I have an ongoing hate relationship with B**ts the Chemist, but have found myself obliged to use them on occasion when no alternative exists or is practical. I figure that under those circumstances I'd be hurting myself much more than any minuscule damage I could do to them. An absolute boycott would, after all, be symbolic at best.
Your situation is more difficult because this person stands to benefit directly, both financially and through her sales figures, neither of which she deserves. Seems to me that you have an opportunity - if you're prepared to stand up for yourself - to get what you want *and* avoid doing this person any favours: as others have suggested, call the company and request another representative to handle the sale. If they ask why, tell them.
Of course, this will require you to be a little confrontational, and even risk the person learning of your displeasure. And she might try to claim the sale as her own regardless. I'd assume that you'd ideally rather just avoid these people if possible. This could be a good time to call in a pushy, self-righteous, intemperate friend...
Any way out seems to be a zero-sum game. Either you: accept a lesser product; or have to confront this lousy salesperson indirectly via the company; or end up rewarding her for a job badly done. Nasty, infuriating, and all because of this wretched person!
One thing: I sincerely hope this is a 'real' ion-exchange water softener, and not one of those electromagnetic ones that run on gullibility and magic...
2007-03-13 02:18:16
answer #1
answered by Super Atheist 7
First call the Better Business Bureau and check up on the company, and see if they have anything against them. Then see if this company has any other office in your town or city. But it really will come down to your liking the product, I would call the company and speak with her, and say you are undecided let her know that you have had 3 other estimates lower than what she offered, and you would like to know what she can do for you. at that time let her know that all three, estimates were about the same, and yours was much higher. I would like it tested again but this time I want clean equipment and a clean glass used. just tell her how you feel, you owe them nothing, but they will get plenty out of you if you use them.Its your right to be satisfied
2007-03-12 17:07:14
answer #2
answered by lennie 6
Never buy anything from a sales person you don't trust. The sales person represents the company. If they have someone like that pushing their product, imagine how they will take care of you in the future. Will they stand by the product and honor the warranty? Or will they treat you like the sales rep already has?
I was in sales for several years. You need to be confident in your decision. The water softener you purchase is going to affect your families quality of life for years to come. You should feel good about the product, the company, the sales rep, and the warranty or service agreement.
2007-03-13 01:07:33
answer #3
answered by bugs280 5
Think about it like this...If a company is willing to treat potential customers so poorly upon first meeting, do you want to make a commitment to them? If there were any problems with the water softener once it was installed, they quite possibly could blow you off or something worse. I would talk to the salesperson of your second favorite and try to get a break on the price...many companies are willing to do what it takes to make someone a lifetime customer.
2007-03-12 16:59:26
answer #4
answered by angelbaby21283 2
I agree, if you do not trust the sales person do not trust the product. OR you can call the company and ask for another sales rep. to come out and re-test your water and see if you get the same service. If so go with your second choice.
2007-03-12 16:54:57
answer #5
answered by candy w 4
Go to the manufacturer's website and look for contact info...a phone number or email address. Then call or email and ask for the name of several sources for the company's product. Don't hesitate to tell them why you need the information. If their product won your seal of approval despite the dishonest, unscrupulous salesperson, they are clearly doing something right. They aren't likely to approve of those tactics being used to push their product and are in a position to do something about it.
2007-03-12 17:10:02
answer #6
answered by Cindy/Mom/Mum/Madre/Crazy 2
I would call the company and ask them to send a new Representative out! Explain that you were dissatisfied with her and that you would love to purchase a product from them, however you would take your business elsewhere if you cannot get another salesperson.
Have you tried to see if the company has a website...Maybe you could purchase it online!
2007-03-12 16:58:42
answer #7
answered by Kimnkicks mommy 3
Go with the 2nd choice, it's unfortunate this company has such a sales person, it reflects badly on them. They are the representatives and the face of the company.
2007-03-12 16:56:56
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
you should go by your inner feelings, obviously the company either doesn't train their employees properly . Either scenario I could give you an example, would be a break down of upper management and lack of profession on the company's behalf. The other company would get my money.
2007-03-12 17:00:00
answer #9
answered by selectiveimage 2
Don't go with her. She can't be trusted.
2007-03-12 16:50:03
answer #10
answered by Dusie 6