I was at my doctor's office for my 38 week visit. The week before I had been 100% effaced and dilated to 2. I was feeling good that day, no contractions, then all of a sudden I had a horrible pain, and then my water broke. I'm not sure what the pain was, maybe my daughter's head moving down? The doctor was just coming in to check me when I told him. He checked and I was dilated to 4. He walked me across the street to the hospital and checked me in. Right when I got changed and got into bed my contractions started, and they came on strong. My mom and husband had just got there and I asked the nurse to check me, and I was at 7. She gave me some Stadol through my IV to relax me since I told everyone in the room I was never doing this again, and I would adopt next time (I got amneisa right after my daughter was born and said I would definitely do this again :) ). It worked for about 10 minutes, then I was in even worse pain. I told them to check me again, and they didn't want to because it had only been 15 minutes, but they did and I was at 10. The doctor was getting ready for a C-section but came in right away to me.He gave me some shots to numb my birth canal a little, he didn't ask, he just did it. I pushed for 20 minutes and my daughter was born. I did require an episiotomy since my daughter was born so fast and he didn't want me to tear, and that was the worst part of the pushing part, since he would say push, and then snip me. The only sound I made was when he did that, a little yelp. My entire labor start to finish was 2 hours and 15 minutes. I hemmorhaged afterwards and had a D&C done to get a piece of the placenta out that had tore off and then was fine afterwards, just really weak from all the blood loss.
I'm a little nervous about the next baby, since my labor was so fast and they say the 2nd is even shorter, but we'll see.
2007-03-12 17:11:04
answer #1
answered by Melissa 7
Believe it or not, I actually had no idea I was in labor. I left work early one day and went to the dr with a tummy ache (it was 8 weeks prior to my due date) and found out I was in labor with contractions 2 minutes apart (I just thought I ate something bad and was concerned about food poisioning!). Since it was so early they stopped the labor (I was 2 cm dilated) and put me on strict bedrest with the goal of reaching 34 weeks before I delivered (I was 31, almost 32). Sure enough, 3 weeks later I started getting those same tummy-ache pains only this time I knew they were contractions- I went in and was 5 cm dilated. I was really not in much pain at all, it just felt like I had gas or something, no big deal. In fact, this is how my whole labor went from this point on- all 49 hours! I was induced 2 days later, the dr broke my water, gave me an epidural (though I still felt ok she said it would get worse if I didn't take the meds then) and I had my son a few hours later after 10 minutes of pushing.
If I could tell you one thing about labor it's that it is not the same for everyone, not at all! My 2 sisters also had babies the same week I did and they had very different experiences- one was in labor for 4 hours, the other for 18 hours. Both were in much more pain than I was. I feel like I got off a little easy with my labor and delivery, but then again everyone experiences pain differently. The saying "you'll know when you are in labor, you'll know when it's time" is not true in my opinion- I had no idea I was in labor. So pay close attention to your body and call your dr if things seem unusual, even if it's not what you traditionally think of when you hear about labor. Only you will know when something is not right.... I told my dr several times that something was wrong before they finally checked me and discovered I was dilating. Good luck!
2007-03-19 10:18:55
answer #2
answered by Jennifer A 2
Be prepared for anything. I was induced in the evening and the baby was born the next morning. The woman in the room next to me was screaming louder than any person I had ever heard (so that scared me a lot). However, everything was OK until the contractions got really intense. They gave me an epidural and it didn't take on one side because I had a spinal injury from when I was younger. The second epidural finally took and after an exhausting 15 hours my son was born. Good Luck! You will do fine, everyone is there to help you. Look to them if you have questions or are scared. They see it all the time.
2007-03-13 00:11:18
answer #3
answered by swagov 4
On my due date I thought it might help if we had sex. We did at like 11:30pm. At maybe 1:00 am I started having contractions. Weird pains. By 2:00 am it was clear that they were serious labor pains. I had to use the bathroom. I couldn't even stand the pain was so bad. We left for the hospital at 2:30. As soon as we got there I was put into a private room and my Ob/GYN was the doctor in the maternity wing that night! I was dialated 4 or 4 1/2 centimeter. Within 30 minutes I had my epidural. Labor went reletively fast. I ate suckers and ice. It was a little boring and uncomfortable. Not really painful. Then at about 6:30 or 7 am things started getting bad again. I couldn't get a very uneasy and aching feeling out of my hips. I was very nausous, I ended up throwing up once. I don't really remember when I started pushing. It all was a blur. Lots of people. I didn't know if I was pushing good enough. Then I remember them telling me they had to use suction to get him out, 8:41 am. It all happened so fast for me. I didn't get to see him immediately after he was out because apparently his blood pressure was low and they had to run tests and make sure if he was all right. I didn't doubt for a second that he wasn't alright. He was in the same room as us. I joked and talked to the nurses and doctor as everything finished up. No pain. My husband took picures and came to talk to me, about what I don't remember. Then, after 25 minutes, I finally got to hold my son for the first time.
2007-03-13 01:12:20
answer #4
answered by MJ 3
I've had 3 children, but I;ll only relate the first story because I had to be induced with each child....
