Because it is really easy to say such things, what should be done, who should be our allies, etc when you are not the one in the place of power.
If they got the chance, I would love to see how well they could stick to all their beliefs and still keep everyone liking them. Not likely.
2007-03-12 15:54:09
answer #1
answered by For_Gondor! 5
UGHH! What is the matter with everyone??? I am a Republican and I am not ignorant enough to think that every liberal is an atheistic demon. Come on! There's good people everywhere! We're ALL Americans and the American way is being able to question authority -- that is what we are based on! I may not like what some liberals believe, but I RESPECT their right to say what they want. Our forefathers guaranteed us the right to do so. As for Bush -- as a devout Christian, I cannot support someone who starts a war for no reason. I don't care who he THINKS he is but he has no right to kill people and send people to their deaths without a legitimate reason. Of course though, you're absolutely right he's DEFINITELY not the Anti-Christ, that's just silly. He's a good guy but he did something very VERY wrong.
2007-03-12 22:50:52
answer #2
answered by kohai4 2
I'm considered a liberal on a number of issues. I'm also a Catholic. You paint with a wide brush. 300 million Americans have more complexity than you probably have the ability to understand.
You've probably been advised that ALL liberals are ALL godless, among other lies.
You've apparently been advised that Bush is a devout Christian. Your brand of gullibility is exactly what the Republicans look for.
Put the labels and assertions aside: actions are what are telling.
Would a devout christian lie to start a war that kills tens of innocent thousands?
Would a devout christian steal tax dollars?
Would a devout christian bear false witness against his detractors even when they are proven correct?
Would a devout christian impoverish families and children because they vote for another party?
Would a devout christian tell half the country they are not churchgoers and patriots?
Would a devout christian willingly deny his own troops needed supply and materials solely for monetary reasons?
Would a devout christian knowlingly do oil business with Muslim Saudis who promote terrorism?
Would a devout christian champion practices of torture and deny innocents their basic rights?
The answer to all that is, No. You need to open your eyes now and do some of your own thinking.
2007-03-12 23:13:06
answer #3
answered by Gerry S 4
Would a christian be a member of the nazi-sympathizers of yale - the skull and bones? would a Christian go to the bohemian grove and participate in satanic rituals wearing red and black robes? look all of that up. i am not making rhis up. bush faked being a christian to get elected. don't you admit that there is a possibility that someone would do this? the bush family is a crime family, hellbent on creating a one world government.
btw, i am neither democrat nor republican. I am a conservative.
Hey i have a question for you: do you like the north american union that bush is creating?
Hey presleygirl, The neo-conservatives want that too. you need to do more research. Rush, Sean, O'reilly are all neo-conservatives and they have obviously fooled you into thinking that they are conservative!
2007-03-12 22:50:36
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Guess it's pretty similar to other folks labeling Liberals as traitors. We can label each other any way we doesn't make it so.
Bush also claims to be a United Methodist (I am one) and trust me he needs to check out our beliefs regarding war, because right now he just a poser as a United Methodist.
But let's talk about the Anti-Christ. Those who believe he is among us always seems to think they will know him when they see him. Why wouldn't the Anti-Christ show up as a devoted follower and lead good Christians to do vile things....then ask your question again.
2007-03-12 22:48:42
answer #5
answered by KERMIT M 6
Bush a devoted christian , maybe ? But Jesus own words were , love thy enemy. So where is Senor Bush christian beliefs? Bush is a devoyional protestan ,they who are hoping for Jesus return ,so it justifies the war in the middle east , as they believe when the Jewish win the war ,Jesus will return! Blasphemy! Jesus was himself a Jew , lived , died as one , and if you look back in that period of time , Rome was controlling the Jews, so what was Jeshua and his followers really doing? Ur confused! I did give Bush my vote , believing his christians morals , I did not expect the horrid dertruction and deaths this Iraq war has brought !Plus the economy was doing well , Bush came into office and look where we are! , This time I will vote with my mind, not my heart! Saludos.
2007-03-12 23:06:04
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
to answer your question -directly- they are in darkness. Liberals hate Bush and in fact they hate anyone who doesn't grovel at the feet of our enemies. They are really communists, anti-God, anti-God's Holy Word and anti- morality. They would like for the U.S. to be brought down to a 3'rd world status.
They have no true loyalty to the U.S. but they do not seem to understand in their folly that they will also lose their way of life if this ever takes place.
Anyway for the true American Christian; life is about God, not America.
God has His plan. Liberals are very much of this world, most people are, including most non-liberals. Jesus said if you are loved by this world you do not belong to me. To be a follower of Jesus, you will be despised.
Libs have had their day. they will be non-existent when [Ezekial chpts. 38-39] Russia, Rome and Islam will take on Israel. A tiny country surrounded by 11 muslem countries and still they cannot annialate it. Israel is in the hands of God, Israel will suffer greatly-- but it will stand, yet still they must accept Christ. Praise the name of Jesus.
2007-03-12 23:08:15
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
* Hating Jesus doesn't make you the anti-christ
* Very very few libs label Bush anti-christ
* All libs don't "hate Jesus"
* Anti-christ is metaphorical, Bush came into office claiming Jesus picked him and he has attempted to destroy the country quite thoroughly and leave his religious backers far in the dust.
2007-03-12 22:51:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
label him,,, what? George w. Bush claims to be a born-again Christian,,, are we to disbelieve him,, as he lies to the American people and ask about a million men and women in the US military to follow his failed doctrine,, leading them into hell in Iraq,,, he could be the anti-Christ,, who knows,, I personally believe that Ann Coulter is.... but that's just me,,,
2007-03-12 22:58:26
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yeah...they "Hate Jesus" this Ann Coulter or a 12 year old? i can't tell the difference.
BTW, devoted Christians don't lie about WMD and kill millions of innocent people to line their pockets.
2007-03-12 23:18:29
answer #10
answered by james B 3