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i mean, wont they want it for themselves, why would they share it if they like it so much?

2007-03-12 14:59:39 · 2 answers · asked by ayman k 2 in Social Science Psychology

2 answers

People offer others drugs in the hope that the people they offer it to will get addicted, and when they come back for more drugs, the drug owners will give it to them only if they pay for them. Sooner or later, the drug dealer has an addicted customer, which is a great source of money. Drug dealers don't care about ruining other peoples' lives with addiction as long as they are paid money for their drugs.

2007-03-12 15:11:36 · answer #1 · answered by Jimmy 3 · 0 0

If they're not drug dealers then probably they want to share the 'good' feeling with their friends. We love company while indulging ourselves in our vices. Who wants to be the only smoker/alcoholic/drug addict in the room?

2007-03-13 04:45:25 · answer #2 · answered by Judith 6 · 0 0

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