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Well he has been spending a lot of time with this girl he cheated on his ex wife with. They both say they are just friends and such. Actually she is very insitant that they are just friends. She brings it up almsot everytime we talk. He says he could never date her again because she is crazy, which she is and she says she cant deal with him because he drinks to much. Which he does. I just dont know what to think. Is he cheating on me?

2007-03-12 12:22:05 · 34 answers · asked by Jester 5 in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

34 answers

I think you already know what you should do. I think you deserve better than that. He's cheated before and he drinks not good signs of a faithful companion.

2007-03-12 12:29:15 · answer #1 · answered by kitti-kitti 5 · 1 0

im no expert -- but it sounds like they are trying too hard to let you know they're "not interested" in each other.

id have to say they are both lying.

i would tell him its either you, or the crazy chick. he shouldnt be talking to her if he's already cheated with her. its insulting, and kind of like, a slap in the face. unless they have been like, best friends forever, id say something is definitly wrong.

ditch him. you can do a lot better. you need someone you can trust. im sure youre better than all that mess :)

2007-03-13 10:22:10 · answer #2 · answered by girl 7 · 0 0

If he insists she is crazy, and she insists he's a drunk, why do they enjoy each other's company so much? Also, why is she constantly reminding you that they are "just friends"? It sounds pretty obvious that you know the answer to your question. I would not date anyone who insists on hanging out with an ex-lover, and I don't know any woman who would. If you are serious about him, and you are both sexually active, you need reassurance of his monogamy. The girl should be out of the picture.

2007-03-12 12:31:51 · answer #3 · answered by Hazel 3 · 0 0

Two things stand out here. First, her continuing to insist that there just friends would bother me. She's trying to hard, and second if your boy friend thinks she's crazy, then why would he want to hang out with her for? The fact that he cheated on his wife with her would make me feel very uneasy if I were you. I say you give him the ultimatum, her or you.

2007-03-12 12:28:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you need to lay down the law and let him know how the brown cow ate the green grass and made white milk, confront him, he said he could never "date her" that only goes so far, dont forget drinking brings the worst out of people sometimes as well, tell him if he cared about you he wouldnt treat you like his ex wife! good luck! hope this works out for you

2007-03-12 12:25:11 · answer #5 · answered by CuriousGeorge 2 · 1 0

I don't know. But my first instinct is yes he is. Think about it. The same scenario probably happened with his ex-wife, whom I'm sure is crazy, annoying, etc. in your eyes. But they broke up for a bunch of reasons and this stupid girl could be one of them. If this girl is so crazy then why would he want to be friends with her? It all sounds fishy to me. I vote for you to be a big ***** and make him choose.

2007-03-12 12:27:48 · answer #6 · answered by KND 5 · 0 0

If he cheated on his ex-wife with this girl, then it seems like he is a repeat offender. It doesn't sound as though he can be trusted. Time to move on!

2007-03-12 12:25:23 · answer #7 · answered by ladydi_1987 5 · 1 0

Kick him to the curb. They're still and item and he's just saying bad things about her to try to play it down. Find someone who's not a boozehound who respects you. There are good guys out there.

2007-03-12 13:25:47 · answer #8 · answered by lance4uok 3 · 0 0

Once a cheater, always a cheater. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.

2007-03-12 12:31:36 · answer #9 · answered by Pom♥Mom Spay and Neuter 7 · 0 0

since hes spending a lot of time with the girl, y dont u go with them 2 wherever they go

2007-03-12 12:26:50 · answer #10 · answered by amandanl95 2 · 0 0

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