It is called hygroscopic salts,This is the salt in the sand which builders use to make cement with,Don't worry about it no harm will come from it as the wall dries it will fade away.
2007-03-12 11:45:11
answer #1
answered by taxed till i die,and then some. 7
Its called efflorescence. Its salt leaching out of the bricks. They were probably wet when the wall was built and as they dry out the salt in the bricks comes out as white powdery stuff and stains the brickwork. As it weathers down it will disappear and as the bricks dry out fully. It looks bad but is a natural thing that happens with many new brick built buildings. Hope thats helpful.
2007-03-12 11:52:46
answer #2
answered by JENNIFER 3
It's called latiscence, and is caused by salts in the clay of the bricks and mortar coming to the surface as the wall dries out. Use phosphoric acid to remove it
2007-03-12 11:43:36
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Its called effervescence and is caused by the salts in the bricks leaching out. It is perfectly normal and can be removed by brushing when dry. It will probably keep re-appearing until all the salts have gone.
2007-03-12 22:07:02
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I am assuming its brick, and that where the line is the ground level(actually water). What you have is called foscfouresence. spelled it wrong but what it is water reacting to the chemicals in the concrete. You need to find the source of the water and remove it. Check gutters, downspouts, drainage direction and make sure your builder waterproofed it correctly.
2007-03-12 11:45:01
answer #5
answered by Ann S 3
As many answers say, it's called effervescent, they did not say " don't try washing it off" as this will only make it worse, use a dry broom or a hand brush and it will eventually go away.
2007-03-13 13:25:06
answer #6
answered by John L 5
don,t worry it,s only salt coming out of the brick it look,s unsightly but it will weather off in time.
2007-03-12 11:53:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous