk.If something happens,
i am not responsible.For any help, E-mail me at
Submitted by: Raj
This is how you can increase your money without klapaucius cheat-mind you
it increases only by 15 cheatbox and type the move_objects
on cheat. then ask the sims to have a snack. As soon as they take it out
of the fridge,cancel the order. Then go in buy mode and sell the chips
for Rs.15!
Submitted by: Le Phu Thuan
use "move_objects on" : when your character appear with good mood, you can
do anything : train your skill points,...and then save your game, delete
your character again, then he/she will appear with good mood without lose
the learned skill, job,...
2007-03-13 08:50:42
answer #8
answered by selva ganesh 3