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How good is the quality of danze bath faucet? I have only recently heard of this brand but like their opulence model. I am more familiar with Price Pfister, Moen, Delta...
What is your experiece with Danze? Will it hold up over time? Thanks.

2007-03-12 10:58:50 · 3 answers · asked by Steve P 5 in Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

3 answers

Danze are a high quality European made line of faucets. In general they are better made than the ones you list. Most are made of solid metal castings unlike many American made ones. I would consider them lifetime faucets. One very good quality US manufacturer is Kohler in their upper end series. Don't get me wrong, I have installed hundreds of Moen, Delta and PP fixtures, they have some very good stuff and I often recommend them to customers. But for real bullet-proof quality you can't beat many of the Euro makers like Grohe, Hans Grohe or Danze. Example: just the tub spout for one of the Euros weighs more than the entire faucet of the makes you list.

The only issue you may run into with Danze is they are so new to the US (2000) that repair/replacement parts might be harder to come by than for something made here. I have installed a few of their high end products but don't know off hand where to get parts if I need them but by their quality they probably won't need any for several more years.

Good Luck!

2007-03-12 13:24:05 · answer #1 · answered by Pat C 3 · 0 0

Even better then Delta and Moen are the Old Chicago Faucets.

These are commercial grade and most parts are interchangeable with each other.

2007-03-12 18:47:59 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

never herd of them go with what you know mien is number 1 and delta is number 2 very good life time warranty can't get any better than that i have moen and i love them

2007-03-12 18:31:28 · answer #3 · answered by kitty 6 · 0 0

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