OMG!!! I AGREE WITH YOU COMPLETELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry for yelling but I LOVE LOVE LOVE this movie! Ive already seen it six times!........sorry I didn't finish reading the question......I dont know what it was called but I sure as hell would like to know!!!!!!!
2007-03-12 12:44:53
answer #1
answered by Livia 3
The battle was real but in the movie it is an exaggeration. It was fellow Spartans and Greeks that both fought on land and on the sea. There wasn't 300 men either but a hole army's. I'm pretty sure the history channel did a special on the real battle on a t.v show
2007-03-12 19:46:06
answer #2
answered by mr.fahrenheit 2
It was The Battle of Thermopylae. The movie is actually not based on the historic battle, but on a comic book that was written based on the battle.
Historically, there really were much more than just 300 Spartans, that is why it is based on a comic book and not the actually events that occurred.
2007-03-12 19:51:22
answer #3
answered by Fluffington Cuddlebutts 6
The battle of Thermopylae. King Leonidas and 300 Spartans fought the insurmountable odds of the Persian army led by Xerxes. Of course Hollywood makes everything more glamorous! I loved history in school! If Hollywood would have taught history, I'm sure more kids would have paid attention!
2007-03-12 19:44:20
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
This movie was awful just like the Great Alexander.
I'm an iranian,or it's better to say that i'm a persian.
Not only i, but also all Iranians got shocked when we saw this movie. Both the movies, 300 and The Great Alexander insulted Iranians civilization and past history.
If you you have read the articles about it, they say that this story is not true. Second why they show Iranians(persians) like monsters. Third in both movies they show Iranians with their great civilization and culture like Arabs. It seems that they always forget Iranians are Persian not ARAB!!
Iranians didnt dress like that, they didnt fight like that, the Iranians that they show in both movies are not the real Iranians.
At that time Iranians army was one of the greatest of the world. Iranians created the first empire in the world. Iranians were Zorastrians, an old religon, which was one of the first religion that talked about one god, heaven and hell and the final judgement. Iranians believed in good thoughts, good words and good deeds.
Cyrus The Great who created the persian empire was the one who created the FIRST HUMAN RIGHTS and now if you go to united nation, they have the translation of that.
Unfortunatley because of the bad relation between US and Iran they try to present Iranians in a wrong way. What they say about us, our present or our past is not true.
2007-03-13 12:11:14
answer #5
answered by Shahrzad 1
" The Battle Of Thermopylae ". You may also want to check these two, though one is old and may be next to impossible to find:
" Warfare In The Classical World "
" A Day In Ancient Sparta/Greece "
( Random House )
" Plutarch - Lives Of The Noble Greeks and Romans "
2007-03-12 19:44:14
answer #6
answered by vanamont7 7
The Battle of Thermopylae, where 7,000 Greeks held around 250,000-300,000 Persians for 3 days. The Greeks held the Persians at the pass called Thermoplyae (Hot Gates). Its called the Hot Gates because of the hot springs around the area. There were three "gates" and the greeks chose to hold the middle gate. King Xerxes (the Persian King) waited around 4 days before deciding to fight. On the first day Xerxes sent in the Medes, the men from Media, and then the men from Susa. The Greeks had low casualties and the Persians had high casualties. On the second day Xerxes sent in the Immortals and again the Greeks held strong. On the second night the Greek herder, named Ephialtes, went to the Persians and told them about a pass that lead behind the greek position. He told them becuase he wanted to get rich. So that night Xerxes sent one of his commanders, named Hydarnes, with the Immortals through the secret pass. Leonidas had the Phocians guarding the pass, but at the sight of the Persians, all the Phocians left. Once Leonidas heard about this he told all the Greeks to go home. He told them this becuase either he wanted them to be able to fight another day or becuase he didnt think they deserved to die with the Spartans. But the Thespians stayed eventhough they knew they were going to die. The Thespians never get credit for staying on the last day. Also Leonidas forced 400 Thebans to stay and fight. So on the final day, there were around 1,400 Greeks against about 170,000-220,000. Which means the Greeks killed around 80,000 persians in 2 days. During the battle, once all their spears had been broken, the Spartans fought with their short swords, once those had been broken they fought with their hands and teeth. Near the end of the battle Leonidas was killed, so Dienekes (a Spartan) fought to his body with other Spartans but were pushed back three times and on their fourth attempt, they recovered his body and retreated to a hill behind the Phocian wall. It was here that all the Greeks were killed by arrows, javalins and stones. It was around the time the Leonidas died that the Thebans surrendered. Now Leonidas wanted the Greeks to remember the Spartans but I say also remember the Thespians becuase they didnt have to stay and fight with the Spartans but they did and died becuase of it.
Also since you have seen the movie which was awesome. Many of the lines were taken from the history books. Like the line "then we will fight in the shade" was said by a Spartan. And "come back with your shield or on it" was said by a Spartan mother, telling it to her son. Leonidas replied "Molon Labe" which means "come and take them" to the Persians when they asked the Greeks to lay down there weapons.
Also the Persian messenger that was kicked down the well, really happened. Only it happened about ten years earlier at the start of the Persian War.
2007-03-12 20:31:28
answer #7
answered by josh m 2
The Battle of Thermopylae
2007-03-12 19:42:49
answer #8
answered by Celeste P 7
I want to tell you that there is a problem in this story coz we all know that the best soldiers in the world are from egypt and all people in the earth know that after the famous war of 1973 . i know it's an interesting story to watch in the cinema but if you want to know an interesting ... real interesting history you can search for this war it's really nice .
2007-03-12 19:45:23
answer #9
answered by FASTMOSHEN 2
Battle of Thermopylae. i cant believe that when my brohter asked my 39 year-old-father about the movie, he said that its totally fictional
check this for some more info:
2007-03-12 19:46:03
answer #10
answered by FoxHound 2
2007-03-12 19:44:51
answer #11
answered by Live ♥ Laugh 3