I beg to differ with the question. Speaking as a biologist, only green plants and some chemosynthetic bacteria "make their own food". All the "food" that humans "make" has already been made by green plants. Green plants are the base of the food chain. They make "food" by using sunlight, carbon dioxide, water vapor. The food is glucose. What they do not use themselves, they store in their tissues. This is what you eat when you eat plants (veggies). Herbivores are animals that eat plants. What they don't use they store in their tissues and this is what you eat when you eat cow. So, as you can see, humans do NOT make their own food. They rely on plants for everything!
2007-03-12 17:35:47
answer #1
answered by CAROL P 4
Human do not make their own food. We just cook it. Food is made by plants only.
No other animal cooks food like us. However bees and ants converts their food to store for a long time. This conversion is done with their own body produced chemicals.
2007-03-12 17:41:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Human beings are hetertrophs and take their food directly from plants as herbivorous or indirectly from plants by eating flesh of herbivorous animals but plants are the autotrophs and can prepare their own food by photosynthesis.
2007-03-12 18:06:59
answer #3
answered by ashok s 2
It depends on what you mean.
Trees and plants take in light and Carbon Dioxide that they convert into chemicals useful to make them live and grow. In this way they are making their own food.
However, the difference between Man and animals is that Man is a race of tool using creatures. We invented the idea of raising our own crops and herding animals. Other creatures can't do that.
There is one exception that might interest you. One kind of ant keeps a colony of aphids, which the ants rub to harvest sugar. They also keep colonies of mold to feed those aphids. It is a primitive and instinctual way of handling other living things to make their own food, but I don't remember one.
For more on this see these articles:
Sugar Ants: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugar_ant
Southern Fire Ant: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_fire_ant
(The Wikipedia search where I got some of these articles).
2007-03-12 17:47:46
answer #4
answered by Dan S 7
the first answer is good, but humans don't make their own food in that way that plants do. I guess with that in mind Bees making honey would be next best.
2007-03-12 17:37:56
answer #5
answered by U-98 6
Autotrophs are rare in the animal kingdom, less rare in protista. An animal called the euglena is moble and has chloroplasts for photosynthesis. Plants are the masters when it comes to autotrophism.
2007-03-12 17:43:48
answer #6
answered by Kerry Q 2
to my better knowledge only green plants and creatures having chloroplast in their cells can produce their own food, humans can not make their food, we take it from plants coock it and then eat it
2007-03-12 20:43:26
answer #7
answered by madhavi 1
Plants! It happens to be a process called photosynthesis!
2007-03-12 18:05:48
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Plants, from photosynthesis!
2007-03-12 17:33:40
answer #9
answered by Deuteronomy 2
some ants "farm" aphids to eat some substance that the aphids produce. and some bees and flies lay eggs in assorted animals, living and dead, so the hatchlings can comsume them at hatching time.
2007-03-12 17:36:26
answer #10
answered by Big hands Big feet 7