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I have a large parking lot, that is 12 years old. A friend of mine says you can get a new "skin", but my parking lot maintenance guy says "skins" create problems and will flake apart. he suggests a whole new lot. I am not sure what to do.

2007-03-12 15:29:29 · 2 answers · asked by Gordon L 2 in Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

2 answers

Actually, the friend is correct. Take a look at that old asphalt of yours, notice those large stones in it. Those stones give asphalt in your lot duralility and long life.

That thin skin is put on about 1 inch or less in thickness when compressed and it is made of tar and SAND which has basically no strength and endurance.

I have first hand knowledge in this matter. I see in our subdivision a lot of drives that are paved over with this skin of sand and tar. They look beautiful when done, howeve a year or so down the road, up pop those holes and its a disaster.

I dont care how reputable a contractor does this it is a last resort thing to do. I suggest you take a good look at what you really have there. Buy some ordinary hole patch and fix the holes, then get what is called "reguvinator" or "renewer" asphalt coating or buy the really good asphalt coating at Home depot for about $22 a 5 gallon can and hire a handy man to put about 2 or even 3 coats on your driveway. That handyman and you buying your own coating is the key to sucess here. If you have a driveway coater seal this park lot , youl get a mix of water and nothing more which, however as ive said buy the sealer yourself, and with 2 or 3 coats on this thing it will look very good i am sure and it will last and last beyond what even you think it will at this point.

2007-03-12 16:05:29 · answer #1 · answered by James M 6 · 1 0

There are two or three options. One is you can pave over it which will add depth to the asphalt. Second depending on the damage you could have it sealed and it will look like new.

2007-03-12 16:25:39 · answer #2 · answered by rustyt 1 · 0 0

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