I was among the non-press people who got to see a pre-screening of this film in Los Angeles and it is unlike anything I've ever seen on film before. Stunning, awesome, amazing, incredible - the superlatives continue to flow as I think about the impact of this film. First, visually it is eye-popping and the kudos heaped on Zack Snyder are well-deserved. It is very artistic with a unique look but it is never cartoonish. This is a breakout film for Zack, and should also be for Gerard Butler as King Leonidas, catapulting him into the higher echelons of Hollywood royalty. Admittedly, I've been a fan of Butler's for more than a couple of years now, but when this film was first announced I wasn't so sure it was "my cuppa tea". Then I saw the footage at Comic Con last summer and became excited. But even that didn't prepare me to be so blown away as I was by the film in its entirety. Butler's Leonidas dominates, and gives us a very multi-dimensional king whose love for his country, his soldiers, his son, his Queen and his freedom is enormous and the driving force in all he does. Lena Heady's Queen Gorgo is one of the best kick-*** parts for an actress I've seen in a long time. She is a perfectly matched complement and full and equal partner to her king. More than once I found myself cheering out loud for her. She makes sacrifices on the home front, to gain support for her husband's battlefield pursuits, that are just as heart wrenching as those her King makes. The other Spartans, David Wenham's Dilios the storyteller, Vincent Regan's Captain, Michael Fassbender's Stelios, all contribute important dimensions in illustrating what makes these men such an elite fighting force. There are many battle scenes, but they never drag on endlessly. Each is compact and efficient, and there are even moments of humor scattered among the severed heads and limbs. The violence is very stylized, reminiscent of V for Vendetta, and didn't make me turn away. The soundtrack is fantastic, with loud, heavy metal during battle scenes and more in the background at other moments. There are some lines in this film that should become oft repeated classics - "This...is...SPARTA!!" is only one of those. March 9 cannot come soon enough for me, because I can't wait to see this on the IMAX screen. This is a NOT TO BE MISSED film for men, women, Frank Miller fans, Star Wars fans, LOTR fans (but not children - it definitely earned its R rating). To those who fault the historical inaccuracies, neither Zack Snyder nor Frank Miller ever intended this to be a documentary on Greek or Spartan history. It is a fantasy story based on an event that really happened, call it "History Meets Middle Earth" intended to entertain, not educate. I hope it can be viewed from that perspective by others, and maybe it will inspire some who see "300" to study the truth behind the fantasy.
2007-03-12 13:42:53
answer #1
answered by yu3se6 6
For what it replaced into, no. It replaced into an over-the-accurate action action picture released in the course of what's oftentimes easily one of Hollywood's very gradual seasons as agencies get waiting to roll out their summer season releases. you're easily correct in that, had it been released in the course of the summer season between different potential blockbusters, it may have had a sturdy establishing weekend and then diminished away right away. in my view, acquainted with Frank Miller's artwork, the music, and the classified ads, I anticipated no longer some thing decrease than a pulpy little bit of extremely-violence--and that's what I were given. average inspite of the actuality that, it replaced into very stupid. Had the Spartans fought the single-on-one way shown in the action picture, they could were slaughtered in the first hour of conflict...yet inspite of this 2 hours of appropriate shields and sharp jabs would not make action-packed cinema. Sin city replaced into truthfully a a procedures more beneficial useful flick.
2016-12-01 21:58:03
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I thought it was awesome! I wasn't even planning to go see it but I went with a friend and it was sold out for the first few movies that we tried to go see. It was definitely worth going to go see in the theatre on the big screen!
2007-03-12 13:46:03
answer #4
answered by Ms. H 6
My husband so thought it was worth it. That is what his brother did for him for his birthday!
2007-03-12 13:27:10
answer #7
answered by Celeste P 7