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I just moved into thisx Apartment in Hong Kong, about two months ago. and today we discovered a roach crawling on my wifes vanity.
I want to irradicate them I don't want to see another... Please tell me what I need to do to Stop any more of them from entering my home...
I have not lived with any roaches for over 12 years and I like it that way... Please please please tell me what I can do to keep the monsters at bay?

2007-03-12 16:53:40 · 8 answers · asked by konstantin_l_stewart 1 in Science & Mathematics Biology

8 answers

UGH I HATE THOSE THINGS . . . having grown up in 'tropical Florida' I can relate!!!! Sometimes these things just walk up, open the door and invite themselves in!

First . . . get rid of their food source...A MUST! Do NOT leave food out, messy counters, pet food etc as this attracts the little buggers!

Second, you need a perimeter of prevention! Boric acid sprinkled around the perimeter of your house will keep them out . . . they won't cross it. You need to spray the inside of your walls and around your baseboards to kill the ones already inside -- do this by removing a few of the electrical face plates and spray) (yes, there are LOTS more where that one came from . . . inside your walls). You can get safe pesticides to do this at most garden stores. Also, check your electronics. If you have German Roaches (those are the smaller brown ones . . . and the hardest to eradicate . . . they LOVE electronics. I had them infest my microwave when I took it in to get repaired (back when microwave ovens were not disposable). I put the oven in my smallest bathroom and let off a bug bomb and closed the door. It killed them dead. Of course, make sure you scrub like crazy afterwards . . . want to be around later to enjoy your victory!

Tropical areas are the worst . . . you have to keep this up every month . . . but you can win . . . if only to keep the suckers at bay. Let down your guard and WHAM! they're back again!


2007-03-12 17:28:52 · answer #1 · answered by CAROL P 4 · 0 0

If you pour borax and milk into a bowl, leave it out and it should poison them, this is a tried and true method although pets and children are also able to be poisoned...unless you want to get rid of them too. Sicko. All else fails there are a few options; keep food in sealed containers, clean like mad, eat at the table, call exterminator, and pray.

2007-03-13 00:19:51 · answer #2 · answered by Kerry Q 2 · 0 0

They come through small holes. You should buy some insulating (or sealing) foam spray in a can and blew it every suspect corner in the appartment.

2007-03-13 00:16:45 · answer #3 · answered by Joseph Binette 3 · 0 0

Unless the landlord exterminates the entire apartment building, you can't be completely rid of them.

2007-03-13 22:28:49 · answer #4 · answered by JLB 3 · 0 0

Boric acid, it is very effective when used properly for killing cockroaches and most other insects.
You can also get a house lizard, they are natural enemies and will eat them.

2007-03-13 11:18:26 · answer #5 · answered by asa 3 · 0 0

I found small jars of BAY leaves left out helps. (and they smell nice)
Obviously super cleanliness helps

2007-03-12 23:58:59 · answer #6 · answered by teacher groovyGRANNY 3 · 0 0


2007-03-13 00:02:17 · answer #7 · answered by Proud Mama of 4 6 · 1 0

Kill them.............once you have done that you will not have a problem with Roaches...

So only 12,000,000,000 more to kill......better start soon...

2007-03-12 23:58:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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