I suggest talking to someone. If it is as bad as you say, you may need to see a psychologist, but most of the time it helps just having a friend or family member to talk to. I understand that its hard to talk sometimes, but if you've ever let something out, don't you feel a lot better afterward because you don't have that thought dragging you down?... I'm gonna have to say that it is all in your head though. It is up to you wether or not you want to help yourself come out of the depression. When you start feeling down, do you dwell on it and make it worse? I used to, and I can tell you that its just not worth it. Why get upset or pissed off or depressed every time something doesn't go right? The universe will still do its thing. It only has to be bad if you make it so... I can understand why you drink, take pills, ect, and most doctors would too, but one thing that helps me is smoking some green. Maybe not legal, but very relaxing and an instant mood lifter: a social drug, if you will.
2007-03-12 12:37:26
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I understand. I have depression problems too. For example I slept for 18 hours out of the day yesterday. I could lay in bed all day. I had an eating disorder too which I probably why I have been depressed. I hold a lot of guilt and shame about that. I am taking an antidepressant/anxiety pill. Maybe you could go see a doctor about that? More and more research is showing that depression is a chemical thing in your brain. So don't beat yourself up. Try your best to take care of the things that you need to take care of. Take care of yourself. Maybe take a nice warm bubble bath with candles and just relax. Eat healthy, get some exercise, get outside and walk, watch a funny movie. Talk to a friend or relative about something happy. I really think you should find someone to talk to about this. I would hate for something serious to happen. I would be happy to talk to you. My email is kalia07dee@yahoo.com. Take care hun! It will get better. It takes work and some time. Soon you will like your life again. Take it slow and be patient. Hang in there.
2007-03-12 12:51:04
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
How long has this been happening? You should really get some help. Don't live through this alone. It is scary for one. You really need to have some support. The drinking, pills, cutting, etc. will not take away the pain, it is only a temporary release. Talk to a doctor, they can send you in the right direction. For now, find a friend or a family member to be with you at all times until you get to the doctor.
2007-03-12 12:31:04
answer #3
answered by elimayme 3
I'm so sorry you feel so bad!
I know it's no consolation but you are in no way alone. Many people feel like you do. Especially today's youth.
I too have your problem.
Have you tried writing? Putting all your pain and angst on paper can help. Especially when you read it back to yourself and are satisfied that you have successfully captured your feelings on paper. Keeping a journal of your feelings and reading over them as time passes can help you see patterns in your life that could lead you to some answers. The only way out of your depression is to THINK your way out of it.
I know that when you feel as bad as you do, NOTHING seems to offer a solution but I can assure you from personal experience that drugs are NOT the answer. In the long term they will only make things worse.
Without drugs you have a viable way of getting through the fog. With them you thicken the fog.
Please believe me! I have done all the drugs – ALL of them – and they only make you worse.
No, I'm not one of those wide-eyed, smiling born-agains. I still smoke the occasional joint but even pot can screw you up. LIMITED use can ease the burden of existence – but I stress 'LIMITED'.
In the end it has to be said; There is no easy answer to your dilemma.
I wish you the best of luck getting through this.
PS: Everyone above has offered excellent advice. Respondents have shown that they care and they don't even know you! There is a collective out there that really understands you and feel for what you are going through. On some level we are all going through this together.
A BIG cyber-hug from me! We're thinking of you.
2007-03-12 13:02:50
answer #4
answered by ZZ9 3
well this right now is a very depressing time of year....the end of winter and a lot of people are depressed your not alone. I know it is hard, but you need to stay REALLY busy so you don't cut and drink. Drinking is only going to make it worse hon. it is a depressant. And we all know cutting doesn't solve any problems. If it doesn't go away go to the doctors or a therapist.
Good Luck!!!
2007-03-12 12:50:03
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Hang in there take it easy. You are coming back to face reality after being in an escape pattern where you were facing nothing. You might wish to contact a local AA or NA group for help and support.
2007-03-12 12:45:23
answer #6
answered by don n 6
Please sweetheart, find an adult you can trust and let them know. If you are an adult, you may want to contact the mental health helpline if there is one in your area. If not then see your general practitioner, or family doctor to let them know, so they can refer you to a good therapist or psychiatrist. If it is super bad and you think you are going to lose it, hurt yourself or someone else, then go to your nearest emergency room.
You need to talk to someone, preferably a professional, even a minister, clergy, priest, or rabbi can help in these situations.
Just please get yourself some help.
I wish I was there to give you a big hug or something.
This is no time to be alone. I have been there myself also.
2007-03-12 12:40:52
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Hi..... .. i don't have an answer... . ... i just wanted you to have another email,...and know others are thinking of yo at the moment....
..sometimes, for me, just having a few moments to put my mind on some little thing like a letter...or an email...or my dog...or the phone,.. helps me get by
sometimes that's all it took to get through the chaos in my head...
here's an invitation... consider this for a bit... this many people unknown to you, have sent you energy, empathy, compassion, love, feelings, and respect..................
if strangers care in such a way, consider how much the one's who love you personally, care, and love, and would help... if you gave them the chance.........
there is some realistic and logical and intelligent council up above this 'answer'....
deploy it.....employ it.....consider it
2007-03-12 14:04:33
answer #8
answered by olddogwatchin 5
In a word, specific! that's no information that some human beings in a rehab for alcohol abuse have tried that one. there is the two a actual and psychological dependence for persons who abuse/have a topic with alcohol. that's probable a mix of the two that would have them drink the mouthwash. in the event that they did no longer have one or the two one among those dependencies, they does no longer do it, on an identical time as quickly as.
2016-10-18 05:36:49
answer #9
answered by ? 4
gee im sorry to hear that. if this was like a long time thing, it helps if you can talk to someone about it. preferably someone you can trust with your heart...but if that doesnt work, its best to get professional help. let at least someone know whats going on. best wishes to ya =)
2007-03-12 14:02:05
answer #10
answered by Banana Hero [sic] 7