A license is not required for a machine that duplicates keys. After all, you have key machines in a lot of different retail establishments, not just locksmith shops. However, a machine that cuts a key from a numerical code (code machine) is usually restricted to licensed locksmiths.
Although a key machine does not require a license, it is against the policy of eBay for key machines to be sold through their web site. When a key machine is listed, eBay always deletes the listing before the close of bidding. You won't be able to buy a key machine on eBay.
MSC Industrial Supply is one source for a new key machine that you can buy online. Unfortunately, it will cost around $400 with tax and shipping. Do a search for "key machine" to find other sources.
As far as finding a used key machine, try visiting your local locksmiths. They may have upgraded their equipment and have an older machine that is not being used, which they would be willing to sell for a few dollars. Be careful though that it doesn't have any play in the mechanism, or the keys you cut won't work right.
2007-03-12 19:04:11
answer #1
answered by Tech Dude 5
At the used key cutting machine shop
Seriously I think you would have to advertise for one as they are a rather specialised item
2007-03-12 17:30:51
answer #3
answered by Murray H 6
you might need a permit for that. people shouldn't have things like that in their house. it's like a lock-picking set. not good.
2007-03-12 14:09:07
answer #4
answered by Anonymous