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HGH is Human Growth Hormone

2007-03-12 16:12:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

4 answers

Yep..that was crazy to hear about that.
SYDNEY, Australia - Sylvester Stallone faces stiff fines after trying to bring vials of a muscle-building hormone into Australia, where it is restricted.

Lawyers for Stallone, the 60-year-old star of the “Rocky” and “Rambo” movie franchises, represented him in a Sydney court, where he faces one charge of importing a banned substance.

Stallone and his entourage were stopped at the airport in Sydney and kept for several hours on Feb. 16 as he arrived for a promotional visit, while customs officials searched bags and confiscated items. His hotel room was searched and more items confiscated three days later

Human growth hormone is officially considered a performance-enhancing drug in Australia, and it cannot be imported without a permit from the Therapeutic Goods Administration.

The maximum penalty for bringing it into Australia illegally is a fine of $86,000 and five years in prison. Stallone is unlikely to face the maximum penalty.

2007-03-12 16:51:59 · answer #1 · answered by basic324 5 · 0 0

in accordance to the sydney morning usher in- "If got here across accountable, Stallone faces a maximum superb of $22,000 in the community courts jurisdiction". Im no longer particular if it caries a reformatory time period inspite of the actuality that. if he did get prision, he may serve in australia because there is not any prisoner replace software between australia and the united states. and no, hollywood stars ought to obtain NO leniency because they're popular. If any issue an get at the same time should be made from them. Unfair to them as a individual per chance, yet one ingredient of sentencing should be to act as a deterrant to some thing else of the community.

2016-12-01 22:09:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yeah, he had some magic mushrooms!

2007-03-12 16:48:54 · answer #3 · answered by psst 3 · 0 0

yes he sure did!


2007-03-12 17:37:07 · answer #4 · answered by blahblahblah 5 · 0 0

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