The government in New Zealand give the Maori special treatments like benefits,health services, special entry for only pacific and maori students,and the list continues on, from the psych lecture today,maori are "traumatised" by the adapting to a different culture,'Acculturation'-which gives them acculturation stress-that results in negative mental stress.I just cant help but only see it as excuses for their bad behaviour. They cry out for injustice,prejudice and racism,but still ask for special treatment!Special treatment will only isolate them from everyone else who's also trying very hard to make a living!Cant anyone see the cycle will never break unless the NZ govt treat everyone equally!Hostility towards them will never end, the elder Maori will only teach their children nothing but give reasons to make excuses,no wonder the Maori are decreasing in numbers, we shouldnt treat them so well so that they can learn to stand up themselves so they can be good role models for their nxt gen
2 answers
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Social Science
➔ Psychology
Im not putting all Maori in one group, I have Maori friends too, who, like their family, have stable jobs and income, but i also know many others who have incredible numbers of siblings in their family with no stable income, who likes to do nothing but live on their govt income. My point is, do you agree with the system we have now, with exceptions to only certain ethnicities, also knowing while, that there are many others who are unfortunate too, but dont get anything because they're not counted as Maori. U say its only a small majority, but the whole takes advantage of this, you cannot say its not their fault when you know they also get the same benefits, Are the govt doing the right thing? Why havent they realised you have to help the adults to become good role models to their children by using the money instead, for teaching Maori adults how to be responsible and how to earn money the right way, than helping the aftermath of the situation, cut the problem by initialising the roots!
15:43:18 ·
update #1