Me personally I prefer small breasts, but opinions vary from guy to guy. The best advice I can give you is if you are happy with what you have and there isn't a guy saying to you, "oh your breasts are to small", then I wouldn't worry about what other people think. Your the one who needs to live in your body, so if you so choose to get breast enlargements then so be it but you should really look twice before doing something you may reget in the long run. Enjoy your body as is don't let other peoples opinions sway your thoughts.
2007-03-12 18:37:13
answer #1
answered by jcmc3056 3
Different guys like different things. The most important thing is that they're proportional and fit your body. If you're thin and petite, smaller breasts (A and B cup) look fine. If you're a larger girl, you will mostly likely have and look better with larger breasts. Don't buy into the size zero girls with D cups, not natural. Also the shape is really more important than the size. Everyone just assumes bigger is better, but I would say most A cups look better than most D cups, assuming your just talking about the average woman.
2007-03-12 18:14:15
answer #2
answered by melissa 5
I prefer a smaller chest. There's no doubt that large ones are attention grabbers, but I feel no attraction to them. A pretty face is way more important, and there's a whole lot more variety.
2007-03-12 18:39:04
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It depends. I have been married more than once and have had numerous girlfriends. The only time I was disappointed was the one that was too big. Even the most flat-chested one had other qualities (like lovemaking abilities!) that more than made up for any supposed "lack". So it is all relative.
2007-03-12 20:10:16
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You should ask this question in the "dating" section or something. Women think all men like big boobs which isn't true.
Majority men actually like propotionally sized chest to her body. I find it a huge turn-off for women to have extra large boobs but a small body.
2007-03-13 19:24:17
answer #5
answered by the_omz 2
It all depends on what the guy likes. I've met guys who like bigger, but also guys who like smaller.
2007-03-12 18:14:24
answer #6
answered by eirefire22 2
Real is best no matter what. I don't care for fake boobs at all. I'm sure it's just like penis size for women... big ones are nice but they're all fun to play with.
2007-03-12 18:11:19
answer #7
answered by Brian W 2
it depends, I know a guy who likes nice legs, and another who like big perky bums and another guy who doesn't like large chests just medium, lol thats why he likes mine
2007-03-12 18:16:34
answer #8
answered by toronto_leafs 4
this is a very very tricky question... a pretty tough one too... i personally prefer girls with big chest, but then, they must not be saggy or loose... they must be big n firm... ;-)
2007-03-12 18:08:40
answer #9
answered by Chakri 2
2007-03-13 01:34:19
answer #10
answered by john 7