i think that is a good point, you live your life well, not many rewards then you die......damn crying shame
2007-03-12 15:20:52
answer #1
answered by Lets go 2 Candy Mt. Charlie!!!! 3
No need to shoot the messanger if you don't like the message. Especially if it has a bit of truth in it.
Lets face it people very few of us will be "rich" like Oprah.
We will skimp, save, go without, struggle, apply for benefits, save change, cash cans, play the lotto, try to marry up, ect.
And for what?! So we could get that 25 inch tv from Walmart? So our kid could get the 50$ game for his SPS? So we could drive a car with insurance THIS month?
There are more "working class poor" than any other financial group in America.
"WCP" can't apply for medical benfits EVEN if their job does not have them. So if you are sickly(truly sick) you either go without to make 7$ per hour OR quit the job, apply for SSI and get your Medicare. Hmmmm....
It is so freakin sad. I see it. My husband is a property manager in a pretty run down city. The slumlords rent out crap holes for 1,000$ NO utilities included either and want 3 months to move in and they get these poor people to rent these apts. with minimum wage jobs. After all the "affluent" people can afford better. They don't want THAT apt. it is in a crap hole hood with lots of "those people". I help paint the places (one place had not been painted in 10 years!)
My husband works into the wee hours to help these tenants when they lose heat, electricity, ect..
He'll drive them to the welfare office, section 8, energy assistance, work, ect. All because he wants to help them out. They are cool to us we are cool to them. I was once there and told him about it. He does not want people as sad as I was for a long time.
I was once the person who lost one paycheck and could not pay my weekly rent that week and got kicked out 2 days later. Kitten and all! I had to go back daily to feed a kitten left outside and shoo her back when she was running down the sidewalk after me! I CRIED and wanted death. I got day labor jobs and SLOWLY got enough to get another weekly. Kirby was taken to the city pound by the manager of the building. she was on the roofs, looking in windows trying to find me!
People fed her, let her in for the night but it was not enough.
I know she got a home. She was so fluffy and long haired and pretty. People snap those cats up.
I got the day labor jobs less than a week after I lost the job btw. I did not let grass grow under my feet. I looked for Kirby. She was gone I was told. Not dead. Transferred to a better shelter in a rich town due to her adoptability. Thank God she was not like my 5 year old mean tomcat.
Tell me about the land of opportunity. I grew up in a middle class area, educated I was supposed to be the "success".
Bull. Any little thing can alter that "destiny". NEVER down another who is homeless, poor, ect. Lazy, bum, get a job, apply yourself is easy to say as a young person from the bedroom of mommy's house.
Or easy to say from your apt. you got lucky dude that is all.
I worked ALL the time, bought used clothes, ate TV dinners that costed 1$ from the freezer of the $ store. Was I lazy? Hellz no. I did not have cable or a phone to save $$. Kirby got the good stuff. She'd eat before me if need be. She was my baby.
WE ALL ARE 1-2 paychecks away from being homeless.
Don't ever take it for granted or be a snot.
You sound ignorant for making lame, uneducated comments.
2007-03-12 15:47:03
answer #2
answered by Spay-n-Neuter-Your-Pets 3
Boo Hoo....nobody loves me...I'm going to the garden to eat worms!
Let's have a pity party first!
You "make" a life....from what you "get".
You "get" a life from what you GIVE!
Is selfish, or self centred, behaviour....blinding your perspective of life?
2007-03-12 15:18:49
answer #3
answered by Anonymous