With my now 12 year-old daughter, I went 4 days overdue. I didn't feel too well, so, I decided to take a bath and just make my back fell better....Out of the blue after getting out, I felt a pain that no words could ever describe. ....So, there I stood alone in my apartment gripping my bathroom counter top for dear life. Of course, nobody believed me that I was in labor at first. So, I went all night in labor....got contractions even and the hubby wouldn't take me to the hospital. When my step-mother's mom called to see why we were not at the hospital yet, my then husband finally decided it was ok. It took an hour, with me in the backseat having contractions. I got to the hospital, an hour later, and my blood pressure was 140/100....yes, that's very high. So, I was taken to the high risk area at my hospital, given injections of Magnesium Sulfate, and put on oxygen. Doctor breaks my water with this little crochet hook, well, it looked like one but wasn't....because they thought it would make my contractions more even. So there I lay, on my left side, oxygen mask on my face making NO PROGRESS....so 2 hours after they break the water bag, they decide to give me this nice little drug called pictocin.......Went 6 to completely dialited in 30 minutes...mind you, they started me on it at 4:30 in the afternoon, but I labored from then until about 8:15 or so....all I could say was a mac truck went from my back across my abdomen and didn't let go. they didn't put an epidural in me, I took no lamaze classes, and they decided to give me demerol for the pain.....riiiiiiiiiiiight, that REALLY helped. I felt EVERYTHING....I just slept between the contractions. Anyone who can do it without any medication is my hero.....We got to the delivery room and 4 pushes later, we had a beautiful baby girl......but with the other children, I BEGGED for my epidural.
2007-03-19 22:02:01
answer #5
answered by kogoinnutz 2
I had hypertension, I was induced and was in labor for one day and then @ the end I had to get a c-section, was in the hospital for almost one whole week. I had a very nice pregnancy but the end was horrible but it was worth it. This happened @ 34 weeks which made my baby a preemie. This happened with my third pregnancy. Almost 4 1/2 months ago.
2007-03-20 03:19:52
answer #6
answered by nutty 3
well i had a daughter 2 years ago and i had the epidural i felt no pain at all and i pushed her out in 12 minutes it was nothing, but i now have a 2 week old and the epidral did not work this time, it was the most painful thing i ever went through, but it is true what they say, that the pain goes away right after the baby comes out, but yes it hurts so bad
2007-03-17 00:28:58
answer #7
answered by Danielle G 1
i used tens machine and a power shower for most of my labour. which was good as it ended up being 23 hours long so i could move. but then my blood pressure went high again so i had epidural wen i was told to stay in bed for the rest. then ended up having an emergency c-section. if anyone says that a c-section is an easy way out...don't be fooled could not walk for days couldn't hold my baby til the next morning( i know she was in special care cuz she was slightly underweight) then i had to have a blood bag cuz the surgeons cut me inside and i had to have a catheter bag!!!!!! very dignified but wen i went to See my 4lb8oz baby all the stuff with the labour and induction went away.... if u can move about in the labour as much as you can it'll be great it helps ALOT
2007-03-18 07:22:51
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
My first one my water broke and I felt nothing until, I was induced and I took no pain relief. I had back labor and It felt like something was poking me in the middle of my back. No matter which way I moved I could not get rid of it! Well that was the easy one for me, my second one I had pains in my right side like my muscles were twisting and about every two to three min. it would get worse for about sixty sec. I swore I would never have another, well oops, hope this one is like the first!
2007-03-21 00:02:42
answer #9
answered by jennifer m 1
I went into labour early in the morning. The night before I had a bit a cramping but it wasn't bad enough to really worry about it. I woke up around 2.30am needing to go to the toilet when I disovered my pyjama shorts and underwear were covered in blood. So of course I totally freaked out, I didn't think there should be that much blood and I was also freaking out that it was too soon to be going into labour as there was still 6 weeks to go before my due date.
At this stage the hospital was called, they told me to come in straight away. They also said to get a ambulance to bring me in rather than have someone drive me. Mum called for an ambulance, they kept her on the phone telling her to get some towels and other things ready just in case baby arrived before the ambulance did, they were going to talk her through delivering the baby if she needed to. Luckily enough they took less than 10 minutes to arrive and because it was about 3am there was no traffic it took only 15 minutes to reach the hospital.
When I got to the hospital they took me straight to the birthing centre. Within minutes of my arriving, I was being checked to see if I was starting to dilate, they also strapped a thing to me to monitor my babies heartbeat and my contractions. The obstatrican arrived a little later, she started feeling my tummy and announced she thought the baby was in a breech position. With this they brought a mobile ultrasound machine to confirm this and yes he was breech.
Before I had time to really take this in, they were explaining to me that I was going to have to have a c-section. I didn't really want one and asked if I could still deliver normally. They then told me the risks involved with both and since there were more risks involved with a normal birth I agree to the c-section. Next thing I know I am having to sign all these different forms and am being asked the same questions over and over again from different people.
Meanwhile my contractions were starting to become more intense and closer together and I'm being told by the midwife that if I feel the urge to push not to. I wouldn't say the contractions hurt very much, they were more uncomfortable than painful, sort of like period pain just a little more intense. I was also getting very thirsty but wasn't allowed to drink anything, not even a glass of water because of the surgery.
Now the waiting started, they obviously were having a busy morning because I had to wait 5 hours before they started to prep me for the c-section as that was how long the wait was for a operating theatre to become available. It seemed like so long, I was given something (not sure what it was called) to stop the contractions.
Finally they said it was time to go, and I was taking to another room just outside the operating theatre where they gave me an epidural so I could still be awake but not feel anything. Once this was done in I went. It didn't take very long only about 20 minutes to get the baby out of me. I had a perfectly healthy baby boy, he was very small as he came into the world 6 weeks before he was supposed to, but apart from that everything was fine.
I hope my experience doesn't scare you at all, you probably won't have to go through what I did. Good Luck to you.
2007-03-13 01:57:34
answer #10
answered by Amanda B 4