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Recently, when a toilet is flushed, I notice that there is a gargling noise from the drains of the sinks and tubs in the house, depending on which toilet is flushed. What's going on?! Thanks.

2007-03-12 12:45:33 · 5 answers · asked by Ryan P 1 in Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

5 answers

Sounds like your venting may be partially or completley blocked. The drain system uses the venting pipe to displace the air when water is flushed down it. It sounds like the air is being obstructed from exiting the vent leaving it to exit by the path of least resistance namely your sinks & tubs.

2007-03-12 12:56:30 · answer #1 · answered by The Ginger's G 1 · 1 0

First issues first, Are you on city sewer or do you have a septic gadget? that's a septic difficulty or significant drain line difficulty. Are the bathe and tub in a similar bathing room? If the drains which you have problems with incorporate on the 1st floor and those that artwork nice are on the 2d floor it nonetheless may well be a significant line difficulty, if no longer then lean in the direction of a venting difficulty. they did no longer have %in 1950 so this abode has been transformed. whilst they transformed they'd have ignored the venting gadget or no longer put in it exact. they'd have put in a mechanicle vent in and it could no longer be working? This vent in the event that they put in one is in lots of cases below between the sinks close to the P-seize, it sounds as though like slightly mushroom. in case you have one unscrew it to eliminate it and spot if this facilitates the difficulty, if it does replace it whith a clean one.

2016-11-24 23:20:15 · answer #2 · answered by colyar 4 · 0 0

Mine also, I think it's the way the underlying drain pipes run. But if you have lived there awhile, and it's just now starting, then you might want to have it looked at.

2007-03-12 13:06:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ryan, check the air pipes/vents and see that they are not clogged with squirrel nuts and debris, leaves or birds nests etc. I think you get the idea.

2007-03-12 12:52:21 · answer #4 · answered by ticketoride04 5 · 1 0

You may have a problem with the vent stack being partially plugged. Get it checked.

2007-03-12 14:02:37 · answer #5 · answered by Fordman 7 · 1 0

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